Hier, von BALORAN SAS:
"The River Reservation
Polyphonic Analog Multi-Synth Synthesizer
This product is a reservation for "The River" the first batch of twenty "The River".
The booking will start on July 1, 2017 and will be stopped once the twenty bookings have been reached.
The price of "The River", excluding postage, is fixed for this first batch at 4200€ excluding VAT or 5040€ VAT 20% include.
The amount of the deposit is 2000€, it will finance the purchases necessary for the production of the first batch.
The method of calculating the Paypal commission is really not favorable to flows of non-smoothed cash, I ask if possible to favor the bank transfer or the check because 3.4% of a The River is not nothing

The reservation will be effective once the deposit is received. If payment of the deposit is not received within 10 working days, the order will be canceled and the reservation made available to other buyers. An invoice will be issued upon validation of the deposit.
If the success of this reservation does not allow to finance the assembly of the first batch, Baloran SAS may decide not to start the production. All the sums paid will be reimbursed, without penalty to the charge or the benefit of the customer.
After assembly and testing, the customer will be notified individually. The River will be held at the address of Baloran SAS subject to the validated settlement of the balance.
The last "The River" must be delivered no later than March 1, 2018. On this date, the customer of an undelivered copy will be able to cancel his order and be fully reimbursed the deposit paid, without penalty to the charge or the benefit of the customer .
A transport of The River can be organized, via a specialized carrier, in packages on pallets, with or without flight case. The transport charge and / or box will be charged in addition.
For this first batch, The River is exclusively reserved for the French market or European neighboring countries. It will be adapted only to the 220-240 V electrical network. Any order for another destination will be rejected.
The River is guaranteed 2 years, parts and labor, return workshop. It is important not to lose sight of the artisanal character of the instrument and of the company Baloran SAS: we are not able to take care of the logistics and return / shipping costs associated with such an instrument.
In the event of a major design issue for The River, one and only one return of the machine will be supported by Baloran SAS for instrument upgrade.
Some malfunctions can be solved by a partial disassembly / reassembly performed by the customer to avoid a complete return of the machine. If the client prefers a return Workshop, he will have to take care of it.
A few weeks after the reservation, two or three presentation options will be offered. Wood sidewall treatment will also be customizable.