Leider hab ich nichts darüber gefunden, wie er genau diesen Song aufgenommen hat.
Ich meine den höheren Pad-Sound. Kann natürlich gelayert sein mit mehreren Synths.

Steht hier doch deutlich geschrieben:

[...] I borrowed a second OB8, loaded my same sounds and added this to the final session. In the control room I set up the main OB8 with the DSX and its sequence I was living with for a few months. Along its side was the second OB8. The 30 min piece was then created in one pass as I was interacting with the main OB8-DSX, breathing life into the sound mantra, shaping with the micro subtle changes I spoke of and also adding some distant harmonies on the second OB8. [...]


Das, und der Lexicon 224, dürften integraler Bestandteil des Sounddesigns und des Stückes selbst sein.

Steht hier doch deutlich geschrieben:

[...] I borrowed a second OB8, loaded my same sounds and added this to the final session. In the control room I set up the main OB8 with the DSX and its sequence I was living with for a few months. Along its side was the second OB8. The 30 min piece was then created in one pass as I was interacting with the main OB8-DSX, breathing life into the sound mantra, shaping with the micro subtle changes I spoke of and also adding some distant harmonies on the second OB8. [...]


Das, und der Lexicon 224, dürften integraler Bestandteil des Sounddesigns und des Stückes selbst sein.

Nein, da geht es nicht um den Song Reflection, der auf dem Original-Abum nicht dabei war.

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