Moin Leute,
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M Firmware Host 1.05 DSP
The System FW version now is 1.05 and DSP FW is 1.04. Changes and bugfixes below:
System FW 1.05 :
- Fixed Mode behavior for parts 2,3,4 issues in multi-mode (UI too). Now definitely, only the first Part will be in Modern Mode.
- Fixed Mode state on load - now is coherent and independent for all parts in both single and multi-mode.
- Fixed bug with switch OSC Mode through parameter encoders.
- Fixed part voice stealing setting in Multi-Mode
- Added reaction to CC 7 (Vol) and CC 10(Pan). Now it changes instrument volume (VCA Volume) and Pan accordingly.
- Added option to fast load patch (Single Sound only)
- Added CC_ALL_NOTES_OFF message processing
- Optimised MIDI CC processing
Brand new features designed after user requests :
- Added customizable random init functionality.
- Added support of 3 new modulators - Inverse, CoinFlip, Random
DSP FW 1.04
-fixed issue with global LFO + glide overhaul
-added support of 3 new modulators (each is static during note On and fired once at Gate On) :
1. Inverse - -1.0 / + 1.0 each new note
2. CoinFlip - Coin toss with results 0.0 1.0 (equal of min or Max) each note
3. Random - random value between -1.0 and 1.0 each note
A word about random init - This is Lazy Sounddesigner in the M

Gheist in der Machine. If you press Shift+Cancel and then Recall (instead of Regular Shift + Recall) - the patch will be initialized with random drift of settings. The spread of randomness could be preset in the Options - there is a new page RND Init.
The settings are next :
Enable Mod RndInit - control whether all mod sources amounts and control will be randomized or stay as in the default. Useful if one does not want to have ALL modulators randomly init.
LFO,ENV,OSC,WAV,MIX,VCF,VCA RndInit spread - set in percent 0-100 the possible drift from default for according section of sound. The more spread - the more result will differ from regular init.
My beloved settings are the next :
Enable Mod RndInit - yes;
LFO RndInit Spread - 47;
ENV RndInit Spread - 12;
OSC RndInit Spread - 82;
WAV RndInit Spread - 24;
MIX RndInit Spread - 67;
VCF RndInit Spread - 26;
VCA RndInit Spread - 21.
These settings will allow sound to not drift so far from unusable, however far enough to produce cool valuable results (at least to my taste). And of course, as they are settings - could be stored. So one need to tune them once at the taste and then use Patch Random init as creativity implant
A word about the new 3 modulators :
1. Inverse - -1.0 / + 1.0 each new note. It is global (i.e. affect all parts if used). Starting from -1 and then each new note in any part will invert to +1 and again and again and again. Could be used to simulate PPG Stereo Basis very easy

as pan mod + a certain amount which actually act then as Basis pot on the PPG.
Effectively, you can take into account this as a switch between -64 and 63 switching once for each new note and staying with the note until the note will be retriggered.
2. CoinFlip - Coin toss with result 0.0 1.0 (equal of min or Max) at each note. A source of uncertainty
Effectively, you can take into account this as a switch between 0 and 63 with a probability of 50% of each, changing for each new note and staying with the note until the note will be retriggered.
3. Random - random value between -1.0 and 1.0 for each note.
Effectively, you can take into account this as a source of something between -64 and 63, changing for each new note and staying with the note until the note will be retriggered.
So it's kinda per voice modulator, fired once at Note On, and does not change during note play.