1 GB ist aber für Drum/Percussion Samples 'n bisschen viel, irgendwie wahrscheinlich kontraproduktiv - Wie willste da die Übereicht behalten? Mal abgesehen davon dass es für die Sammlung von Samples ja Festspeicher in PC und Co gibt.
Edit; Hab noch mal im Elektron Forum geschaut:
Q: What is this 'Digital engine'?
A: The digital engine refers our high quality sample playback engine. We have taken great care in our implementation to ensure that samples are played back and transposed in a musical and great sounding way.
Q: Are those pads or buttons?
A: They are high grade plastic, laser engraved, button caps that allow themechanical RGB illuminated switches underneath to shine through. The switches are quality mechanical linear action key switches that will last a very long time, and feel great to use.Q: Is that an OLED screen?A: You bet. It is a contrast rich OLED screen with a 128x64 pixel resolution.The GUI is designed from scratch for the Digitakt and the new screen.
Q: This is just a small boat, where is our flagship?!
A: Why not both? We have not stopped working on 'big' projects.With the Digitakt we are finally dipping our toes into a more economic and simple instrument, which is something we have been thinking about doing for a long time.
Q: So what's in it for me, who already owns This or That?
A: It all depends on your workflow and preference.The Digitakt offers a streamlined approach to the Elektron workflow, and a clear set of functionalities thatwill allow you to focus on your creative goals.For those who want to just sit down and make beats, compose and play around with samples and sampling -the Digitakt will be perfect. The simple, yet very competent functionality and the small, yet rugged footprint makes the Digitakt an apt companion for both your bedroom and the club.
Q: Is the sampling fast and straight forward?
A: Yes!
Q: What about the MIDI sequencer, is it polyphonic?
A: The MIDI sequencer has the samegreat features found in our Analog series, such as Trig Conditions and Parameter Locks. It features a +3 note offset on every step so that you can sequence chords. (Up to four notes)Q: Mono? 8 tracks? 64MB? Isn't that a bit meager for 2017?A: The Digitakt is designed for working with drums, both in one shots and sample chains. The mixingper track is in stereo, so you will be able to spatialize you drums to your heart's content.The Digitakt also has a Project structure, which means that you have 1GB of storage to load 64MB of samples to each project. Loading and saving projects is a breeze, and will keep things tidy for you.Regarding the track count, keep in mind that these are 8 sample tracks of our Elektron signature sequencer,with all the bells and whistles from its bigger siblings. Each step can be locked with a different sample and parameters.We work with proper embedded processors and hardcore programming to achieve a stable and extremely responsive instrument. We believe that hardware should be hardware, and not a computer in a shiny case.
And lastly, there are more details to come. See you in April.
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