Hüllkurven Reverse

Na noch hab ichs nicht ;-)

Btw. Harvestman Double Andore schaut in der Richtung vielversprechend aus, muss mich mal genauer damit beschäftigen was das Modul können soll:

The shape control lets you select one of 16 curves. The nearby knob selects the curve, and it can optionally do a piston-style interpolation between adjacent curves (just in one dimension).

The envelope can run in AD, AHD, and LFO mode. I'm also working on a bonus mode that lets you use the CV input to shape an incoming CV using the onboard curve tables.

The envelope shapes can be written with the wave256 software, and you can have different curves for each side of the module if you write it that way.

Ich hoffe Q960 bekommts bald :)
hot :adore:


gibts ein bildchen vom modul ? preis ?
