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(add one if you like..)

  • Synth gatherings..

- Swiss Synthesizer Meeting (Oct / jeden Oktober)

- Happy Knobbing Modular Meeting Germany
- modular meeting (happy knobbing) pics and videos are here.

- Synthesizer Park cologne 1+2 pics

the modular synth events / modular meeting pics..

more analog synthesizers ...

(a list of some systems, you may miss MOTM, serge, wiard or blacet ? formant? livewire?, planB?, cotk .. others?
thats almost because I did not enter them into the DB so far or simply have no pictures - most of them will follow! - I am working on it .. will be done sooner or later.. nevertheless you will find info about them - of course I do not see any chance in getting photos of systems like serge or wiard.. enjoy what is here..) MODULAR..

browse through
Analog Synthesizers
Drum Machines



ask everything in the forum this is for help and discussion!
please do not email privately for tech,gear and synth questions!

Moog (Modular)


the Moog modular Modular 55 & PPG Modular
how connect MOOGs to other CV synths?
(voltage to switched trigger interface DIY) here

very big closeup pics MOOG + PPG MODULES modular /
grosse portraits des ppg modular (moog modular compatibel)

moog 55 modular
mixed ppg & Moog modular (compatible: ppg did those modules as an alternative to the big moog modulars..)


(modded/modifizierter) Prodigy,

Moog 55 / PPG Modular (Film/Movie!)

MF102 Ringmodulator
Tests (hier!)/Audio -- see this review / test for audio!!..

Schaltplan / schematic:
Moog Source & Moog Liberation
includes:(interessanter(interesting Ringmodulator!)

MOOG MODULES (Modular) closeups

moog minimoog
MF102 und MF101 Moogerfooger Tests
Moog35/ PPG Modular (Film/Movie!) und mehr..

one of the first VOYAGER owners' report (warning: strong affective binding to the product) here
polyfusion modular polyfusion
French Synthesizers since 1970 by
Ruben & Serge Fernandez
find more infos and pics here

RSF Kobol Synthesizer


Korg MS series normal & "Rack"ed??.. Korg MS20/ MS50 Rack
Korg Polysix
and lots more..

alternative ms20-type synths?
analogue vostok, the modular ms20 / ems aks? check analogue systems in the menu..

ms20 , ms50 , sq10
cwejman S1? the swedish better ms20? semi modular system from sweden.. check this..
Formant Modular (opened) + ICA modular..

list of modulars, tips on modular synths/URLs

Formant Modular

liste von verschiedenen modularsynthesizern und URLs und DIY links..
Modular SYNTH DIY-Projekt!!

Der Modular-Synthesizer
der foruModular "selbstbau"-synth, den wir (EK und internes forum / thomas von anyware und moogulator (diese site!)) selber aufbauen, inzwischen gibt es einen funktionierenden prototypen ;)

Der SELBSTBAU SYNTHESIZER Forumsynth aus dem Forum (Forumodular)

80 of them made: SIMPLESIZER, ein einfacher monophoner analoger zum gemeinsamen aufbauen!

fertig, bis aufs design ;) ! - nächstes/parallel laufendes projekt.. SIMPLESIZER!

HDB audio = Vermona
there are some older machines by TBS / MAM that are manufactured / developed by HDB / Vermona! such as the DRM1 / ADX (quite close to the drm1) and more..

NEW SYNTHESIZER monopolyphonic , a bit like korg monopoly and oberheim 4 voice with very sophisticated FM capabilities!! the per4mer

Filter & Phaser (DAF1, PH16)
Audiodemo / Test/Review (deutsch!)
part (filters) of the "Mephisto"/Filter des "Mephisto"

review:Ringmodulator RM1

Vermona DRMmk2 Drumsynthesizer
Sounds&Test Test/Review (deutsch!)

info..(all Analog Synthesizers here/pur analog hier!)!!
features MP3s of the "M.A.R.S"..hier/here!
(einer der ersten 5 Prototypen!)

Per4mer (perFOURmer)-
monopolyphonic synth with OSC&VCF-FM

perfourmer synthesizer
Analog Drumsynth DRM1 mk2 test & sounds
M.A.R.S Analogsynth mp3&info hier/here!

Mephisto wirds NICHT geben..
aber der per4mer, ein MonoPoly / four-voice ähnlicherwelcher!
Mephisto will NOT come, but per4mer


find them all here from System 100 to V-Synth..

(audio,review & pics),
Test/Review zum SH101 hier!

info pics & infos (modification): Roland SH-5,
Roland Modulars 700,100

special:"Rob Acid" Roland TB303

-->Roland Drumcomputer
TR series.. TR606,TR707,TR909, etc..

roland sh5
Roalnd SH5 one of Rolands all time cool sounding synths.. thanks to its BPF.. (track is in the roland section)..
TRICK: speed up an LFO to audio speed and use it on filter FM!! (jupiter 4 style) here!!

Reviews und Audiodemos Roland SH101 (german review&mp3) hier!

the analogue CS series from to CS01-CS80
CS01, now with self-oscillating filters (modification), planned: ringmod!/subosc.

-RX drummachines (RX5) +
yamaha 02R mix
-FM synthesizers (english)

deutsch - hier: dx200 (deutsch/german), rs7000 (deutsch/german),
spx900 FX (deutsch/german)

yamaha cs01 - the CS series

prophet 5
Pro One
DSI evolver
- how to make your own sounds..

DSI - Dave Smith Instrments

prophet synthesizers..

DSI - Dave Smith Instrments
Evolver Series
Macbeth Studio Systems
really a minimoog?
M3X , M5
macbeth m3x
Auralesque auralesque synthesizer
  • ARP Synthesizer


  • Rhodes Chroma
  • ARP 2600
    Marion Systems all real Oberheims they are all here!!....

    Oberheim Xpander

    Oberheim Matrix6 , Matrix 6R, Matrix1000
    access programmer
    Marion Systems MSR2 / ProSynth

    Oberheim Prommer - progging/burning sound for lots of the 80ies drum machines..!

    see pictures, a test, audiofiles, the opened Xpander movie and images, some tricks and more..
    (differences Matrix12 vs. Xpander)

    Kleine Bildergallerie/Info.und ein paar Daten.
    Film vom offenen Xpander!Audiodemo (mp3) und
    Patches unter Audio/Download/Patches!
    Xpander Test / Review

    wie funktioniert / what is SoftSync? Oberheim SEM Filter:
    siehe/see Andromeda A6 (click here)!

    oberheim ob mx <-- OB Mx

    Oberheim Xpander
    DAS Analogschlachtschiff! / THE Analogue Flagship

    oberheim xpander


    2 VCOs + 2x Sub
    Noise, Ringmod
    syncable OSCs..

    morphable filter from lpf to hpf by CV..

    semtex by anyware.

    Semtex XL Synthesizer
    banana by EEH
  • sherman

  • sherman filterbank 2!
    sherman filterbank

    rs integrator modular synth by
    analogue systems UK
    the rs-integrator and another british synthesiser (!)
    Oxford Synthesiser Company OSCar

    elka synthex

    siel opera 6 - 3 LFOs italian synth - ssm chips.

    Future Retro 777
    Technosaurus Selector modular system
    & Microcon II

    Octave Cat,

    russian Synth..

    also: studio electronics synthesizers

    cwejman? the swedish ms20?
    analogue vostok, the modular ms20 / ems aks? and the frostwave resonator has the ms20 filter section here

    future retro 777
    MFB - Fricke

    mfb synth & mfb synth lite ,

    mfb synth II

    32step drumcompupter mfb502

    mfb synthesizer & drumcomputer
    and new spectralis (or spectrolin) from radical technologies analogue filterbank synthesizer..
    radikal spectralis

    32track sequencer, 3 VCOs,FM,crossmod etc...

    radical spectralis
    new prototype!.. info is here


    Fairlight, Synclavier, Waldorf Wave, Yamaha VL1,
    Jellinghaus DX7 programmer..

    neuronal synthesizers, physical modeling.. hi-end systems..

    NED synclavier
    Sennheiser Vocoder
    vocoder page
    8bit sound

    C64 / elektron sidstation

    ninetendo gameboy

    elektron sidstation - C64 sound synthesizer

    1020, Wavecomputer, etc..
    -> PPG 100 modular

    and of course the PPG wave series...

    ppg modular big system - here!

    ppg 1020
    Theiss Modular
    new modules & pricelist from Horst Theis! here now!
    neue preisliste und MODULE!!
    theiss modular  theis

    VCS3 / Synthi A / AKS

    video synthesizer
    synthi E

    and more..

    ems vcs3 the putney
    Alesis Andromeda (A6)
    Real Analog Synthesizer

    about: the Oberheim SEM Filter, what is SoftSync? Was ist/Wie funktioniert Softsync? Oberheim SEM Filter

    useful apps, tricks, how to determine the OS?, resetting the A6, the development of the A6, moog modular vs. andromeda or: the andro has 904 and 921 modules inside.. etc...

    Alesis A6 / Andromeda
    trix: fetter / voller sound (ein programmiertrick)

    links zu A6 Sounds/Demos/Tricks/mp3's
    (wie bekomme ich sehr schnelle LFOs,RAM Cards?, Processor speed?, welches OS is drin?, resetting A6,und mehr..)
    Was ist SOFT-SYNC? Infos zum Oberheim SEM Filter, Entwicklungsinfos..

    A6 only track? ConseQuence TRACK "future" DOWNLOAD hier/here


    How does it work? Softsync and lots of Tricks, Randomizer App for MAC etc..

    hints & links..
    Ensoniq SQ80/ESQ1/ESQm-Tricks
    hyrid synth (the filters are analogue/OSCs: digital). english: here
    how is it done, the conseQuence CD "volition" and the track to track transitions. some sort of wave sequences.. here: here
    ensoniq sq80
    eine Art Wavesequence (naja sowas ähnliches) mit nur einem Tastendruck
    Besonders in den Übergangstracks habe ich diesen SQ-Trick besonders viel eingesetzt.. wie sind die rhythmischen sounds gemacht die auf ConseQuencE! "volition" CD sind? / wie funktioniert das technisch?
    deutsch hier: CONSEQUENCER
    BLACET Modular

    BLACET Module (Klangwerk, Filter und Time-Machine as mp3 from Olivier "Sägezahn" Gerber

    This is the Bacet Modules Final Filtre, Klangwerk and Timemachine..

    and Auralesque Semimodular Synth

    Blacet Modular ...
    Blacet Modular only- btw: with self oscillating filters: do not expect the "filter" sound here, it's the oscillator in this demo..

    Es sind wirklich nur Blacet-Module. Das Selbstoszillierende FinalFiltre dient als "Oszillator". (Also das mir keiner auf die ID kommt das man da einen Filtersound wirklich hört ;-))
    there is an extra Waldorf area in the DIGITAL Synth Menu..
    most waldorfs are digital!!..
    ok, the WALDORF Q+ is hydrid find out about it and the new OS3.5/and above here
    what Curtis or ssm or Motorola Chip / DSP do you find in what Synthesizer?

    welche Chips in welchem Synthesizer?
    (DSPs/ CEM / SSM)

    what / welcher DSP in what VA /in welchem VA-Synthesizer?

    .will ich sehen!! /hier - go there,now!

    microwave 1 warranty void :-)
    analog oder digital? hier findest du einen sound, der auf einer menge analoger, digitaler (und soft) -synthesizern reproduziert wurde zwecks Vergleich zu hören sind.. das ist auf der site von znarfelectronix "Spätzle"'s Site.. hingehen

    ideen und mehr..

    english version..

    manufacturers URLs here:

    (davon viele auch hier zu finden) gibt es u.a. von /
    you can get modular synthesizers from these companies, lots of them listed here in the moogulatorium..: I listed the highlights..
    Analogue Systems, Blacet, Buchla, Cyndustries, Doepfer, Serge, Encore Electronics, Evenfall, Metasonix, Modcan, MOTM, OakleySounds, Paia,, Technosaurus, Wiard, Analogue Solutions.. here's their URLs:
    find ALL URLs of modular analogue synthesizer manufacturers here!

    URLs von herstellern analoger modularer synthesizer

    pic: Emu Modular

    emu modular
    Emu Modular ..
    want more about Emus Modular?.. click on it..

    Vac TUBES filters, ringmodulators and VCOS.. Metasonix

    Legendary Drum Machines
    by Roger Linn & Emu Drumulator

    more drum machines..
    some drum dinosaurs: pearl syncussion & EH drm16

    -->Roland Drumcomputer
    TR series.. TR606,TR707,TR909, etc..

    father of
    the LINN DRUM
    Linn Drum Machine
    Akai MPC Series..
    akai mpc

    first there are jomox,they did the fab SUNSYN (audiodemos? here), that is an 8 voice real analogue synth of modern times. so it's the hardest andromeda compatitor atm among the NEW real analog synths!
    it has even real analogue envelope genereators, and a special filter: you got four 6pole filters (hpf or lpf switchable!) every pole can be adjusted and "morphed". 2 VCOs and 2 digital RCOs with some digital waveforms (atm no modulation of waveforms to make a wavetable scan like the waldorf or ppg synth do, but is planned)

    jomox sunsyn und alesis andromeda A6 im subjektiven vergleich "aus dem kopf" zu lesen hier sunsyn vs. andromeda
    JOMOX Xbase 09 und airbase 99 hier
    airbase and jazbase have been sold out now - xbase went into the last 500pcs production to end that xbase / airbase line after that..

    the drumcomputers and analog sound modules for drumsounds are also very deep and good sounding ones with 16 step tr-style sequencer - you can chain some patterns for longer patterns - mine had some problems when you did not start at the first pattern in that chain, but it is better than others.. (exept the korg electribe, yes!!) .. (plus 3 mono-melodies). has 3 voice polyphony but you can program every step, so you can get an impression of having 16 different snares or bassdrums! one of the best features on the xbase 09 (german info/deutsche info zur Jomox Xbase 09 und airbase 99 hier). the sampled stuff (hihats and some typical stuff) can only played by ONE instrument at the same time! so this is a monophonic "sampler".. dr.walker and some others did a special edition with airbase board inside with some individual samples inside.. well.. you can hear the hihats, but if you want to programm one of the other samples it is possible but not really priority on this machine.. but for the analog sound source: this is the best tr909 replacement one can get right now. airbase (the rack) and xbase audio here

    want another very analogue drumsynth? the fricke mfb502 has very "vintage" but good sounding cr78-kind of feeling.. imo with a bit more punch. built in sequencer. they also did some sort of the future retro 777 - a very small and good sounding synth (called the MFB-SYNTH and mfb synth lite! you will be exited by this little synth..)

    of course I should mention our Semtex synth module quite like a SEM (oberheim),with FM, sync, 2 subOSCs, etc..

    drumsynth? find the vermona drm2 test here (successor of the mam adx 1)! (german) but the sounddemos are free and no matter what language.. more the "new wave style of sound"..
    also find the vermona perFOURmer (per4mer) here, too.. (review and audio) very special synth!.. some sort of monopoly, 4 voice and semi-something-modular ;) think different here!! vermona is a former east german company (indeed it is the haller family).

    the only polyphonic east german (GDR) synthesizer was some sort of a korg poly61 clone. the 6voice 2VCO tiracon 6V, it had digital control quite like the poly61 and poly800 synthesizers from korg.

    the other one is the vermona synthesizer - with a moog ladder and one special feature (see m.a.r.s): glide per VCO (so any of those 2 VCOs could be set a separate glide time)

    not german, but: there is another fine small synth - not hear so far - no hands on so far.. dave smith's evolver! monosynth with lots of envelopes and features close to the prophet VS..
    what is it?

    last but not least: the most and well known modular system manufacturer doepfer! possibly the largest offer of modules ever seen!

    eine kleine site für reparaturen und kleine sequencer.. hier

    from germany..
    NEW: Xbase 999 - has now full Set of 16 Instruments per Pad, Toms, BD;SDs from the xbase 09 and all instruments are polyphonic, the sequencer is still like the xbase 09 one, but "larger" , and 5 external tracks can be controlled by the new xbase 999.
    it's still all analogue exept the hihats etc, which are 8bit samples as you might thinkk ;)
    16 controls, endless encoders and still the very cool step programming for each instrument.. means: you can give each step another set of has a/b mode now, so it is 32steps each of max 128 patterns.. maybe you can still chain patterns together to have 64 or up to 99 steps as on the old xbase.. and replace the sounds via sample dump standard.. not perfect but far better than ever and maybe this features wasn't meant to be used as the electribes "on the fly" sample xchange..
    filter for ext. audio.
    this thing is going to be the real "new TR909"..

    jomox sunsyn
    the jomox sunsyn
    seems final now!!..
    well sounding machine..
    but will be cancelled soon in 2005 or something..

    sunsyn info / big picture
    (deutsch/german) HIER

    jomox xbase
    jomox :
    mbase , dr. walkers xbase edition and the jazbase..
    hier info in deutsch. //
    audio demos of TOKTOK xbase are here

    mehr über jomox drum maschinen und synthesizer
    more jomox drum sounds/drummachines hier / here

    experimental neuronal system
    sold for around 2500 - about 20pcs will be made..
    resonator neuronium
    more on this here: RESONATOR
    VIDEO - HEAR IT - follow the link: or click here

    and basic info on new synthesis product here

    new neuronium version.. click here..
    resonator neuronium
    more german synths..
    Waldorf , Hartmann
    Jomox (this site and more.. Jomox Drums )
    + Jayemsonic , Neuronium
    MFB / fricke
    syntec / banana
    Boehm (Böhm)
    BME / Axiom

    Rüdiger Lorenz / Loran Synth.. (no pic here, unique DIY)
    and more.. most have their own section, use the menu (or click the links) to go there..

    Oszillatoren - Stimmstabilität - wie? was? wieso?

    info by jenzz

    der Silizium-PN-Sperrschichtübergang hat eine Durchbruchspannung um ca. 2mV pro Grad Celsius, aber auch Widerstände und Kondensatoren haben Temperaturdrift. zusammen genommen erfolgt dann drift. durch entsprechende Schaltungstechnik kann man diese Effekte reduzieren (z.B. durch 'beheizte Transistoren' bei Moog).
    Normalerweise wird das mit einem Transisitorarray gemacht (dh: mehrere Tansistoren auf einem Chip zusammen), damit ist dann eine kleine Heizregelung aufgebaut. 1 Transistor dient als Temperaturfühler (2mV/°C!), damit wird ein weiterer Tansistor, welcher so beschaltet ist, daß er ein wenig Verlustleistung hat (= sich erwärmt), gesteuert. 2 weitere Transistoren sind als Differenzpäärchen verschaltet und bilden zusammen mit einem OP-Amp den Logarithmierer für den Oszillator. Dadurch, das alle Transistoren auf demselben Chip sind erwärmt sich alles gleichmäßig bzw. wird duch die Regelschaltung auf konstanter Temperatur gehalten.
    you like presets
    (original factory sound patches)?

    werksklang basis:

    I don't! :)
    try it here:
    for "completeness" I have the Xpander sound online here.. but well, i am not a supporter of using preset patches - I recommend using "init sound" routine! trust me, it's often the most unbiased way of making new sounds you can try to find lots of factory presets here
    einige werksklänge kannst du hier finden.
    deutsche testberichte
    für amazona by moogulator
    digitale und analoge geräte aller art
    effekte, synthesizer, recording equipment tests für amazona geschrieben habe
    NICHT der tests, die hier alle zu finden sind!..
    tests in keys (magazin) habe zzt keine liste, aber es gibt immer mal welche.. zB zum arturia moog V und cs80V oder zum analogue solutions spawn analog synthesizer etc.

    what the hell is a moogulator?
    Agent m00g (Agent moog?)

    this is

    it's about analogue synths here.. this is the menu for the analogue synth section of (german)
    and (english)
    you really want a gear photo of my stuff that I use as conseQuence? or moogulator.. hmm.. this is not a museum of my ego it is a synth site!.. so I make no difference what synth are on this page and if I own them or not - I am sure you do not want to know about possession . but be sure it is not preset or sample CD -user - friendly ...
    I will try to improve this section and update the synth infos as often as possible.. (so you will find lots more than just pictures here!!) and: moogulator or agent m00g is the pseudo for writing here and elsewhere (as a writer/author).. music from moogulator can be found
    here conseQuence here moogulator and here: dada-inn
    Welcher Synthesizer ist das?

    (analog vs. digital)?

    what synth is this?
    ein hör-rätsel
    (Hörprobe hier!) welcher synth mag das sein?

    a little riddle
    this is a maybe somewhat unexpected test for your analogue ears?
    synthesizer magazines:
    (remember those made of PAPER?)
    music + gear - english + deutsche magazine
    Synthesizer Museum
    analogue / vintage
    Synthesizer Links
    online "museum"..
    Modular Meeting "happy knobbing" / germany

    - our first modular synth meeting
    -->> the Modular Pics.. the Gallery..

    videos + Pics by moogulator: video1 + video2

    more pics:
    moogulator, jörg, haesslich , electronic-corp, happy
    video (by kreismeister)
    english + deutsch: review+pics by
    audio + pics collection: aliens project / bernie

    Happy Knobbing Modular Synthesizer Meeting 2006 - germany / FFM-OF

    Info Site Happy Knobbing Modular Meeting


    more pics.. the gallery..

    Synthesizerpark - germany @ c/o pop Panoramahaus, Köln / rechtsrheinisch (Messegelände)

    Synthpark: Video (mp4) Impression at c/o pop

    Eröffnung / Opening c/o pop feat. Emil Schult (Joseph Beuys Schüler, Maler - he influenced Kraftwerk.. er beeinflusste Kraftwerks Texte, kleiner Vortrag von der c/o pop in deutsch/ little speech in german) , Emil Schult part1, part II + nice beams etc.
    --> play Videos with VLC linux, apple os x, os 9 , windows , solaris etc..

    synthesizerpark @ panoramahaus
    von aussen.. "Liebe deine Stadt (love your city)" ;) -->

    Synthesizerpark 2006

    24.Aug. 2006 - cologne / Köln
    @c/o pop Konrad Adenauer Ufer

    more Pics and Videos..
    enlarge pic --> click it!

    MP4 10MB (play with VLC / Quicktime..):

    synthesizerpark2006 MP4


    more images.. / mehr bilder..

    synthesizerpark @ panoramahaus

    Synthesizerpark @ c/o pop
    synthesizerpark cologne
    click upper pic to enlarge..

    Synthesizerpark 2007
    More Gatherings (the World)


    (add one if you like..)

    - Synth DIY UK

    - Dutch Synth Meeting

    - MEME Synth Meeting (Wiard/Serge etc..)

      Synth gathering US

    -AHNE 2005.. & AHNE 2005
    Analog Heaven 2nd Annual New England Meeting
    AHNE (first meeting) - 2004
    ahne = analogue heaven northeast synthesizer meeting.
    AHNE 2006

    -PNW 2006 & Sound Photo PNW
    (Annual Pacific Northwest Synth Meeting)

    AHBA (analogue heaven bay area)
    pics from:
    - 2006 fdiskc
    - 2006 redfish

    the SYNTHESIZER manufacturers and analog synth models on the right that can ALL be found in the - synth database..

    hersteller liste important manufacturers.. synthesizers & software
    - old section - pick manufacturer ..
    the older links (but old html version)

    Ableton Live
    Akai / MPC
    Analog.. (misc./diverse)
    Analog Vintage Synth II
    Analogue Solutions
    Analogue Systems
    Anyware Instruments /
    Bahn Sage
    Banana / syntec
    Bitshift Audio / Phatmatic
    Boehm (Dr.Böhm)
    Celemony Melodyne
    Chips CEM - Curtis
    CMI Fairlight
    Crumar / Bit - Mario Crucianelli
    CV+Gate + Trigger - (analoge spg-steuerung) - (D)
    DIY (+Formant)
    DIY - Menu - Selbstbau
    DSI Dave Smith
    -- SCI Sequential Circuits
    DSP Chips
    Synth-Einsteiger.. (D)
    Electro Harmonix
    EDP Electronic Dream Plant
    Elka (Synthex)
    EML (electronic music lab) / Electrocomp
    Future Retro
    german synths / deutsche synthesizer..
    High & LowEnd Synthesizer
    schnelle Hüllkurven / fast envelopes
    italian synths.. Davolisint / GRS
    Jomox + Jayemsonic Neuronium
    Kawai (Teisco)
    schnelle LFOs / fast envelopes
    Marion Systems
    MFB Fricke
    Modularsysteme (D)
    Modular Hersteller / Modular synth manufacturers
    Moog Module
    Native Instruments
    NED Synclavier
    Oxford synthesiser company / OSCar
    Radikal (raditec)

    --> Synthesizer Main List.. <--

    Reparatur +Bauteile / repair / service
    Rhodes Chroma
    --Roland Drumcomputer
    Powerbook (D)
    Rozzbox (LL electronics)
    Sampler (D)
    Sequential Circuits
    Sequencer - Sequenzer
    Simplesizer (Anyware / DIY)
    SSM Chips
    Studio Electronics
    Symbolic Sound - Kyma - Capybara
    Syntheseformen (D)
    Synthesizers dot com
    Synton (Syrinx)
    Teisco (Kawai)
    uk synthesiser section: edp,skywave,OSC,..
    Virsyn / Cube
    Workshops Synthesizer + Synthese (D)
    Vocoder (real analog list)

    no menu? this is "analog" on .. restart menu click here

    •want a list of all real analogue polyphonic synthesizers?..

    SOME REAL ANALOG (or ANALOG with Hybrid Parts) SYNTHs

    AAC Tiracon6V 1987
    Akai AX60 1986
    Akai AX73/VX90 1986
    Akai AX80 1984
    Akai VX600 1988
    Alesis AndromedaA6 2000
    Analogue Solutions PhobosRedSquare/RedSquare2/RedSquareMK2 2001
    Analogue Solutions Semblance 2000
    Analogue Solutions Vostok 2000
    Analogue Systems RSintegrator/Sorcerer 2000
    Analogue Systems Spawn 2003
    Anyware SemtexXL 2005
    ARP 2500 1970
    ARP 2600 1970
    ARP Avatar 1977
    ARP Axxe 1975
    ARP Explorer1 1974
    ARP LittleBrother 1975
    ARP Odyssey 1972
    ARP Omni/Omni2 1975
    ARP ProDGX 1977
    ARP Quadra 1978
    ARP SolinaStringsSynthesizer 1975
    ARP Solus 1980
    BME Axiom/ModularPM10 1976
    Boehm Soundlab 1979
    Buchla MusicEasel 1972
    Cheetah MS6 1988
    Crumar Bit99/bit01/bitOne 1984
    Crumar DS2 1978
    Crumar Spirit 1983
    Crumar Trilogy 1983
    Curetronic Modular 2004
    Cwejman Modular 2006
    Cwejman S1 2004
    Cwejman S2 2005
    Dave Smith Evolver 2003
    Dave Smith MonoEvolverKeyboard/MEK 2006
    Dave Smith PolyEvolverKeyboard/PEK 2005
    Dave Smith PolyEvolverRack 2005
    Doepfer A100/Modular 1994
    Doepfer MS404 1994
    EDP Gnat 1978
    EDP Wasp 1978
    Eko Ekosynth 1974
    Electro Harmonix Minisynthesizer/Microsynthesizer 1980
    Elektron SIDstation 2001
    Elka EK22/EM22 1986
    Elka Synthex 1984
    EML ElectroComp101 1972
    EML ElectroComp200/ElectroComp300 1969
    EML ElectroComp400/ElectroComp401 1970
    EML ElectroComp500 1973
    EMS Synthi100 1971
    EMS SynthiA/AKS 1971
    EMS SynthiE 1975
    EMS VCS3 1969
    Emu Modular 1972
    Formanta EMS01 1980
    Formanta Polyvoks 1983
    Future Retro 777 1998
    Future Retro Revolution 2005
    Future Retro XS 2006
    Gleeman Pentaphonic 1982
    GRS VCO3 1970
    Jen SX1000 1978
    JoMoX Sunsyn 2000
    Kawai 100F 1980
    Kawai SX210 1981
    Kawai SX240 1984
    Kirovski Ritm2 1984
    Korg 770 1976
    Korg Delta 1979
    Korg LambdaES50 1979
    Korg Maxikorg/800DV 1975
    Korg Micropreset/P500 1974
    Korg Minikorg/700s 1974
    Korg MonoPoly 1981
    Korg MS10 1978
    Korg MS20 1979
    Korg MS50 1978
    Korg Poly61 1982
    Korg Poly800/Poly800II/Poly800mk2 1983
    Korg Polysix/Poly6 1981
    Korg PS3100 1977
    Korg PS3200 1978
    Korg PS3300 1977
    Korg Sigma 1979
    Korg SyntheBass100 1975
    Korg Trident 1980
    Lassence venturyII/ventury2 2003
    Lord Skywave 1978
    Luberetskiy Alisa1387 1982
    Macbeth M3X 2001
    Macbeth M5 2005
    Marion MSR2 1993
    Marion ProSynth 1995
    Metasonix S1000/WretchMachine 2006
    MFB 502 2004
    MFB PolyLite 2005
    MFB Synth1/SynthI 2003
    MFB Synth2/SynthII 2004
    MFB SynthLite/SynthLiteI 2002
    MFB SynthLite2/SynthLiteII 2004
    Moog cdx 1974
    Moog ConcertmateMG1 1981
    Moog Liberation 1981
    Moog LittlePhatty 2006
    Moog Memorymoog 1982
    Moog Micromoog 1975
    Moog Minimoog 1970
    Moog MinimoogVoyager/RME 2002
    Moog Minitmoog 1975
    Moog Modular 1964
    Moog Multimoog 1978
    Moog Opus3 1980
    Moog Polymoog 1975
    Moog PolymoogKeyboard 1975
    Moog Prodigy 1979
    Moog Rogue 1981
    Moog Satellite 1974
    Moog SonicVI/SonicSix/Sonic6 1974
    Moog Source 1981
    Moog Taurus 1976
    Moog Taurus2 1979
    Multivox Firstman Multivox/FirstmanSQ01 1982
    Murom Aelita 1980
    Musonics SonicV/SonicFive/Sonic5 1974
    Novation BassStation/BassStationRack 1993
    Novation SuperBassStation 1997
    Oberheim EightVoice/8Voice 1977
    Oberheim FourVoice/4Voice 1975
    Oberheim Matrix1000 1987
    Oberheim Matrix12 1985
    Oberheim Matrix6 1986
    Oberheim OB1/OBI 1978
    Oberheim OB8 1983
    Oberheim OBMx 1994
    Oberheim OBSX 1978
    Oberheim OBX 1979
    Oberheim OBXa 1981
    Oberheim SEM/SynthesizerExpanderModule 1974
    Oberheim TwoVoice/TVS1/2Voice 1975
    Oberheim Xpander 1984
    Octave CatSRM 1976
    Octave Kitten 1977
    Octave Voyetra 1983
    Polyfusion Modular 1971
    PPG 1003/SonicCarrier 1976
    PPG 1020/1002 1976
    PPG Modular100/Modular300 1975
    Rhodes Chroma 1982
    Rhodes ChromaPolaris 1984
    Roland AlphaJuno2/AlphaJuno1 1986
    Roland CMU800 1982
    Roland CMU810 1982
    Roland HS60/Juno106S 1984
    Roland Juno106 1984
    Roland Juno6 1982
    Roland Juno60 1982
    Roland Jupiter4 1979
    Roland Jupiter6 1983
    Roland Jupiter8 1981
    Roland JX10 1984
    Roland JX3P 1983
    Roland JX8P 1984
    Roland MC202 1982
    Roland MKS30 1983
    Roland MKS50 1986
    Roland MKS7 1985
    Roland MKS70 1985
    Roland MKS80 1984
    Roland Promars/MRS2 1979
    Roland SH09 1978
    Roland SH1 1978
    Roland SH1000 1974
    Roland SH101 1982
    Roland SH2 1979
    Roland SH2000 1973
    Roland SH3a 1974
    Roland SH5 1974
    Roland SH7 1978
    Roland System100 1976
    Roland System100m 1978
    Roland System700 1976
    Roland TB303 1982
    RSF Kobol/KobolII/Kobol2 1978
    RSF KobolKeyboard 1979
    RSF Polykobol/PolykobolII/Polykobol2 1982
    Sequential Circuits Max 1984
    Sequential Circuits Multitrak 1985
    Sequential Circuits ProOne/Pro1 1981
    Sequential Circuits Prophet10 1980
    Sequential Circuits Prophet5 1978
    Sequential Circuits Prophet600 1982
    Sequential Circuits Sixtrak 1983
    Sequential Circuits SplitEight/Split8 1985
    Sequential Circuits T8 1983
    Siel Cruise 1981
    Siel DK80/EX8500 1985
    Siel Opera6/DK600 1984
    Spectral Audio Neptune2 2003
    Steiner Parker Modular 1975
    Steiner Parker Synthacon 1975
    Studio Electronics ATC1/ATCX 1997
    Studio Electronics Omega8 2000
    Studio Electronics SE1/SE1X 2000
    Synthesizers.COM Modular 1971
    EEH Banana 1983
    Synton Syrinx 1983
    Technics sx1010 1980
    Technosaurus Microcon/Cyclodon/Microcon2 1997
    Technosaurus Selector/Modular 2001
    Teisco 100F 1980
    Teisco 110F 1981
    Teisco SX210 1981
    Teisco SX240 1984
    Teisco SX400 1981
    Theis Modular/TMSS 2002
    Vermona MARS 2001
    Vermona Perfourmer 2002
    Vermona Synthesizer 1983
    Waldorf Mug 1995
    Waldorf Pulse 1996
    Wersi BassSynthesizerAP6 1977
    Wurlitzer Orbit3 1970
    Yamaha CS01 1982
    Yamaha CS10 1981
    Yamaha CS15 1979
    Yamaha CS15D 1979
    Yamaha CS20m 1979
    Yamaha CS30 1977
    Yamaha CS30L 1977
    Yamaha CS40m 1980
    Yamaha CS5 1979
    Yamaha CS50 1976
    Yamaha CS50m 1980
    Yamaha CS60 1977
    Yamaha CS70m 1981
    Yamaha CS80 1976
    Yamaha SY1/SY2 1976

    browse through
    Analog Synthesizers
    Drum Machines

    more info on ALL of these synths please go here:

    --> Synthesizer Main List.. <--

    continue.. Part II: and misc analogue synth section
    go to: (moogulatorium II)
    --> page 1 of 2 cont'ed..

    --> Synthesizer Main List.. <--