EVENTS - SYNTHESIZERPARK 2006 @ cologne c/o pop - germany (by moogulator)
htx sunny vollherbst / subraum for bringing the synths to us - danke an sunny für diese nette sammlung - hier zu sehen (mit kamera).. und im video richtig zusehen..
Teisco Synthesizer / Oberheim OB8 - SCI Prophet 5 Analog Synthesizer - SCI Drumtracks and Sunny taking a photo - it's his collection!..
moog minimoog - formant synthesizer - arp axxe + sequencer + odyssey..
the EMS aks synthi
korg 800dv synthesizer - korg ms series - trilogy - korg filterbox (!!) with traveller filters!! (pic coming soon) - jen sx1000 and green coloured Crumar DS2
here's the Cruar DS2 Synthesizer... & Teisco 110F
the socialist room: russian synths and very new ones (Cwejman S1 + Macbeth M5 + MFB Synths..)
der sozialistische raum - völker hört die oszillatoren - vermona - alisa - polyvoks etc..
SCI Pro one - OSCar synthesizer - roland jupiter8 - System 100, Sh1, TR808, Multivox (rare!!), vocoder and more..
Synthesizerpark 2006 24.Aug. 2006 - cologne / Köln VIDEOS MP4 10MB (play with VLC / Quicktime..): hochauflösung - hi res + different from the first one (both mp4 - watch with vlc or quicktime mp4..:
@c/o pop Konrad Adenauer Ufer
see it all in 2 resolutions - 2 auflösungen: