deutsch | english | pics (click the pics ..) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER TYPEN Softwaresynthesizer findest du im Menü, auch wenn viele digitalen auch software sind.. viele arbeiten aber mit speziellen asics (chips), andere sind DSP basierte software, aber dennoch hardware mit knöpfen und display.. Virtuell Analoge Synthesizer (VA)
Hybridsynthesizer Ensoniq ESQ1 und SQ-80 sind synthesizer mit analogen baugruppen (hier filter), werden aber ansonsten digital genannt, daher auch hier zu finden. ROMpler? ein rompler ist eigentlich ein synthesizer,dessen wellenformen aus einem samplevorrat besteht, welchen er aus einem festen speicher (Read only Memory) holt. zB Roland JV und XV Serie, jd800 und Korg M1,Trinity etc.. Sampler - Hardware Sampler ermöglichen das verwenden von digitalen aufnahmen jeder art, also ein ROMpler aber mit eigenen samples, die man über audioeingänge zuführen kann. HardwareSampler Tips..
der DSP / VA / sampler / rompler / digital synthesizer bereich! digital synthesizer auf hardwarebasis, weil es eben auch nicht anders geht:
this is about digital synthesizers, VA (virtual analogue) synths = digitally emulated analogue synthesizers. mostly running on DSPs (motorola or analogue devices "sharc")
romplers = synthesizers, that use samples audio recordings as OSC, some like it, some don't because of the "static behaviour" of sampled oscillators.. but also has advantages like better sounding "natural" sounds etc.. like roland xv,jv and jd series (like jv1080 or jd-800) samplers: well something like romplers, but you can make your own audio samples. but most samplers do not allow sync,fm or ringmod on the oscs.. like akai s and series, emu emulator series etc.. simply synthesizers that can only be digital, like: Creamware Noah! |
DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER Clavia Synthesizer Nord Modular & G2 dave smith instruments - EVOLVER & poly evolver the digital FX in the Ensoniq Fizmo Ensoniq - SQ80 - ESQ1,ESQ-M creamware Minimax ASB is also DIGITAL, Novation Supernova 2 |
Supersaw | the super saw can be found in roland jp8000, vsynth and yamaha an1x/an200 it's very "fat", often used in trance leads.. it's simply more than X saw waves detuned that works as "one waveform".. |
Nenn es wie du willst, diese mehrfache generation von Sägezahn Wellenformen und gegeneinander Verstimmen pro OSC ist zzt in folgenden Synthesizern zu finden: Roland JP8080, JP8000 + Vsynth (ab V2.0) Yamaha PLG-AN und verwandte (An200 etc.) Access Virus TI Serie (Hypersaw) der Sinn? Einfach eine fettere vollere Klangmöglichkeit, da VA ja immernoch nicht so breit klingen kann wie echte analoge. Es klappt ganz gut und wenn man den detune faktor zu hoch einstellt bekommt man die ekligen trance sounds auch hin aus den end90ern und anfang der 2000er. ;) eklig? naa, man kann auch nette Sounds machen, es ist eben nicht mehr oder weniger als eine vielzahl von sägezähnen. ist nix schlimmes ;) |
wie macht man diesen typischen trance lead sound? und womit? kleine anmerkung zur roland jp8000 supersaw (siehe oben) wellenform und wie "DER" trancelead programmiert wird hier |
trance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GROOVEBOX - DRUMCOMPUTER - GROOVEGEAR DRUM MACHINES - digtal groove machines von elektron die grosse Yamaha, SAMPLE GROOVEBOX |
Korg Electribe S infos: hidden functions: (power on pattern&global and global and sample (PL1 is displayed) samples can be imported with a mac oder pc in wav or aif format just rename them to 00.aif to 99.aif (not 1.aif but use: 01.aif!!) you can im/export them via card (carreader cost 50-100€ for mac oder pc often for more then one type (here you need smart media! cameras sometime use another type so check your camera and get one for both!.. same type as yamaha uses on their machine like rs7000 etc..) ![]() the KORG electribe SERIES? go here what is the current OS?: power on + [REC] + [STOP] ... 1.06 seems the current but I could not discover the difference!.. info! from the makers of the machinedrum! 32 step drum machine emulates virtually a 12bit drum source, some classical models of ELECTRONIC drum machines, so it is perfect for those,who want to leave the TR606's and CR78's alone but still want that kind of sound "ethics"... also there are some FX. imagine a dedicated VA for drums! this is it!.. |
LINN DRUM![]() Akai MPC Serie .. by Roger Linn ![]() elektron machinedrum ![]() monomachine..hier! ![]() Yamaha RS7000 ![]() Korg Electribe-Serie / Kaoss Pad |
NEURONALE KLÄNGE? synthesizer auf der basis neuronaler netze - das geht nur digital?
NEURONAL SYNTHS and basic info on new synthesis product here btw: the MORPHEUS does NOT morph! it simply has some filters (14 poles).. a slightly reduced version is available as software incl modelmaker (no reverb / smaller envelope/s) little movie and info on the new neuronal synth! here pdf info the NEURON (hartmann) also as software incl little controller box (mac,pc) |
Model Maker, die software zum umwandeln von samples in modelle für den neuron |
Kyma | modulares system (dsp/computer) hier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NED Synclavier![]() |
01x digital mixing and control surface now it works with osX 10.34 with 2ms latency 8 ins but not enough for surround ,so you need to buy the 8in/8out mlan interface (out since 2004) -works as 8ch audio in interface Yamaha showed the 01x, which is an mlan / firewire remote control AND audio interface and ..bettter check this video:video
<--- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YAMAHA 02R - digital mischpult |
02R go here.. | 02R hier lang.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
studio tools - commander its kein synthesizer. er ist ein controller.studiotools universal controller hat "envelopes" lfo und eben die standards um eben als standard editor fungieren zu können.. wie gut sowas ankommt wird man sehen. gerenell fehlt software aber oft diese art von bedienung.. in sachen VA ist ohnehin eine solche einheits-idee quasi etabliert.. wie man aber die unterschiedlichkeiten dann editiert? konventionell am monitor.. access haben ja auch mal so angefangen.. |
studio tools - commander is not a synthesizer. it is control surface.studiotools universal controller .. well this has "envelopes" and other standard things to be used as a standard editor.. not a synthesizer.. well seems not that important today...? |
![]() |
COMPARED: Waldorf gegen Alesis Andromeda? digital gegen analog?.. oder genauer: hybrid gegen analog |
Waldorf Q+ gegen Andromeda? |
SYNTHESEFORMEN? | mehr dazu hier.. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SYNTHESESPIELEREIEN & trix?? | Trix ansehen! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strings basteln? Physical Modelling? |
karplus strong mit einem einfachen delay, kammfilter oder phaser.. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wie funktionieren.. | wavetablesynthese? digitale filter? |
Sounds fetter (phatter??) bekommen |
hier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sounds morphen? convolve ist da eine ähnliche bezeichung. nicht zu verwechseln mit interpolation oder vorallem irgendwelchen filterkonzepten a la morpheus,welche NICHT morpht!! (er nutzt einfach nur wenige filter , insgesamt 14pol filter) |
dann gibts nur 2 echtzeitsysteme: neuron und kyma (symbolic sound) also software gibts noch morph von prosoniq.. offline: div. sampler und progs wie sonicworx,metasynth (sehr gute qualität, siehe soft-bereich), emu sampler und andere.. |
EBM & Industrial und intelligent electro / Warp tricks / Philosophie - Ratgeber Synthesizer - und Sampler / Programmier -Tricks.. |
EBM / Industrial HIER | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CONSEQUENCE® ENSONIQ SQ80,ESQ1,ESQ-M special tricks.. |
how some rhythmic sounds are made on ConseQuencE! "volition" CD / how they work.. play some Wavesequences (sort of) with only one keystroke
I did use the SQ80 quite extensively especially on those "transition tracks".. |
wie sind die rhythmischen sounds gemacht die auf ConseQuencE! "volition" CD sind? / wie funktioniert das technisch. eine Art Wavesequencen (sowas ähnliches) mit nur einem Tastendruck, der "Consequencer" ENSONIQ SQ80,ESQ1,ESQ-M ![]() |
lustige dinge gibt es.. dieses teil ist kein melotron, es ist ein sampler im melokleid.. bietet multisampling und kommt aus dem umfeld von mario schönwälder "neue berliner schule" sound .. bekannter wird sicher bleiben: der schrittmacher sequencer, siehe sequenzer ecke!!
dieses teil ist das memotron mit CD laufwerk frisst samples wird aber sicher eher ein exot bleiben.. |
SAMPLER? this is a mellotron? hmm it's a clone, basically a sampler with CD slot it offers multi-sample stuff all keys , very very special .. maybe strange.. by manikin / berlin .. mario schönwälder who is one of the "new berlin school" of the older electronic music scene - members .. they also did the schrittmacher sequencer ( see sequencer section for pics and infos..) the look is of course very mellotron-'ish but no tape in here.. |
manikin memotron - "digital mellotron"![]() |
Sequencer infos und ideen.. | Sequencer infos und ideen.. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PPG Wave (OS und Diskformate) |
PPG Wave disk format: here |
PPG Wave disk format INFO HIER
Die PPG Synthesizer finden sich wieder in den Waldorf Synthesizern Microwave 1,2,XT und XTk und Wave .. mehr dazu im Waldorf Menü |
Yamaha DX7II (FD) reading Discs from Mac/PC? |
dx7II formats - go here
Roland JD800 Tricks |
Test routines in the Roland JD800- press dright and left cursor keys AND exit in multimode! the current software-version will be displayed! reach the test routines by bank or number key and simultaneously pressed exit key. some: LEDs (bank 6) and sliders (bank7), rom (bank3), controller / bender (number 1), keyboard (number 3), test tones (number 5) and DA (number 7).. and some more.. | Testroutinen Versteckte Funktionen zum testen im Roland JD800 |
Yamaha DX7II (FD) | Diskformat lesen mit Mac/PC | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chips / DSPs in welchem Synthesizer? |
welche Chips in welchem Synthesizer?![]() |
What ICs /Chips used in what synth? for Filters etc.. (DSPs/CEM/SSM)..
welche Chips in welchem Synthesizer?
(DSPs CEM/SSM) neu: welcher DSP in welchem VA-Synthesizer? .will ich sehen!! |
IDEEN & Tricks |
IDEEN & TRiCKS aller art! synthesizer / sampler /sequencer ![]() |
IDEAS & trixx.. |
Infos, Adressen und Links HIER!! Elektrogemeinschaften aller Art.. |
Synthesizerbezogene Gruppen: HIER |
Patches,Sounds Audiodemos... |
Patches, Sounds und Downloads auch als mp3's .. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Test / Review |
TESTBERICHTE und REVIEWS FÜR amazona digitale und analoge geräte aller art effekte, synthesizer, recording equipment... hier gibts es massig reviews Roland Sh101, den Vermona Synths (Mephisto&Filter&Phaser&M.A.R.S etc..), Absynth (NI), Alesis Masterlink,NordLead3, Moogerfooger,Waldorf Synths, etc etc..gibts alles DA WO ES HINGEHÖRT!! also wenn analog ist es im MOOGULATORIUM!! sonst:.. versuch die suchmaschine !! wie zB Alesis Masterlink (Recorder) |
übersicht der tests für amazona geschrieben NICHT ALLE tests, die hier zu finden sind!.. nur die auf amazona |
kein synthesizer: Multieffekt mini-impression & features, stärken des: yamaha spx900 |
hier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
analog oder digital? | hier findest du einen sound, der auf einer menge analoger, digitaler (und soft) -synthesizern reproduziert wurde zwecks Vergleich zu hören sind.. das ist auf der site von znarfelectronix "Spätzle"'s Site.. hingehen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bahn Sage Synthesizer![]() |
more Info on the Bahn Sage Synthesizer granular + resynthesis, 4 OSCs, LFOs, Formant filters, etc.. click here or click on the image
Resynthese, Granularsynthese, 4 OSCs, LFOs, Formant filter, etc.. |
![]() |
this is a ROUTING machine (british) audio signals that can be assigned in a matrix!! very good idea!!.. -> automatic patchbay. from Synapse shown on the musikmesse frankfurt germany (music fair 2003) |
britisches audio patch gerät - signals that can be assigned in a matrix!! -> automatic patchbay. von Synapse shown on the musikmesse frankfurt germany (music fair 2003) |
8bit sound![]() |
8bit sound |
8bit sound |
WALDORF click for more |
WALDORF click.. ![]() |
du suchst nach werksklängen? presets?.. | hier lang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
service und reparatur? | synthesizer service and repair? check this - eg: weak display? dunkles display? use EL this! |
hier entlang | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Moogulator / ConseQuence Equipment.. | wirklich wichtig?!.. hier ist ein Bild.. |
synthesizer andere kategorien: | |
--> Synthesizer Main List.. <--
who? | model? | synthesis? | voices | made when? |
Virus/VirusA |
subtractive |
12 |
1997 |
Access |
VirusB/Indigo/VirusClassic |
subtractive |
24 |
1999 |
Access |
VirusC/Indigo2 |
subtractive |
32 |
2002 |
Access |
VirusTI/Polar |
subtractive |
80 |
2005 |
Fusion |
multisynthesis |
180 |
2005 |
Alesis |
Ion |
subtractive |
8 |
2003 |
Alesis |
Micron |
subtractive |
8 |
2003 |
Alesis |
QS6/QS7/QS8/QSr |
rompler |
64 |
1996 |
CZ1 |
Phase Distortion |
16 |
1986 |
Casio |
CZ101/CZ1000 |
Phase Distortion |
8 |
1984 |
Casio |
CZ5000/CZ3000 |
Phase Distortion |
16 |
1986 |
Casio |
VZ1/VZ10m/VZ8m |
Phase Distortion |
16 |
1986 |
Clavia |
NordLead |
subtractive |
12 |
1995 |
Clavia |
NordLead2x |
subtractive |
20 |
1997 |
Clavia |
NordLead3 |
subtractive |
24 |
2001 |
Clavia |
NordMicromodular/MicroModular |
modular |
4 |
1999 |
Clavia |
NordModular/NordModularRack |
modular |
16 |
1998 |
Clavia |
NordModularG2/g2x/G2engine |
modular |
16 |
2004 |
Clavia |
Stage |
subtractive |
60 |
2005 |
Minimax/ASB |
subtractive |
12 |
2005 |
Creamware |
Noah |
multisynthesis |
10 |
2002 |
Creamware |
Pro12/ASB |
subtractive |
12 |
2005 |
Creamware |
Prodyssey/ASB |
subtractive |
12 |
2006 |
Creamware |
System1200/ASB |
subtractive |
24 |
2006 |
GDS/Synergy |
multi synthesis |
32 |
1982 |
Audity2000 |
rompler |
128 |
2001 |
Emu |
B3 |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Emu |
CommandStation/XL7/MP7 |
rompler |
128 |
2001 |
Emu |
MoPhatt/PlanetPhatt |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Emu |
Morpheus |
rompler |
32 |
1994 |
Emu |
Orbit |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Emu |
Orbit3 |
rompler |
128 |
2001 |
Emu |
PlanetEarth/Carnaval |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Emu |
Proteus2000 |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Emu |
Proteus2500 |
rompler |
128 |
2001 |
Emu |
UltraProteus |
rompler |
32 |
1995 |
Emu |
XtremeLead1/XL1 |
rompler |
128 |
2001 |
Fizmo |
transwave |
48 |
1998 |
Ensoniq |
SQ/SD1/SD2 |
rompler |
21 |
1991 |
Ensoniq |
TS10/TS12 |
rompler |
32 |
1992 |
Ensoniq |
rompler |
21 |
1989 |
Ensoniq |
ZR76/KT76/KT88 |
rompler |
32 |
1992 |
EVS1 |
FM |
16 |
1991 |
Neuron |
neuronal |
24 |
2003 |
K1/K1m/K1r |
subtractive |
16 |
1988 |
Kawai |
K4/K4r |
subtractive |
16 |
1989 |
Kawai |
K5/K5m |
additive |
16 |
1987 |
Kawai |
K5000/K5000s/K5000w |
additive |
32 |
1996 |
01W/03W/05W |
workstation |
32 |
1990 |
Korg |
707 |
FM |
8 |
1987 |
Korg |
DS8 |
FM |
8 |
1987 |
Korg |
Karma |
workstation |
62 |
2001 |
Korg |
M1/M1R/M3R |
workstation |
16 |
1988 |
Korg |
Microkorg |
subtractive |
4 |
2002 |
Korg |
MS2000/MS2000B |
subtractive |
4 |
2000 |
Korg |
N1/N5/N264/N364 |
workstation |
64 |
1998 |
Korg |
Oasys |
multi synthesis |
172 |
2005 |
Korg |
Prophecy |
multi synthesis |
1 |
1995 |
Korg |
Radias |
subtractive |
24 |
2006 |
Korg |
T1/T2/T3 |
workstation |
16 |
1990 |
Korg |
Trinity |
workstation |
32 |
1995 |
Korg |
Triton/TritonLE |
workstation |
62 |
1997 |
Korg |
WavestationAD/WavestationSR/WavestationEX |
wavesequence vector |
32 |
1990 |
Korg |
X1/X2 |
workstation |
32 |
1994 |
Korg |
X3/X5 |
workstation |
32 |
1994 |
Korg |
X50/microX |
workstation |
62 |
2006 |
Korg |
Z1 |
multi synthesis |
12 |
1997 |
VA1 |
subtractive |
20 |
2004 |
Rozzbox |
subtractive |
5 |
2005 |
Synclavier |
multi synthesis |
128 |
1980 |
aStation/kStation |
subtractive |
8 |
2002 |
Novation |
subtractive |
16 |
2002 |
Novation |
Nova/Nova2 |
subtractive |
12 |
1999 |
Novation |
Supernova |
subtractive |
32 |
1998 |
Novation |
Supernova2/SupernovaII |
subtractive |
44 |
1999 |
Novation |
xStation |
subtractive |
8 |
2005 |
OB12 |
subtractive |
12 |
2000 |
Wavecomputer360 |
wavetable |
8 |
1978 |
Polymorph |
subtractive |
8 |
1999 |
Quasimidi |
Quasar |
rompler |
24 |
1994 |
Quasimidi |
Sirius |
rompler |
28 |
1998 |
D10/D110 |
rompler |
32 |
1988 |
Roland |
D20 |
rompler |
32 |
1988 |
Roland |
D50/D550 |
subtractive |
16 |
1987 |
Roland |
FantomS/FantomX/FantomXa |
workstation |
128 |
2003 |
Roland |
JD800 |
rompler |
24 |
1991 |
Roland |
JD990 |
rompler |
24 |
1993 |
Roland |
JP8000 |
subtractive |
8 |
1996 |
Roland |
JP8080 |
subtractive |
10 |
1998 |
Roland |
JunoD |
subtractive |
64 |
2004 |
Roland |
JunoG |
workstation |
128 |
2006 |
Roland |
JV1080 |
rompler |
64 |
1994 |
Roland |
JV2080 |
rompler |
64 |
1997 |
Roland |
JV80 |
rompler |
28 |
1992 |
Roland |
JV90 |
rompler |
56 |
1994 |
Roland |
MT32 |
rompler |
32 |
1987 |
Roland |
SH201 |
subtractive |
10 |
2006 |
Roland |
SH32 |
subtractive |
32 |
2001 |
Roland |
VP550 |
vocoder |
24 |
2006 |
Roland |
VP9000 |
variphrase |
6 |
2000 |
Roland |
VSynthXT |
variphrase |
24 |
2003 |
Roland |
W30 |
workstation |
16 |
1989 |
Roland |
XP50/XP30 |
rompler |
64 |
1995 |
Roland |
XP60 |
rompler |
64 |
1995 |
Roland |
XP80 |
rompler |
64 |
1996 |
Roland |
XV1010/XV2020 |
rompler |
64 |
1999 |
Roland |
XV3080 |
rompler |
128 |
2000 |
Roland |
XV5050 |
rompler |
64 |
2002 |
Roland |
XV5080/Fantom/XV88 |
rompler sampler |
128 |
2000 |
Chameleon |
multi synthesis |
24 |
2002 |
Kyma/Capybara |
modular |
99 |
2005 |
WSA1 |
physical modeling |
64 |
1995 |
microQ |
subtractive |
75 |
2000 |
Waldorf |
Microwave2/MW2 |
wavetable |
30 |
1995 |
Waldorf |
MicrowaveXTk/MicrowaveXT |
wavetable |
30 |
1995 |
Waldorf |
Q |
subtractive |
32 |
1999 |
Waldorf |
Q+/Qplus |
subtractive |
100 |
2002 |
AN1x |
subtractive |
10 |
1997 |
Yamaha |
CS1x |
rompler |
32 |
1996 |
Yamaha |
CS2x |
rompler |
64 |
1999 |
Yamaha |
CS6R |
rompler |
64 |
1999 |
Yamaha |
CS6x |
rompler |
64 |
1999 |
Yamaha |
DX1 |
fm |
32 |
1984 |
Yamaha |
DX100 |
fm |
8 |
1985 |
Yamaha |
DX11 |
fm |
8 |
1988 |
Yamaha |
DX21 |
fm |
8 |
1985 |
Yamaha |
DX27/DX27L |
fm |
8 |
1985 |
Yamaha |
DX5 |
fm |
32 |
1985 |
Yamaha |
DX7 |
fm |
16 |
1983 |
Yamaha |
fm |
16 |
1987 |
Yamaha |
DX9 |
fm |
16 |
1983 |
Yamaha |
EX5 |
multi synthesis |
128 |
1999 |
Yamaha |
EX7 |
multi synthesis |
64 |
1999 |
Yamaha |
FB01 |
fm |
8 |
1986 |
Yamaha |
FS1R |
fm |
32 |
1998 |
Yamaha |
MO6/MO7/MO8 |
workstation |
64 |
2005 |
Yamaha |
Motif/MotifES |
workstation |
128 |
2002 |
Yamaha |
QS300/W5/W7 |
rompler |
32 |
1995 |
Yamaha |
RX11/RX15/RX21 |
rompler |
16 |
1984 |
Yamaha |
RX17/RX120/RX8 |
rompler |
16 |
1984 |
Yamaha |
RX5/RX7 |
rompler |
16 |
1987 |
Yamaha |
S30/S80/S90 |
rompler |
64 |
2000 |
Yamaha |
SY22 |
vector |
16 |
1990 |
Yamaha |
SY35 |
vector |
32 |
1990 |
Yamaha |
SY77 |
fm |
32 |
1990 |
Yamaha |
SY99 |
fm |
32 |
1991 |
Yamaha |
TG33 |
vector |
32 |
1990 |
Yamaha |
TG77 |
fm |
32 |
1991 |
Yamaha |
TX7 |
fm |
16 |
1984 |
Yamaha |
TX802 |
fm |
16 |
1988 |
Yamaha |
TX816/TX416/TX216 |
fm |
128 |
1985 |
Yamaha |
TX81z |
fm |
8 |
1987 |
Yamaha |
V50 |
fm |
16 |
1989 |
Yamaha |
VL1 |
physical modeling |
2 |
1994 |
Yamaha |
VL1m |
physical modeling |
2 |
1994 |
Yamaha |
VL7 |
physical modeling |
1 |
1994 |
Yamaha |
VL70m |
physical modeling |
1 |
1996 |
Yamaha |
VL7m |
physical modeling |
1 |
1994 |
Yamaha |
VP1 |
physical modeling |
16 |
1994 |
Yamaha |
YS200/TQ5 |
fm |
8 |
1988 |
Ableton Live - Access - Akai / MPC - Alesis - Apple - ARP - Arpeggiator - Auralesque - Analog.. (misc./diverse) - Analog Vintage Synth II - Analogue Solutions - Analogue Systems - Anyware Instruments / SemTeX - Bahn Sage - Banana / syntec - Bitshift Audio / Phatmatic - Boehm (Dr.Böhm) - BME - Casio - Celemony Melodyne - Chips CEM - Curtis - Clavia - CMI Fairlight - Creamware - Crumar / Bit - Mario Crucianelli - Curetronic - CV+Gate + Trigger - (analoge spg-steuerung) - (D) - Cwejman - Doepfer - DIY (+Formant) - DIY - Menu - Selbstbau - Drumcomputer - DSI Dave Smith - -- SCI Sequential Circuits - DSP Chips - Synth-Einsteiger.. (D) - Electro Harmonix - EDP Electronic Dream Plant - Elektron - Elka (Synthex) - EML (electronic music lab) / Electrocomp - EMS - E-Mu - Ensoniq - ForuModular - Future Retro - german synths / deutsche synthesizer.. - Hartmann - High & LowEnd Synthesizer - schnelle Hüllkurven / fast envelopes - italian synths.. Davolisint / GRS - Jomox + Jayemsonic Neuronium - Kawai (Teisco) - Korg - Kurzweil - schnelle LFOs / fast envelopes - Linn - Linux - Macbeth - Marion Systems - MFB Fricke - Midi - Modularsysteme (D) - Modular Hersteller / Modular synth manufacturers - Moog - Moog Module - Native Instruments - NED Synclavier - Novation - Oberheim - Octave - Oxford synthesiser company / OSCar - Polyfusion - PPG - Propellerheads - Radikal (raditec) - Reparatur +Bauteile / repair / service - Rhodes Chroma - Roland - --Roland Drumcomputer - Powerbook (D) - Quasimidi - Rozzbox (LL electronics) - RSF - Sampler (D) - Sequential Circuits - Sequencer - Sequenzer - Sherman - Siel - Simplesizer (Anyware / DIY) - Soundart - SSM Chips - Studio Electronics - Symbolic Sound - Kyma - Capybara - Syntheseformen (D) - Synthesizers dot com - Synton (Syrinx) - Technosaurus - Teisco (Kawai) - Theiss - uk synthesiser section: edp,skywave,OSC,.. - Vermona - Virsyn / Cube - Waldorf - Workshops Synthesizer + Synthese (D) - Yamaha - Vocoder (real analog list) - -
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