Im GS Thread gibt es interessante Info zur digitalen Seite, gepostet von einem von Sinevibes.
Post 17234552 -Forum for professional and amateur recording engineers to share techniques and advice.
"Hey all!
Artemiy from Sinevibes here. It's still some time before Artemis becomes available (we are finalizing the firmware, fine-tuning the DSP effects, and also doing factory sound design), and I am not sure you will be hearing much from my dear friends at Dreadbox (they're super super busy). ..."
Post 17234718 -Forum for professional and amateur recording engineers to share techniques and advice.
"... 1. Unlike one CPU on
Typhon, Artemis actually has two CPUs. One is used for just the effects and the other one for everything else (presets, MIDI, envelopes, LFOs etc.). The CPU used for the effects is Cortex M7 - same one as on the
Typhon - but now fully dedicated to the effects. So we're able to offer 6 algorithms at once

High pass filter, bit crusher, distortion, modulation, delay, reverb. And there will be way more variety, about double that of
Typhon. E.g. we will have BBD delay, chorus and flanger for example. ..."