soo, hier nochmal die finale, getestete Version von MarOS für die x0xb0x - MarOS1.4.
Hier direkt nochmal die feature list:
Hier direkt nochmal die feature list:
-- MIDI Sync Mode significantly changed: Start/Stop, trigger patterns, transposing patterns including automatic scale correction – all by MIDI notes from your DAW / Midi keyboard.
-- Smart randomizer and macro functions to create cool patterns without any step editing. 20(!) macro / randomizer commands available in edit mode.
-- New Swing: Now allowing for fine adjustable swing 0%...100%.
-- Swing applied to both MIDI clock and Din Sync output.
-- Adjustable Gate Length allowing for shorter notes or almost gapless patterns.
-- Automatic Random Variations of current pattern to have the xox be kinda "jamming" - adjustable for accents, slides, octaves, rests and where and how often variations shoulf happen.
-- Parameter Adjustment Mode - all new sequencer parameters editable with the tempo knob and visible on the bank LED.