Studio One 3.5


Studio One hat wieder ein Update erfahren, aktuell Version 3.5
Leider gibts nur ein vernünftiges englisches Video, auf der Presonus Website ist aktuell noch die 3.3er Version mit dem aktuellsten Video versehen

New features and improvements:

Audio Engine and Performance

Flexible Dropout Protection
Native Low Latency Monitoring
Low-latency virtual instrument monitoring
Multi-processing enhancements for improved CPU balancing

Arrangement and Automation

New shortcut to “Select all Muted Events”
Copy/Paste Events also copies Layer data
Import tempo map, time signatures and markers when dragging MIDI file to
Arrangement [Cmd+Alt]
Maximum Track Delay increased to 1,000ms
New Track command: “Apply Track Names to Channels”
“Cursor follows Edit Position” now limited to manually selected events or ranges
Batch renaming events always adds leading zero
Event Inspector: Multi-editing for Event Start and End
Arranger Track: Move Arranger Section only [Cmd+Alt]
"Bounce to new Track" now preserves output routing
Complete Show/Hide for Automation
Automation Lanes on Instrument Track
Improved time-stretching accuracy. “Audio Bend” mode now obsolete.

Mixer (Console)

Mixer Undo
Remote control of StudioLive Series III Fat Channel and mic pre-amps
New command: “Remove Track Automation” removes all automation data
Visual plug-in bypass state in console

Instruments and Plug-ins

Fat Channel XT
Adjustable level range for Spectrum Meter (all modes)
Updated micro-views for Spectrum Meter
12th octave mode in Spectrum Meter (incl. keyboard scale) • Loudness Meter now EBU R-128 compliant
[macOS] MIDI input for AU plug-ins
Event FX window follows Event selection
[macOS] Preset list support for AU instruments/plug-ins
FX Routing: Splitter can now be moved freely

Music Editor

Unlimited number of controller lanes
Option to “Resize adjacent Events” (multiple overlapping) [Alt]

Score Editing with Notion

Send audio or note data to existing song
Tempo map import (drag & drop)
Other improvements within Notion( ReWire handling, Studio One application launcher, and more)

Project Page

Independent Track Markers
Flexible Loudness Detection options • New Loudness Meter
New Spectrum Meter
DDP import
Improved meta-data editing • Pool in Project Page
New Bounce Track option
Dynamic search for Songs in Project (improved compatibility)
Faster rendering (if a Song is used multiple times)
New command “Bounce Track” (includes Track inserts, not Master FX) • Extended “Add to Project” menu
Improved ID-tag export (adding Composer and ISRC)
User interface improvements
New “Split Track” and “Split at Cursor” commands + shortcuts


New “Construction Kits” node in Loop Browser
Search fields in Browser and Mixer reset on close

Hardware and Multitouch

Dual-screen support (Raven MTi)
Higher MIDI update rate for control surfaces


Delete unsaved files and folders when closing new song w/o saving • Warnings shown when errors occur while exporting mix in real-time • Updated FLAC codec (better performance)
Improved save and auto-save performance for Songs and Projects • [macOS] Independent recording and playback devices
Extended Bounce and Export options
Support for 176.4 kHz sample rate in audio export
[Developers] Gain Reduction API for VST2

The following issues have been fixed:

“Invert Selection” didn’t restrict range when Scratch Pads exist
Arranger Track section copy doesn't work backwards on timeline
Pre-recorded notes overlapping loop start are doubled after loop recording
Fade handles are hard to reach when event volume is not at max.
Overlapping audio events with fade-in are out of sync
Crash when recording MIDI in loop
Play Start Marker affects bounce between markers
PreSonus Studio One 3 – Version History
No “Paste” in context menu for Tempo Track
[ARA] Events show wrong content when split after analysis with Melodyne 4.1
Crash with NI Komplete Audio 6 when changing sample rate
Audio time-stretch with bend markers is not exact
Chorder: Crash when transposing out of range with automation
Install from "Cloud" inside Studio One 3.3 hangs
Plug-in menu search box loses focus
Command for "Show in Finder/Explorer" not working for Macros
Can’t drag more than one Instrument from Browser
[macOS] Newly created folders not visible in Browser
“Copy external files” not working for multiple opened songs
[macOS] Studio One language changes after re-install
Crash while closing all songs
Musicloop exports without audio when routed to outputs other than Main
Wrong-placed note events in loop recording
Sustain pedal with latency writes wrong data
Global plug-in bypass not functional if any plug-in in Chain is disabled
Spectrum Meter curve has offset depending on FFT size
Channel buttons missing on Multi-Instrument channels
[macOS] AU Instruments saved in OFF status load back empty
[macOS] Kontakt AU not showing all available outputs
Global deactivate FX not working with disabled tracks
Inconsistent behavior when chasing long notes
[Impact] Wrong channel order when moving sub outs in mixer
Wrong channel order after transform to audio and back
Wrong channel order between folders and busses
Wrong channel order when dragging instrument to track
Studio One will not export note data to Notion if the file has an apostrophe in the name
[macOS] Crash on start with OSX 10.11 El Capitan
[macOS] AU presets always marked as edited
|macOS] Invisible scroll bars in help window
Offset when dragging audio file with bend-markers to Instrument Track
Notes are transposed one octave when dragging to new Instrument Track via Melodyne
Erwähnenswert, dass es kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt wird.

Ich warte noch ein paar Tage, bis ich es aufspiele. Das 3.3 hat hier Ärger gemacht wegen Melodyne.
Melodyne macht bei mir iwie grundsätzlich zicken, dass es sich garnicht richtig freischalten lässt, trotz S1 Professional.

Der Fatchannel XT ist auf jeden Fall interessant und insgesamt haben sie auch ne Menge neuer Presets als gute Ausgangsbasis mit dazu gepackt.
Es läuft bisher rund und ohne Probleme seit gestern morgen.
Schon geil was die immer wieder alles reinpacken. Leider hab ich immer noch den extremen Lag beim aufstarten, wenn er die Midi-Engine startet. Begreife immer noch nicht was da los ist.

Aber sonst, einfach Hammer das Programm!
