Polyend Tracker

Pro Projekt kann ich ca. 2min Sample zeit reinladen, richtig? Und wieviele Projekte kann ich auf der SD-Karte speichern, gibts da ein Limit durch den Tracker oder nur durch die gröe der SD-Karte?
Für die Akten. Tracker gibt es aktuell für 399€.
Wohl Abverkauf wegen Tracker Mini, ich habe zugeschlagen :huepfling:

Nein, kein Abverkauf. Scheinbar war/ist das einfach ein Angebot. Good news: gestern hat Polyend ein neues Update released.

Pro Projekt kann ich ca. 2min Sample zeit reinladen, richtig? Und wieviele Projekte kann ich auf der SD-Karte speichern, gibts da ein Limit durch den Tracker oder nur durch die gröe der SD-Karte?
Es werden immer 100 Einträge pro Ordner angezeigt. Mann kann mehr Projekte speichern, kann diese aber dann nur am Computer sehen.
Hab mir jetzt auch einen geholt. Geiles Teil. Ist wie so'n alter Golf GTI. Kann alles, macht Spaß, fährt sich aber nicht wie die großen.


  • untitled.mp3
    3,5 MB
Neues Update ! 1.8.0

New features:​

  • Improved Snap to zero algorithm with higher threshold to detect zero crossings (*)
  • Extended sample recording time to the maximum length that can fit the sample memory
    • Around 133 seconds
  • Using Shift with the encoder makes bigger changes in parameter values
  • Added a third page of parameters on the Pattern editor with:
    • Pattern naming
    • Track naming
  • Beta Import Mod / Export As .it
    • This feature from Tracker 1.6 was brought back to life
  • Updated Config / “Line-in channel” parameter description
  • Info menu with Licenses page added to the Config menu
  • Various cosmetic and functional UI improvements


  • When FX2 was used on Track 8 in the Pattern editor the cursor was jumping to Track 1 or disappearing
  • Freeze when importing multiple samples at once that go over the 48-instrument limit
  • Freeze when exporting Song/Pattern/Stems with very long reverb/delay tails
  • The previous pattern looped in Play Song mode when the next pattern was empty and longer
  • Sometimes samples were cropped after loading older projects (Tracker OG version 1.6 or older)
  • Freeze when scrolling the Radio frequencies in the Sample Recorder
  • Freeze when trying to preview 0s length range while importing a sample
  • Crash when receiving MIDI MMC stop message in Perform mode in case tracks/patterns are scheduled to switch
  • Roll FX: RV, Rv sounded like simple R when placed on steps without a note
  • Very short samples (single cycle) sometimes didn’t play/loop when Snap to zero=On
  • Sometimes samples didn’t play until the end when Snap to zero=On
  • Wrong values were displayed in the Fill FX Value menu for LFO FX Types
  • Pressing the button below Memory in Sample Loader repeated the last action (delete or insert) on the selected Instrument(s)
  • Usability issues with Preview and Preview Vol in Sample Loader
  • Perform effect Volume didn’t affect MIDI notes: now it controls MIDI Velocity
  • Live Recording stopped working after deleting a sequence in Pattern Editor
  • Sample waveform was having cosmetic glitches at maximum zoom level in Sample Recorder
  • Various cosmetic issues
  • Wrong button labels were shown in the Sample Loader screen after switching pages from the Import window during playback

Breaking changes:​

(*) Old projects using Snap to zero = On might have their Start/End/Loop/Slice points in Sample Playback realigned by the new detection algorithm. This does not affect Wavetable and Granular engines.

Removed Features:​

  • Outdated Manual and Credits menus were removed from the Config menu
Neues Update 1.9

Tracker 1.9.0 partially fulfills the most popular backstage feature request by adding 4 more MIDI tracks, for a total of 12 tracks. 1.9 also includes important bug fixes.​


  • Pattern extension with 4 additional MIDI tracks
  • Added Destination to each FX Description dialog window
  • Instrument Synthesizer functionality (on Instrument Parameters/Effects screen) was renamed to Instrument MIDI Mapping to differentiate from actual Synth instruments in the Tracker+


  • Changing Patterns or switching between the Perform and Pattern pages caused Pattern 0 to load
  • Restarting the unit did not save the changed Track names along with the Project
  • Disappearing of the steps after using specific Fill Notes settings or scales while navigating through the Pattern Editor. Additionally, in this state, it was sometimes impossible to manually edit pattern steps, and it could cause freezing
  • Rendering the selection on the Pattern page resulted in a long silence at the end of the sample
    • The Render Selection feature in the pattern editor has been redesigned to create a sharp cut at the start and end of the selection. This contrasts with the Export Song/Pattern function, which retains the old behavior and keeps the tails of samples and effects. If you want to include the tails when rendering, simply extend the selection accordingly
  • Pressing Sample Recorder and then Sample Editor during playback disabled the Cancel screen button
  • Pattern length FX in Perform mode did not function properly when set to a value of 128 steps. It reverted the number of steps to the original value
  • Hanging MIDI Notes while using pads and external keyboards
hab jetzt mal das Update installiert und wollte bißchen mit den Midi-Channels rumprobieren. Hab den Microfreak angeschlossen und hat auch soweit alles funktioniert (midi + Sound, beides da. kann auch nem Keystep "durch" den Tracker den Freak ansteuern) nachem ich in den Einstellungen Midi-Jack einstellt hab und bei Instrument bin ich auf "51. Midi Channel 1". Wenn ich allerdings ein anderes Projekt (hab 2-3 ausprobiert) öffne funktioniert weder Midi noch der Sound (da kommt auch nix wenn man die Tasten vom Freak drückt). Hab die Einstellungen verglichen aber erkenne keinen Unterschied. Sehr merkwürdig. Wenn ich auf Sample-Record gehe ist der Sound übrigens wieder da und ich kann den Freak auf wieder mit dem Keytsep ansteuern, also midi muss ja scheinbar doch richtig eingestellt sein. Jemand schon auf ein ähnliches Problem gestoßen?.

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