The tank the swan and the balloon tour
Vince Clarke Erasure in 1992 with Jupiter 8, Juno 60, Prophet 5, and Xpander strapped to the roof.
In the tank Vince had his Jupiter-8, Prophet 5, Juno-60, Minimoog and Oberheim Xpander, all controlled with CV/Gate only by a Roland MC-4. An Akai MPC-60 handled the drums (Mostly sampled from his synthesizers anyway).
This is the main sequencer" he explains, clambering aboard (it's another MC-4). "...and this is the spare. Channel 1 is going to the
Moog, which creates the bass, so for every song" He seems very pleased with this minimal, utilitarian role. "Channel 2 is going to the Juno 60," (it's above our heads, seatbelted to the roof of the tank) " 3 goes to this box here, which we had built. It's a splitter box, and the signal either goes to the Prophet 5" (also above our heads) "...or to the Jupiter 8" (over my left shoulder). "That's determined by the MC-4 program.
"Basically, you've got CV1, which is your pitch; CV2, which can be filter or amplitude depending on the synth; Gate/Trigger; and MPX which is the switcher, set to 1 or 0, which tells the box to direct the signal to either the Pro 5 or the JP8. Channel 4 is the same thing again, but using the Oberheim Xpander" (rear-view mirror) " two keyboards, directing the signal to either the left- or right-hand side. So effectively we've got two synths there. We can only have four synths playing at once, but we've got six sound sources. And sync'd to the MC-4 is the MPC-60, creating all the drum sounds."