Hohner HS1, Hs 1e Sampler
built 1987 / 8x polyphonic
Hohner cloned the FZ1 and FZm rack as HS1 because Casio hat no real name for pro-synths, so they teamed up with Hohner in germany since they were well known for everything else, but not really for synths - possibly not the best political decision in life and Casio does no Professional Synth for years. the Casio Sampler was quite ahead in its time: it was cheap and it had 16bit. the FZ1 (same as Hohners only sampler HS1 in germany) was the first reasonable 16bit sampler. some additive synthesis on board, quite nice.. and cheap those days.. the cheapst samplers - more toys were the SK keyboards (sk1, sk7)