Mellotron , M4000D Sampler Mellotron

BOTTOM: the new Mellotron specialized sampler
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other MELLOTRON gear..
Built 2010
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
35 Voice / Stimmen
3x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1900 € (-)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features sampler
Wave Shapes samples
35 OSCs
1 Filter tone ? Pole
0 LFOs -
0 Envelope Generators -
MIDI Control / Triggering
35 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 748)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
35 Voice / Stimmen
3x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1900 € (-)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features sampler
Wave Shapes samples
35 OSCs
1 Filter tone ? Pole
0 LFOs -
0 Envelope Generators -
MIDI Control / Triggering
35 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 748)

ABOUT a remake by the holder of the Mellotron name based on digital technology
ABOUT Ein Remake im alten Stil aber mit digitaler Technik
DETAILS 3 sound sources playable and there is a half speed mode which does this very very special sound used on so many early electronic and other albums from OMD to Kraftwerk oder the Beatles.
DETAILS Überblendungen zwischen 3 Quellen möglich inkl. Absenkung der Geschwindigkeit für DEN speziellen Sound "Half Speed".
SOUND special sound, quite "lofi" in a way but very characteristic, very collectable but very very service intense. but much more than just a "tape based sampler". almost any tape series got famous.
SOUND sehr spezieller Sound, bekannt für einen sehr interessanten etwas "Lofi"mäßigen kaputten aber sehr spannenden Sound wie zB bei OMDs Maid of Orleans (Anfang), bei den Beatles oder bei Kraftwerks frühen Werken.