ESI32 Digital Synthesizer Emu

Esi-32 pic thx to Germano, Italy (link)
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other EMU gear..
Built 1995
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (-)
Synthesis: Sampler
OSC Features samples 32MB 16Bit
Wave Shapes samples
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso (turbo: hpf bpf reso) 4 Pole
2 LFOs tri saw square random
3 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR+
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 328)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (-)
Synthesis: Sampler
OSC Features samples 32MB 16Bit
Wave Shapes samples
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso (turbo: hpf bpf reso) 4 Pole
2 LFOs tri saw square random
3 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR+
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 328)

ABOUT little Brother of the Emulator 3, but digital..
ABOUT kleiner Bruder des Emulator 3, dafür digital..
DETAILS little version of the EIII (Emulator 3) but completely digital now and a bit smaller output level, smaller display also. turbo version multimode filter!!
DETAILS kleine Version des EIII (Emulator 3) aber komplett digital (filter) und etwas weniger Pegel.. auch gespart beim Display, sonst identisch.. turbo version: multimode filter!
SOUND sample workstation
SOUND sample workstation
VERSION misc versions and OS, turbo/plus version: HD + mehr filter modelle (multimode)
VERSION div. ausbaustufen und OS, turbo/plus version: HD, mehr filter mit turbo kit (multimode)