Electribe SX1, ESX1 Sampler + TR sequencer Korg
Built 2003
Type: groovebox
Hybrid: no
40 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 345 € (-)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features sample 25MB
Wave Shapes samples ram
99 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs square saw tri s+h env
1 Envelope Generators 1x D
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 343)
Type: groovebox
Hybrid: no
40 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 345 € (-)
Synthesis: sampler
OSC Features sample 25MB
Wave Shapes samples ram
99 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs square saw tri s+h env
1 Envelope Generators 1x D
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 343)

ABOUT the sample based Electribe of the newer Generation, access and writing patterns while playing (!) , slice part and 2 tempo adaption tracks (called stretch)
yes, you can control external synths (2 melodic ones with 2 MIDI Channels and the rest is one MIDI Channel and one Note per Drum Pad)
yes, you can control external synths (2 melodic ones with 2 MIDI Channels and the rest is one MIDI Channel and one Note per Drum Pad)
ABOUT Die Sample Electribe neuerer Generation, voller Zugriff und speicherung im laufenden Betrieb, Slice und Tempo-anpass-Tracks
Ja, man kann 2 externe Synthesizer steuern mit Melodien (da es 2 Melodiespuren gibt) der Rest sind Drumspuren mit einer Note auf einem MIDI Kanal.
Ja, man kann 2 externe Synthesizer steuern mit Melodien (da es 2 Melodiespuren gibt) der Rest sind Drumspuren mit einer Note auf einem MIDI Kanal.
DETAILS 3 FX busses, valve amp at master out, 25MB ram samples exchangeable via smartcard slot - reads ES1 sounds/patterns (about 93% "the same") - sampling electribe.. announced to be out in october 2003 (well, ..) has: 9 one shot samples, 2 loop samples (follow the tempo change!) called stretch part, and the well known slicer (the es has it ,too) aaand: play melodies : 2 tracks are reserved for this.. so if you want a seuqencer for some gear: get the mx (see below!!) .. or find 2 melodic track good enough (there are only 4 melodic electribes out.. mx,sx,m and a).. anyway the sample capacity grew to 4.75mins samping (about 4 times more), the FX are like the mx: 3 FX chain. and you can save your pattern while playing (new, also in mx) also: 8 16-step sections, filters and envelope (very small one) and /or lfo. so: this is a nice sample-workstation for groovers.. the slice is somewhat improved: you can extract a sample and put it on a pad.. it's been taken from the triton series.. or the es1.. mail von korg: /mail from korg filter difference Mx vs. Sx: the mx has also a drive parameter. both have lpf,hpf,bpf and bpf+ (which is quite large). all with resonance. DIE PREISE und RELEASEDATES / PRICES / RELEASE DATE: MX und SX were out 2003 Der Preis wird bei ca. 800,- Euro liegen. (Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung) price is 800 Euro street: 720. KORG ESX1 OS: the OS is currently at 1.02 find out current version by holding down Shift + Pattern Key when Power on.. almost slightly debugged compared to earlier versions.. dont try this at home: hold cursor up and down and now you can update.. no idea about finding the current version ;) os 1.02 is now the most recent version .you can check this by checking your normalize menu, if you can set it to +12dB boost and the display says "Nrm/Lvl" it is alredy updated.. at least to 1.01.. if it says "Normaliz" it is still at 1.00 updates: some bug fixes in 1.02
- software editor for OS X and Windows (Java): esx wave organizer recommended - it's slashdot.com - a free project, just search for it.
- replacing Tubes / Valves:
the test mode is here:
ERASE + PATTERN & POWER ON: Internal test,
ERASE + STEP EDIT & POWER ON: Adjustment of valve circuit, L/R balance
calibration, Tube gain balance measurement
SHIFT + DRUM PART 1 & POWER ON: Internal skip
SHIFT + DRUM PART 3 & POWER ON: Audio test
- software editor for OS X and Windows (Java): esx wave organizer recommended - it's slashdot.com - a free project, just search for it.
- replacing Tubes / Valves:
the test mode is here:
ERASE + PATTERN & POWER ON: Internal test,
ERASE + STEP EDIT & POWER ON: Adjustment of valve circuit, L/R balance
calibration, Tube gain balance measurement
SHIFT + DRUM PART 1 & POWER ON: Internal skip
SHIFT + DRUM PART 3 & POWER ON: Audio test
DETAILS 3 FX busse, röhre für master, 25MB per card smartmedia transportierbar, läd alte ES1 patterns/sounds, klingt dann 93% "genau so"
INIT: solo und write-taste drücken - einschalten - antwort auf frage "all init" = yes, fertig. ,mind. 60 hz schnelle LFOs
ERASE + PATTERN & POWER ON: Interner Test,
ERASE + STEP EDIT & POWER ON: Kalibrierung der Röhre, L/R balance
calibration, Röhren Pegel, gain balance measurement
SHIFT + DRUM PART 1 & POWER ON: Internal Skip
INIT: solo und write-taste drücken - einschalten - antwort auf frage "all init" = yes, fertig. ,mind. 60 hz schnelle LFOs
ERASE + PATTERN & POWER ON: Interner Test,
ERASE + STEP EDIT & POWER ON: Kalibrierung der Röhre, L/R balance
calibration, Röhren Pegel, gain balance measurement
SHIFT + DRUM PART 1 & POWER ON: Internal Skip
SOUND everything with beats
SOUND alles an beats und frickel
VERSION div electribes, os 1.02 find out current version by holding down Shift + Pattern Key when power-on "power cycle"..
VERSION div electribes, os 1.02