preis für BM ist noch nicht klar, aber wie gesagt, der ACE preis wird angerechnet.
ACE frisst übrigens CPU zum frühstück, wenn man entsprechend loslegt (osc stacking, polyphon, höchste qualität). mit ein bisschen überlegung wann man was wirklich braucht kriegt man das aber gut in den griff. zb monofon, top qualität, kein stacking für ein anlog-fm-lead etc.
"So as of current planing the three main synths in Berlin Modular will be
- Bazille (modular FM/PD synth)
- ACE XL (see ACE, but twice as many things)
- L.u.s.h. (lush u-he synth, supersaws, pads + formant filters)"
"LOL, well, if you really need to do a comparison, then the current version of ACE corresponds to Cypher (audio rate modulation all over the place). ACE XL is going to be a way larger system though.
Bazille has no equivalent in D-Cam as Bazille is strictly *digital* (FM/PD)
Berlin Modular is not going to have any equivalent to Strobe or Amber as I'm not interested in synths with a hard wired audio structure. Also, Berlin Modular is not going to be an All-Analog-Modelling suite like D-Cam. One could however say that L.u.s.h. as far as it is (planning stage) has similarities to both Strobe and Amber, but still with flexible audio rate routing of all components.
The general concept for Berlin Modular however pre-dates my knowledge of Synth Squad by a couple of years, first source code for ACE and Bazille was written in 2005. The seeming coincidence results from technology: As cpus become fast enough, D-Cam and BM have become possible. More of these beasts can certainly be expected by other companies as well."
DCAM sieht aber auch sehr cool aus. ich habe es nur deshalb nicht, weil ich mich erstmal richtig mit zebra und ACE befassen will.