Now that the NAMM show is over, it's time for an update regarding what's going to happen this year at Audiothingies, especially to the MicroMonsta, as I know lots of people are waiting for a new batch of it.
Let's make it short: there won't be a new batch, but keep reading, it might be interesting...
MicroMonsta has been out of stock for a few months now. The reason for this is a physical change done by the manufacturer of the LCD screen used in MicroMonsta, which forces us to either redesign a case with a non centered screen - some people (me included) would say it would have been ugly... - or redesign a pcb to accomodate the new screen.
Honestly, the 2nd solution would have been do-able and most certainly was the "easy" option to the problem, but I didn't feel like spending time on an old design again, and I had new ideas for a successor that were not do-able on the current platform (mainly due to cpu limitations).
So sadly, MicroMonsta is now discontinued, but I hope it is for the better: expect its successor, a new Audiothingies polyphonic synth later this year.
I will share more details about this new product soon.