No sense of humour…DM vs Internet

Möglicherweise könnte der Thread nun in 'Musikindustrie kümmert sich um KI' umbenannt werden.

Denn die Filme und der Account sind inzwischen bei YT verschwunden.

Buuuh, Spielverderber. Da hat wohl jemand nasse Füße bekommen :weich:

Und noch nie vom Streisand Effekt gehört.

Und denkt, dass“löschen“ im Netz tatsächlich weg ist #Neuland :kiffa:
Kann mir jemand eine Kurzfassung vom Geschehen schreiben?

Habe es nicht verfolgt, nur mitbekommen, dass jemand etwas ähnliches zu Depeche Mode generiert hat. Warum heißt der Titel DM vs Internet? Haben sie es direkt kommentiert?
Friendly greetings everyone!

I'm the crazy lady who made the AI Depeche mode songs you guys have been talking about in this thread. I've been following your conversation since the very beginning and originally found it because YouTube shows which external sites link to your videos.

I didn't register to the forum until today however (thank you again Moog for your help!) because I saw some of you wondering what the heck happened to the channel. So I thought I'd come in and tell you the whole story! I don't know any German, but I use the Google translate extension in Chrome. So feel free to continue discussing in German as I'll be able to understand (most of) it:cool:.

In any case, it's been fascinating to read what you guys have been discussing - also the speculation about the technical side of how AI works. For the record, this thread has been the most interesting and well balanced discussion out of all of the external links I discovered and this is the only one I felt any motivation to respond to.

1. If you're here for the technical discussion and have no interest in reading my long rant of what happened to my channel, feel free to skip the rest of this message and jump straight to asking me questions if you have any about the process of making the songs in Udio, or whatever else you might want to know.
2. If you're curious about what happened to the channel and why it was removed. Read on.

So, what happened to the channel?
As you have noticed, it has been removed. Let's go to April the 25th:

Thanks to the wild success of the first DM song (and I guess some of you might have seen the Rolling Stone article as well), I was able to fulfill the requirements to apply for partnership in YouTube. I was super happy and excited of course and immediately sent in the application. Then, only a couple of hours later I got emails from YouTube telling me that not only has THAT channel been removed, but also 3 others!

Of course I knew that there might be risks when I started posting the DM songs. Posting AI content is still so new, so it's still unclear where the boundaries are. I did try and make it extremely clear however, that it was AI and also did the "Altered content" disclosure in the video (which is a new thing YouTube introduced recently which requires YouTubers to disclose if something is AI generated). Point being: I tried to make it VERY clear it's AI and doesn't represent DM. The worst I was expecting is maybe the video getting taken down, or a copyright strike or a warning. But I never expected to lose my entire channel and lose 3 more channels in addition - all at the same time!

Channel 1 - This "Andrea Fryer" channel that had the DM songs on it: It was a small and rather dead channel anyhow, so not the end of the world to lose it
Channel 2 - One I made many years ago - made 1 video - never touched it after that. I could care less that I lost it.
Channel 3 - Partnered channel bringing in a little bit of money, but not so important. Unfortunate to lose since it was partnered, but not the end of the world.
Channel 4 - This was my LIFE! My daily job! All of the work I have done in the past half year has gone to this channel. It had almost 50K subscribers and it the statistics looked promising. It was literally paying my rent. Losing this channel has now changed my life as my income will suddenly stop. It's like getting fired from your daily work!

So why did it happen? And can I get my channels back?
The reason YouTube gave me for all 4 channels was "spam, deceptive practices and scams policy".

Since all 4 channels are completely unrelated, it's hard to know the actual reason. Because I have never done any of those things. I've always tried to follow YouTube rules. In fact my first YouTube channel was founded in 2006 and this is the first time I've ever had an issue!

With the Andrea Fryer channel I see only 4 possibilities:
1. When I got the invitation for partnership, they checked my channel and the person was uneducated with AI stuff, perhaps thought I was presenting the DM songs as if they were from the actual band (deceptive practices?)
2. There was a lot of hate in the comments from devout Depeche Mode fans. Could it be that many of these haters reported the video? The views got up to 102K views, so imagine if even 1K reported the video?
3. Perhaps the DM lawyers contacted YouTube and asked for the removal?
4. Maybe this has nothing at all to do with DM? Since this seems to be a suspension of my entire account in YouTube (and all it's related channels), maybe there was something bad in one of the other channels, and the Andrea Fryer channel was merely removed alongside the others as collateral damage.

I sent in appeals, but they were rejected. Today I chatted with support (so an actual human being) and this person sent in a second appeal on my behalf. I tried to ask why this happened, but she said she would respond later with an email. All seems very weird and confusing!

What's next?
I honestly don't know. I feel devastated, lost, bewildered, confused. It breaks my heart not being able to share the DM AI videos. I worked on them quite a bit and they were like little works of art - at least to me. I guess I could upload them to my personal website, but I wonder if that's a risk too. What's really sad is that I was working on the 5th DM song and it was going to be a good one! Also Udio just came out with new tools that fixed many of the issues I was having with the software before. (the glitch issue was fixed, also there are new timestamp tools for controlling how to extend the songs) So I would have been able to make even better songs. For understandable reasons, I now have no motivation to continue if I can't share my work.

Anyhow, sorry for the very long rant, but now you know what happened. If anyone has any questions about the DM songs, let me know!

I would also be curious to know if anyone else here tried making DM songs in Udio and whether you were successful!
I guess I could upload them to my personal website, but I wonder if that's a risk too.
Hi Ma'am, I am not a lawyer, but in my personal opinion this isn't a copyright infringement, simply because the songs you generated with the help of AI are not by DM, and the voice we can hear is not the voice of Dave Gahan, it just sounds very similar. You could try to publish the pure songs on Spotify, too.
Did you talk to UDIO yet? I guess they should be interested in avoiding their clients beeing shut down by YouTube when they use their software.
No I haven't, but that's a good point. I guess the main reason I haven't gone into that mindset yet is because it's still unclear to me what the actual reason is, and YouTube is being very secretive about it. If however, I find out that it WAS because of the Udio songs, then I will definitely let Udio know. Although the responsibility for intentionally trying to make DM sounding songs is of course on my own shoulders.

I am not a lawyer, but in my personal opinion this isn't a copyright infringement, simply because the songs you generated with the help of AI are not by DM, and the voice we can hear is not the voice of Dave Gahan, it just sounds very similar. You could try to publish the pure songs on Spotify, too.
Yeah it's a tricky one. And who is at fault? Udio for providing such software and allowing users to generate such songs? Me for trying to do it, even though I should know better? YouTube because their rules are not clear enough?
As for Spotify, I made the decision early on that I would not monetize these songs in any way, because it felt morally wrong. I'm not sure if you can even upload to Spotify without monetizing? And it would also feel wrong to have the "artist title" being my own name, when I feel like these songs aren't "mine" but mere experiments. It's really tricky to think about the moral side of this! I guess what I could do is contact my the web page hosting service and ask them whether it's risky to have those videos on their servers and what could follow from it.
Yeah it's a tricky one. And who is at fault? Udio for providing such software and allowing users to generate such songs? Me for trying to do it, even though I should know better? YouTube because their rules are not clear enough?
In my opinion in it's YouTube, just because of their faulty censorship system.

As for Spotify, I made the decision early on that I would not monetize these songs in any way, because it felt morally wrong. I'm not sure if you can even upload to Spotify without monetizing? And it would also feel wrong to have the "artist title" being my own name, when I feel like these songs aren't "mine" but mere experiments. It's really tricky to think about the moral side of this! I guess what I could do is contact my the web page hosting service and ask them whether it's risky to have those videos on their servers and what could follow from it.
You could donate the money for a good purpose...
Friendly greetings everyone!

I'm the crazy lady who made the AI Depeche mode songs you guys have been talking about in this thread. I've been following your conversation since the very beginning and originally found it because YouTube shows which external sites link to your videos.

I didn't register to the forum until today however (thank you again Moog for your help!) because I saw some of you wondering what the heck happened to the channel. So I thought I'd come in and tell you the whole story! I don't know any German, but I use the Google translate extension in Chrome. So feel free to continue discussing in German as I'll be able to understand (most of) it:cool:.

In any case, it's been fascinating to read what you guys have been discussing - also the speculation about the technical side of how AI works. For the record, this thread has been the most interesting and well balanced discussion out of all of the external links I discovered and this is the only one I felt any motivation to respond to.

1. If you're here for the technical discussion and have no interest in reading my long rant of what happened to my channel, feel free to skip the rest of this message and jump straight to asking me questions if you have any about the process of making the songs in Udio, or whatever else you might want to know.
2. If you're curious about what happened to the channel and why it was removed. Read on.

So, what happened to the channel?
As you have noticed, it has been removed. Let's go to April the 25th:

Thanks to the wild success of the first DM song (and I guess some of you might have seen the Rolling Stone article as well), I was able to fulfill the requirements to apply for partnership in YouTube. I was super happy and excited of course and immediately sent in the application. Then, only a couple of hours later I got emails from YouTube telling me that not only has THAT channel been removed, but also 3 others!

Of course I knew that there might be risks when I started posting the DM songs. Posting AI content is still so new, so it's still unclear where the boundaries are. I did try and make it extremely clear however, that it was AI and also did the "Altered content" disclosure in the video (which is a new thing YouTube introduced recently which requires YouTubers to disclose if something is AI generated). Point being: I tried to make it VERY clear it's AI and doesn't represent DM. The worst I was expecting is maybe the video getting taken down, or a copyright strike or a warning. But I never expected to lose my entire channel and lose 3 more channels in addition - all at the same time!

Channel 1 - This "Andrea Fryer" channel that had the DM songs on it: It was a small and rather dead channel anyhow, so not the end of the world to lose it
Channel 2 - One I made many years ago - made 1 video - never touched it after that. I could care less that I lost it.
Channel 3 - Partnered channel bringing in a little bit of money, but not so important. Unfortunate to lose since it was partnered, but not the end of the world.
Channel 4 - This was my LIFE! My daily job! All of the work I have done in the past half year has gone to this channel. It had almost 50K subscribers and it the statistics looked promising. It was literally paying my rent. Losing this channel has now changed my life as my income will suddenly stop. It's like getting fired from your daily work!

So why did it happen? And can I get my channels back?
The reason YouTube gave me for all 4 channels was "spam, deceptive practices and scams policy".

Since all 4 channels are completely unrelated, it's hard to know the actual reason. Because I have never done any of those things. I've always tried to follow YouTube rules. In fact my first YouTube channel was founded in 2006 and this is the first time I've ever had an issue!

With the Andrea Fryer channel I see only 4 possibilities:
1. When I got the invitation for partnership, they checked my channel and the person was uneducated with AI stuff, perhaps thought I was presenting the DM songs as if they were from the actual band (deceptive practices?)
2. There was a lot of hate in the comments from devout Depeche Mode fans. Could it be that many of these haters reported the video? The views got up to 102K views, so imagine if even 1K reported the video?
3. Perhaps the DM lawyers contacted YouTube and asked for the removal?
4. Maybe this has nothing at all to do with DM? Since this seems to be a suspension of my entire account in YouTube (and all it's related channels), maybe there was something bad in one of the other channels, and the Andrea Fryer channel was merely removed alongside the others as collateral damage.

I sent in appeals, but they were rejected. Today I chatted with support (so an actual human being) and this person sent in a second appeal on my behalf. I tried to ask why this happened, but she said she would respond later with an email. All seems very weird and confusing!

What's next?
I honestly don't know. I feel devastated, lost, bewildered, confused. It breaks my heart not being able to share the DM AI videos. I worked on them quite a bit and they were like little works of art - at least to me. I guess I could upload them to my personal website, but I wonder if that's a risk too. What's really sad is that I was working on the 5th DM song and it was going to be a good one! Also Udio just came out with new tools that fixed many of the issues I was having with the software before. (the glitch issue was fixed, also there are new timestamp tools for controlling how to extend the songs) So I would have been able to make even better songs. For understandable reasons, I now have no motivation to continue if I can't share my work.

Anyhow, sorry for the very long rant, but now you know what happened. If anyone has any questions about the DM songs, let me know!

I would also be curious to know if anyone else here tried making DM songs in Udio and whether you were successful!

Hi Andrea :hallo:

But wow, what a nasty move from youtube :shock: Thanks for sharing some more insights and good luck with your channels, hope you will get them back :supi:
Hi Andrea :Hello:

But wow, what a nasty move from youtube :shock: Thanks for sharing some more insights and good luck with your channels, hope you will get them back :soup:

Thank you for the welcome!
Yeah, it was not just one punch, two punches, three punches - but a complete knock out! I'm still laying on the ground hehe!
I did get an email just now from YouTube saying that they will try and do an internal appeal for the Andrea Fryer channel to restore it. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the appeal goes through this time!

In other news, I sent a message to the company that hosts my website and asked them if it's ok to upload the videos to their server. (I also asked them what is the worse case scenario if DM lawyers contact them).
If they tell me the videos are fine, I will put them on my website and let you guys know where you can find them so we can restore this thread at least somewhat. (although I do realize that half of the fun was also seeing how people reacted in the YouTube comments)
Hi Andrea,

thanks a lot for what you've been doing. Especially by being so transparent about it, you have quite obviously given many people a lot to think about. I'm not only talking about legal issues, but also about creative and philosophical questions.
I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong by provoking these questions the way you did and wish you all the best of luck for solving your immediate problems concerning your work and income.

Cheers, Randulph
Hi Andrea,

thanks a lot for what you've been doing. Especially by being so transparent about it, you have quite obviously given many people a lot to think about. I'm not only talking about legal issues, but also about creative and philosophical questions.
I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong by provoking these questions the way you did and wish you all the best of luck for solving your immediate problems concerning your work and income.

Cheers, Randulph

Thank you for the kind words Randulph!
It will be interesting to see what the future holds with this technology and how people's attitudes have changed in a year's time. I heard from former colleagues in the game industry that opinions are so strong "for AI" or "against AI" that different teams have been built around common thinking and attitudes. It makes me wonder how it is in the music industry for musicians who work closely with others, and whether there are similar conflicts.
Friendly greetings everyone!

I'm the crazy lady who made the AI Depeche mode songs you guys have been talking about in this thread. I've been following your conversation since the very beginning and originally found it because YouTube shows which external sites link to your videos.

I didn't register to the forum until today however (thank you again Moog for your help!) because I saw some of you wondering what the heck happened to the channel. So I thought I'd come in and tell you the whole story! I don't know any German, but I use the Google translate extension in Chrome. So feel free to continue discussing in German as I'll be able to understand (most of) it:cool:.

In any case, it's been fascinating to read what you guys have been discussing - also the speculation about the technical side of how AI works. For the record, this thread has been the most interesting and well balanced discussion out of all of the external links I discovered and this is the only one I felt any motivation to respond to.

1. If you're here for the technical discussion and have no interest in reading my long rant of what happened to my channel, feel free to skip the rest of this message and jump straight to asking me questions if you have any about the process of making the songs in Udio, or whatever else you might want to know.
2. If you're curious about what happened to the channel and why it was removed. Read on.

So, what happened to the channel?
As you have noticed, it has been removed. Let's go to April the 25th:

Thanks to the wild success of the first DM song (and I guess some of you might have seen the Rolling Stone article as well), I was able to fulfill the requirements to apply for partnership in YouTube. I was super happy and excited of course and immediately sent in the application. Then, only a couple of hours later I got emails from YouTube telling me that not only has THAT channel been removed, but also 3 others!

Of course I knew that there might be risks when I started posting the DM songs. Posting AI content is still so new, so it's still unclear where the boundaries are. I did try and make it extremely clear however, that it was AI and also did the "Altered content" disclosure in the video (which is a new thing YouTube introduced recently which requires YouTubers to disclose if something is AI generated). Point being: I tried to make it VERY clear it's AI and doesn't represent DM. The worst I was expecting is maybe the video getting taken down, or a copyright strike or a warning. But I never expected to lose my entire channel and lose 3 more channels in addition - all at the same time!

Channel 1 - This "Andrea Fryer" channel that had the DM songs on it: It was a small and rather dead channel anyhow, so not the end of the world to lose it
Channel 2 - One I made many years ago - made 1 video - never touched it after that. I could care less that I lost it.
Channel 3 - Partnered channel bringing in a little bit of money, but not so important. Unfortunate to lose since it was partnered, but not the end of the world.
Channel 4 - This was my LIFE! My daily job! All of the work I have done in the past half year has gone to this channel. It had almost 50K subscribers and it the statistics looked promising. It was literally paying my rent. Losing this channel has now changed my life as my income will suddenly stop. It's like getting fired from your daily work!

So why did it happen? And can I get my channels back?
The reason YouTube gave me for all 4 channels was "spam, deceptive practices and scams policy".

Since all 4 channels are completely unrelated, it's hard to know the actual reason. Because I have never done any of those things. I've always tried to follow YouTube rules. In fact my first YouTube channel was founded in 2006 and this is the first time I've ever had an issue!

With the Andrea Fryer channel I see only 4 possibilities:
1. When I got the invitation for partnership, they checked my channel and the person was uneducated with AI stuff, perhaps thought I was presenting the DM songs as if they were from the actual band (deceptive practices?)
2. There was a lot of hate in the comments from devout Depeche Mode fans. Could it be that many of these haters reported the video? The views got up to 102K views, so imagine if even 1K reported the video?
3. Perhaps the DM lawyers contacted YouTube and asked for the removal?
4. Maybe this has nothing at all to do with DM? Since this seems to be a suspension of my entire account in YouTube (and all it's related channels), maybe there was something bad in one of the other channels, and the Andrea Fryer channel was merely removed alongside the others as collateral damage.

I sent in appeals, but they were rejected. Today I chatted with support (so an actual human being) and this person sent in a second appeal on my behalf. I tried to ask why this happened, but she said she would respond later with an email. All seems very weird and confusing!

What's next?
I honestly don't know. I feel devastated, lost, bewildered, confused. It breaks my heart not being able to share the DM AI videos. I worked on them quite a bit and they were like little works of art - at least to me. I guess I could upload them to my personal website, but I wonder if that's a risk too. What's really sad is that I was working on the 5th DM song and it was going to be a good one! Also Udio just came out with new tools that fixed many of the issues I was having with the software before. (the glitch issue was fixed, also there are new timestamp tools for controlling how to extend the songs) So I would have been able to make even better songs. For understandable reasons, I now have no motivation to continue if I can't share my work.

Anyhow, sorry for the very long rant, but now you know what happened. If anyone has any questions about the DM songs, let me know!

I would also be curious to know if anyone else here tried making DM songs in Udio and whether you were successful!

Hallo Andrea,
ich nehme mal dein Angebot an und antworte in deutsch, weil das dann doch einfacher ist, und danke dafür, dass du dich selbst hier in die Sache einbringst und den Sachverhalt aus deiner Sicht schilderst. Meine Meinung dazu ist folgende:

Wenn es sich so verhält wie du geschildert hast, hast du aus rechtlicher Sicht wohl nichts falsch gemacht, und ist die Reaktion von YT inkonsistent zu den eigenen Regeln und völlig überzogen. Ich vermute mal, dass die Ursache der Reaktion sowohl die vielen 'hater' waren (die aus Empörung vielleicht den Meldebutton gedrückt haben), aber auch Anwälte mit sehr konkreten Drohungen. Das muss nicht unbedingt von DM sein, das kann auch seitens der Musikindustrie gekommen sein. Man hätte seitens YT das Video offline stellen können, bzw. falls es mehr davon auf dem Kanal gab (hat es das ?) ggf. dann auch den Kanal - aber nicht auch deine anderen Kanäle. Wenn Einkommen bei dir davon abhängt, und YT bei der derzeitigen Haltung bleibt, würde ich mir überlegen, ebenfalls einen Anwalt einzuschalten.

Anders sehe ich die moralische Seite. 'Rechtlich' heißt nicht immer 'richtig'. KI-Systeme können das, was sie tun, nur aufgrund des meist sehr umfangreichen antrainierten Materials leisten - in dem Fall wird das die Musik der Musiker sein, die du dann zusammen mit der KI zu imitieren versuchst. In den seltensten Fällen wird man die Künstler, deren Material hier zum antrainieren verwendet, vorher gefragt haben - wenn überhaupt. Und da liegt der Haken an der Sache: Ohne das Material dieser vielen Musiker wäre die KI dumm wie Bohnenstroh und könnte das überhaupt nicht leisten.

Das, was du mit Hilfe der KI erzeugst, bzw. von ihr erzeugen lässt, ist ja nicht deine eigene Arbeit, sondern du verwendest ein sehr mächtiges Tool, was im Grunde die Arbeit anderer Künstler auswertet, analysiert, und nach deinen Vorgaben daraus etwas 'Neues' generiert, was sich so anhört als hätte DM ein neues Stück herausgebracht.

Ich halte das für sehr zweifelhaft, weil es die Arbeit von Künstlern entwertet. Warum soll man noch deren Musik kaufen, wenn uns die KI etwas generieren kann, was sich fast genauso anhört? Man kann jetzt natürlich argumentieren, das ist halt so, der Zug der Zeit usw., und es sei eh nicht aufzuhalten. Wie wir wirklich damit in Zukunft umgehen, wird sich aber noch entscheiden. Staaten werden dazu Gesetze erlassen, die KI-Hersteller wollen natürlich auch irgendwann Geld sehen, und auch Youtube & Co werden sich neu orientieren müssen. Vielleicht ist dein Fall auch ein Symptom dafür, dass das gerade bei YT stattfindet. Spotify z.B. positioniert sich da schon deutlich kritischer.

So faszinierend es sein mag, damit herum zu experimentieren, würde ich auf jeden Fall die Ergebnisse davon nirgendwo hochladen und weiter verbreiten - einfach weil es zweifelhaft ist, und gegenüber den eigentlichen Musikern nicht fair.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn der Grund tatsächlich "Fans" waren, die das Video "gemeldet" haben.
Auch wenn ich Laurin im Großen und Ganzen zustimme, finde ich es gut, dass das Ding veröffentlich wurde. Alleine schon, um eine Diskussion darüber anzustoßen, was sowieso kommt. Das funktioniert natürlich am besten mit einer so bekannten und geliebten Band wie Depeche Mode.

Und falls es jemand verpasst hat.... ;-)

If it is as you described, you have done nothing wrong from a legal point of view, and YT's reaction is inconsistent with its own rules and completely excessive. I suspect that the cause of the reaction was both the many 'haters' (who perhaps pressed the report button out of outrage), but also lawyers with very specific threats. This doesn't necessarily have to have come from DM, it could also have come from the music industry. YT could have taken the video offline, or if there were more of them on the channel (did it?), then perhaps the channel too - but not your other channels. If your income depends on it, and YT sticks to its current stance, I would consider getting a lawyer involved as well.
Heya Laurin and thank you for sharing your thoughts. They definitely made me stop and ponder. We still don't know whether this happened because of the DM videos. Since my post yesterday, I actually got a new email from this support person, and it turns out that actually one of my OTHER channels had multiple violations and she said they will not be returning that channel under any circumstances. (I still don't know what I did wrong with that channel though! They keep giving me this "spam, deceptive practices and scams policy" reason but I've never done any of those things!

Anyhow, as for the Andrea Fryer (that had the DM songs) and my "work" channel, she has sent an internal appeal as she feels there's nothing wrong with them. So I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear the results.

This indicates to me, that the actual reason this all happened was the channel that had multiple violations, and not because of the DM videos. I did try to ask her whether the DM stuff was mass reported or whether DM lawyers had asked for them to be removed, but she hasn't answered those questions. (yet)

I see the moral side differently. 'Legal' does not always mean 'right'. AI systems can only do what they do because of the usually very extensive material they have been trained to - in this case, that will be the music of the musicians that you then try to imitate together with the AI. In very rare cases, the artists whose material is used for training will have been asked beforehand - if at all. And that's the catch: without the material from these many musicians, the AI would be as dumb as a post and would not be able to do it at all.

You are absolutely right about this. That just because I could technically and legally do something, it doesn't mean that I should or that it is morally correct.

My take on the moral side of things is complicated and I have a lot of internal conflicts on how I feel about this. As a visual artist, the same can be said for AI art. I guess my overall feel however, is that I see my videos as comparable to "fan art" or "cover bands".
Imagine the countless pieces of fan art or fan videos that have been created based on World of Warcraft. Where the creator has tried to copy and emulate the game's style as closely as they could. And yet very few see these as being morally wrong.
What about Depeche Mode cover bands which try and dress, sing, sound and play as closely to DM as they possibly can. Even playing live gigs. Some bands not only doing covers, but probably even making their own "DM sounding songs". Do we see these bands as being morally bad, or just as harmless super-fans?

Where I do feel some guilt or moral issues, is how Udio is able to reproduce Gahan's voice so closely. This is something I feel software like Udio should not be able to do and needs to fix. Of course, for me to take the action to intentionally try and make use of this "flaw" (while it still works) is completely "on me" and I fully acknowledge that I could have chosen a different path. Once you start playing around in Udio and discover what it can do, it's hard to resist the temptation.

I think that's very dubious because it devalues the work of artists. Why should we still buy their music when AI can generate something that sounds almost exactly the same?

Laurin I'd be curious to know how you feel about fan art or cover bands that produce basically the same outcome as the original (with much more effort of course)? Do you see any issues with those?

Why would we still buy their music? But do "AI-songs/cover bands" actually steal anything away from the original musician? While fake stuff might have provided some "temporary amusement", I'm pretty sure that if DM announced a new album, fans would push the fake stuff aside and rush to listen to/buy to the real thing just as hungrily. Same goes for live gigs. I highly doubt that just because cover bands (that look and sound exactly like DM) have live gigs that it has any impact on whether fans rush to go to DM concerts just as much as before. Etc etc.

PS: I just want to also make it very clear that when talking about fan artists or cover bands and when pooling them together with AI generated stuff, I am in no way underestimating the years, the dedication and raw talent it requires to get to such a result! I am only talking about the end result itself: Does the end result devalue the original artist? (regardless of how it was made) I assume this is obvious, but just thought I should add that in!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I'd be curious to know how you feel about fan art or cover bands that produce basically the same outcome as the original (with much more effort of course)? Do you see any issues with those?

Hi Andrea.

I think the difference is that if you cover the songs properly, the revenue still goes to the original creators ( the artist, songwriter ), while with this AI approach they get nothing from it.
And... with a cover, you dont change the songs.

Now imagine, you are, as a creator, making money with a very special channel ( or channels ). you have a lot of followers, your income depends on it. You have a very distinct style.
Now somebody is using AI for exactly imitating you and putting stuff online. Using your Image and Voice to generate Videos that look like you have made them, but with a content that you never would endorse.
And then imagine everybody thinks that is funny and starts making videos that look like you have made them, flooding the web with it.... but with content that you would never approve, hate, foolishness....
Something, you would not say that way or you would not feel that way.

With this AI approach, you could put all kinds of lyrics "in their mouths"....
Imagine Dave Gahan hearing himself singing about something he deeply disapproves....
@goorooj But Pandora’s Box is already open. Even if the major online sites implement restrictions to prevent any „soundalikes“, the ai models are freely available for download, and their quality and usability currently improves in steps of weeks - not months.

If you fear that the internet is flooded with imitations - it will happen, and question is no longer „if“ but „when“.
The problem here is, that it is sort of precedent case. Andrea might not flood up her channel with Depeche AI covers but one song.
since AI is a new thing and may not die soon - it should be ok to report and tell - in this case it was about creating something with AI - the scandal here is more than one.

AI has become normal over night and yt did kill or demonetize or warns people that THEIR ALGORITHM thinks that might be some existing song.
in fact there are hundreds of nameless synth guys with no face covering Depeche Mode and other artists just because it works.
it is not so hard to to once you know it. but a more craftmanship "made by hand" thing maybe.

it is sort of a double standard to let videos go off the grid..
YT is not there to "judge" - that should be done by the people AFTER they discussed AI and its capabilities and dangers before just killing accounts of messengers who just tell about it. I guess there could have been more of these - since you can not contact them it is even harder since you can not just mail someone.
btw same with facebook - I'd really like to email a real person but I always get some sort of AI answer and that is almost 50 shades of no but the same reason.

interesting, that these AIs reply and false detections are not evil enough?
I was hit by that more than once for a demo or something - but surely never for reposting a song - sometimes it was just a sound that yt couldn't recognise correctly.
but of course all of this should happen in public and not machined out here and there - I am totally pro machines. but that's very close or even worse than "no service" I doubt that google has real people checking videos for the actual content. not even a call & watch center "in china".

hands up for the next round.

service as a service.
The problem here is, that it is sort of precedent case. Andrea might not flood up her channel with Depeche AI covers but one song.
since AI is a new thing and may not die soon - it should be ok to report and tell - in this case it was about creating something with AI - the scandal here is more than one.

AI has become normal over night and yt did kill or demonetize or warns people that THEIR ALGORITHM thinks that might be some existing song.
in fact there are hundreds of nameless synth guys with no face covering Depeche Mode and other artists just because it works.
it is not so hard to to once you know it. but a more craftmanship "made by hand" thing maybe.

it is sort of a double standard to let videos go off the grid..
YT is not there to "judge" - that should be done by the people AFTER they discussed AI and its capabilities and dangers before just killing accounts of messengers who just tell about it. I guess there could have been more of these - since you can not contact them it is even harder since you can not just mail someone.
btw same with facebook - I'd really like to email a real person but I always get some sort of AI answer and that is almost 50 shades of no but the same reason.

interesting, that these AIs reply and false detections are not evil enough?
I was hit by that more than once for a demo or something - but surely never for reposting a song - sometimes it was just a sound that yt couldn't recognise correctly.
but of course all of this should happen in public and not machined out here and there - I am totally pro machines. but that's very close or even worse than "no service" I doubt that google has real people checking videos for the actual content. not even a call & watch center "in china".

hands up for the next round.

service as a service.
You are absolutely right, and censoring or banning stuff never worked . I am at loss for a solution here, just stating facts and possible caveats. It is there now, and making New Songs from your favourite Band is still a better application of AI than other things that can ( and will ) be done with it.

I found Andreas Video very enlightening and down to the Point, and i hope it will be back online.
Hi Andrea.

I think the difference is that if you cover the songs properly, the revenue still goes to the original creators ( the artist, songwriter ), while with this AI approach they get nothing from it.
And... with a cover, you dont change the songs.

Now imagine, you are, as a creator, making money with a very special channel ( or channels ). you have a lot of followers, your income depends on it. You have a very distinct style.
Now somebody is using AI for exactly imitating you and putting stuff online. Using your Image and Voice to generate Videos that look like you have made them, but with a content that you never would endorse.
And then imagine everybody thinks that is funny and starts making videos that look like you have made them, flooding the web with it.... but with content that you would never approve, hate, foolishness....
Something, you would not say that way or you would not feel that way.

With this AI approach, you could put all kinds of lyrics "in their mouths"....
Imagine Dave Gahan hearing himself singing about something he deeply disapproves....

Hey there!
You had some fantastic points that definitely made me empathize with how frustrating it might be from a musician's point of view.

The examples you gave, sounded like someone with more malicious intent however. I'm not sure if you saw my original videos or not, but at least in my case I was being extremely clear that
a) Everything including the pictures were generated with AI / Udio (and hence not trying to represent DM, but were instead merely "inspired by DM"
b) That I meant no offense to DM or it's fans

In the case where people intentionally try to represent an artist in a deceptive and malicious way, that's something completely different.

Coming back to the moral question: Are cover bands any worse or better than AI?
Just like with AI songs, a cover band could just as easily create it's own unique songs:
- That have never before existed
- Which look and sound exactly like DM and could be easily mistaken for DM
- Which could have lyrics that DM would never agree with.
- Which DM could not get any monetary gain from since they are not their songs.

Do you see what I'm getting at? All of these bad things you listed can just as easily be done by a human band or even one musician. AI is not the villain. It's all about the intention behind it.

So I ask: Are DM cover bands that make their own songs that sound like DM morally wrong as well? Should they stop?
Hm. I think it is a very old tradition to dismiss Bands that copy other Bands styles in a very obvious manner as having no own ideas. That never really worked when the original Band still exists. They always had to have an own Twist to be successful then.

As a cover ( or better: tribute) Band it would not work to try to make your own Songs that Sound like the Band you are covering because this special Audience wants to hear what they know. There are very few exceptions to this ( like pink floyd - telestrion ), but even telestrion you can not really call successful and they changed their style now from stating "we want to make music like pink floyd" in the beginning to something else, successfully.

Yes, i have seen your video and of course you took all the precautions, and i cannot sense any malice there. My remark was not really pointed to your original Video, more to the Pandoras Box that had been opened with AI now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hm. I think it is a very old tradition to dismiss Bands that copy other Bands styles in a very obvious manner as having no own ideas. That never really worked when the original Band still exists. They always had to have an own Twist to be successful then.

As a cover ( or better: tribute) Band it would not work to try to make your own Songs that Sound like the Band you are covering because this special Audience wants to hear what they know. There are very few exceptions to this ( like pink floyd - telestrion ), but even telestrion you can not really call successful and they changed their style now from stating "we want to make music like pink floyd" in the beginning to something else, successfully.

Yes, i have seen your video and of course you took all the precautions, and i cannot sense any malice there. My remark was not really pointed to your original Video, more to the Pandoras Box that had been opened with AI now.
"tribute band" Yes! That's the term I was thinking of, thank you :).

Your arguments are valid for sure. I was just trying to point out that technically and hypothetically, what AI produces could be seen as an equivalent. That we should be more offended by people with malicious and deceptive intent, rather than the method or tool itself.

Where I do feel some guilt or moral issues, is how Udio is able to reproduce Gahan's voice so closely. This is something I feel software like Udio should not be able to do and needs to fix. Of course, for me to take the action to intentionally try and make use of this "flaw" (while it still works) is completely "on me" and I fully acknowledge that I could have chosen a different path. Once you start playing around in Udio and discover what it can do, it's hard to resist the temptation.
das kann ich gut nachvollziehen. Ich spiele selber ab und an mit einer Bilder-KI herum, und kenne das. Es ist aber ein Unterschied, ob man etwas nur für sich oder seine Freunde macht, oder ob man das dann als 'Produkt' in die große Online-Welt stellt. Ich gehe davon aus, wenn so etwas viele Klicks bekommt, dass sich das dann auch monetarisiert, oder?

Zu deiner Frage bezüglich den Cover-Bands, und ob man das mit Ergebnissen einer KI vergleichen kann: Ich selber mag das Covern von Musikstücken aufgrund der jeweiligen Interpretation manchmal sogar mehr als das Original, und sehe darin keine Probleme. Cover- bzw. Tribute-Bands gibt es, seitdem es große Bands gibt. Das fängt mit kleinen Dorf-Bands an, die sich ein Repertoire bekannter Stücke aus allen möglichen Bands aufbauen, und geht bis zur möglichst exakten Nachbildung ganzer Auftritte (was ich manchmal schon etwas merkwürdig finde). Darin steckt aber auch eine echte musikalische Leistung, und ist alleine deshalb nicht beliebig reproduzierbar und reguliert sich dadurch quasi von selbst, und wird allgemein akzeptiert.

Ki geht darüber aber noch einen großen Schritt hinaus, man bekommt dadurch fast mühelos eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit, die den original Künstlern (auf dessen Daten sie basiert) tatsächlich schaden kann. Und diese Technologie steckt ja erst noch in den Anfängen! Das weckt natürlich bei den Betroffenen Ängste ... letztes Jahr hatten wir z.B. in den USA einen Streik von Schauspielern wegen der Verwendung von KI in Filmen. Oder aus dem Autorengeschäft: Schriftsteller klagen wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung gegen OpenAI .

Einer dieser Autoren ist der bekannte Schriftsteller der 'Games of Thrones'-Serie, George R.R. Martin. Hast du dessen faszinierende Bücher (echt dicke Wälzer) mal gelesen? Die darauf basierende Serienstaffel ist ja schon zu Ende gedreht, der Autor, bereits ein älterer Herr, quält sich aber immer noch mit den beiden letzten Bänden herum, und keiner weis ob er es je schafft, die noch zu seinen Lebzeiten fertigzustellen. Warum also nicht einfach eine KI darauf ansetzen, die mit den letzten Folgen der Staffel füttern und dann die Werke in seinem Stil fertig schreiben lassen? ;-)

Oder warum nicht gleiche neue Werke schreiben lassen - man füttert die KI mit seinen Ideen, gibt einen Stil vor - und vorausgesetzt man bekommt die Rechenzeit - erhält dann kapitelweise einen kompletten Roman ... ??? Ich persönlich finde unsere künstlerische Kreativität (in allen Bereichen) ist eigentlich der Ausdruck unseres Menschseins. Dass den Maschinen zu überlassen empfände ich als Offenbarungseid.

Die Verwendung von KI kann uns in manchen Lebensbereichen große Fortschritte bringen, z.B. bei medizinische Diagnosen. Bei Smartwatches wird das ja auch schon eingesetzt. Sie kann aber auch gegen die Menschen eingesetzt werden, für autoritäre Regimes ist sie in Kombination mit Videoüberwachung und Sozialbonussystemen das perfekte Mittel für systematische Überwachung, Lenkung und Unterdrückung der Bevölkerung - China macht es vor.

Eine weitere Frage ist, wer von dem Einsatz von KI am Ende profitiert. Wir alle oder nur die wenigen, die die Fäden in den Händen halten? Wir leben hier im Westen zwar (noch) in einer Demokratie, aber auch im Kapitalismus, der diesbezüglich so seine Eigenarten hat. Wir waren es gewohnt, dass die großen sozialen Netze wie FB, YT, X usw. 'kostenlos' sind, aber bezahlt haben wir mit unseren Daten - was das bedeutet sehen wir nun, wo diese Daten eben nicht nur für personalisierte Werbung, sondern auch zum Trainieren für KI's verwendet werden, deren Dienste man uns nun anbietet. Der nächste Schritt wird sein, dass anspruchsvollere Dienste bezahlt werden müssen, oder man wird mit Werbung ohne Ende gequält wie es gerade YT vormacht. Und Menschen werden auch arbeitslos werden, selbst im Bereich der IT.

Viel potentieller Nutzen also, aber auch viele Gefahren. Man wird das nicht einfach so laufen lassen können, das ist wie eine gesellschaftliche Atombombe. Es wird zu Klagen und Prozessen kommen, um z.B. Urheberrechtsfragen zu klären, zu Protesten - und die Gesellschaft muss sich auch politisch bewusst werden was da eigentlich gerade passiert, und schauen wohin sie sich entwickeln möchte - was am Ende (und auch das ist lebendige Demokratie) dann wieder in die notwendigen Gesetzgebungen einfließt. Noch ist es ein bisschen wie Wildwest, und man kann (Edit: abgesehen von den moralischen Aspekten) niemandem vorwerfen etwas zu tun, was erlaubt ist - aber da wird sich sicher noch vieles ändern.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So I ask: Are DM cover bands that make their own songs that sound like DM morally wrong as well? Should they stop?
Yes, they are.
I must admit i don't know any coverbands. But i dont would expect they do not create new songs.

And to be honest. its all about fame and money. Even coverbands are somehow "stealing" from their originals.
The next step is fan fiction. Very easy to build new stories based on charakters and background which is already famous. i dont like this stories.

And now? Using technology to create something which looks, sounds and behaves like the work of another person is like stealing their identity. And this should be punished.

It does not matter what technology can do. Its about what people do.

And you lived from youtube. You know how this things work. You also had different channels to play with it. Why did you not created a ai copy of yourself? You played at high risk and you lost.

If you would make media with my identity i would not only take down your channels but try to get you in jail.

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