Laut Annahmen von Amazona.de soll die Entwicklung schon bei 50% angelangt sein, was nicht unwahrscheinlich erscheint.
Uli auf Facebook (26.01.2020):
Behringer auf Facebook (27.01.2020):
Behringer auf Facebook (02.02.2020):
Entwurf/Vorschlag #1 von jemandem namens George P.:

Entwurf/Vorschlag #2 von jemandem namens Andreas H.:


Entwurf/Vorschlag #3 von jemandem namens Ken:

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Behringer CR-78 (Facebook Behringer, 26.1.2020) – 50%
Uli auf Facebook (26.01.2020):
CR78 question from Uli
We have received many requests to clone a CR78. We assume you’d love to have the original analog sound engines but don’t need the rhumba and foxtrot etc. rhythms as direct selectable presets as those could be stored in the sequencer.
What would you think if we use the RD-6 casing and sequencer and simply replace the upper section with the instruments from the CR78?
Perhaps we have some folks here who’d want to sketch something up and so you can all vote for the best design. The winner will get a free RD-6 that’ll be soon released.
That would we awesome ?
Behringer auf Facebook (27.01.2020):
George P. sent us a cool design for an RD-78 in Eurorack format. We cleaned it up a bit and here it is. And yes, it does Rhumba
What do you think?
Behringer auf Facebook (02.02.2020):
Hi guys, this is the DR-78 draft from Andreas H.
It would offer both traditional presets as well as sequencer mode. In the preset mode, you could still press multiple buttons at the same time which allows for the same creativity.
While it would not be 100% authentic, this design has an edge due to the built-in sequencer and we believe we could offer it for around US$ 150.
What do you think?
Entwurf/Vorschlag #1 von jemandem namens George P.:

Entwurf/Vorschlag #2 von jemandem namens Andreas H.:


Entwurf/Vorschlag #3 von jemandem namens Ken:

Hier das Original zum Vergleich:

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