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I am curious what improvements Yamaha Montage users would suggest ? What are you missing ?"
Do you think Montage has everything? Envelope should as Loop & Modulator Source be.
FM-X is 20 times easier than in FS1R, and this is in 2022! In 1999 in FS1r was its algorithms and the engine many times more complicated than what is today in Montage. The Montage lacks the LFO's and also their forms and modulation target.
Not all effect parameters can be assigned to Knobs.
Motion Seq with 16 Steps and have only 2 Waveform A & B. And there should be freedom of choice for each step of different waveforms.
It is impossible to use the SideChain Effect. Yamaha made this effect purely to tell them user that it is available. But in fact, it is worse than any VST even with ideal kick and compressor settings.
HD reverb effects have been in Montage since the Motif XF synthesizer. But they are worse than other types of effects. They were also made by some shitty programmer! The sequencer in MOTIF XF was many times better than the simplified version in Montage.
AWM2 is so easy, that it is quite possible to abandon this synthesis altogether. And Waveform Editor in Montage is simplified to its simplest form.
Smart Morph have 3 color zone on Display and you have only direct line to control all zones. Yamaha seems to know nothing about Bezier figures.
Why does the display on the Montage not work like by Kronos or even like on Korg M3 Expanded? Why can't I use it as a modulation source and use my finger to control the modulation by moving my finger across by using a display screen?
Why in an ancient Yamaha synthesizer such as the SY99 AWM2 was part of the FM synthesis and could be used as an FM operator, but this is not the case in Montage?
A convenient arpeggiator editor like that of Virus TI could also fit into the Montage operating system version 4.0.
I can enable and disable elements or parts with assign1 and 2 buttons and knobs. It would be cool if there was a global LFO with numerous of waveforms and different options for setting it up, with the help of which I could switch elements in a performance where there will be 8 parts with this LFO.
Envelope (EG) can be sets on knobs, but not all important parameters. What can be assigned to a knob is the Time settings, but not the Level settings.
A lot of the effects in Montage are really shitty. Really in the 90s was specialists by Yamaha smarter, and today all Yamaha programmers have become dumb and brainless?
Verything that Yamaha releases today, giving out as a FLAGSHIP, is not much different from cheap class models such a PSR-E, PSR-S.
Korg makes a synthesizer and an editor for it. What does Yamaha do? Yamaha says buy an editor from John Melas.
I had to modify the Montage (AJK Board) only by one reason, because I was tired of listening to the nasty cheap flagship sound. After the XS synthesizer, Yamaha decided to spoil the sound as well. But XF had SPDIF without ASIO delays. In Montage you have only USB-Audio, it is not possible to use it in real time and without a computer and without ASIO Delays!
Motif XF even read protected formats. This format of waveforms is for example in the bank "Inspiration in a flash". If I upload it to Montage, then Montage doesn't see half of the content. And Yamaha said that the Montage is compatible with files from the previous model.
Much that is in Montage can be selected fixedly. For example in Part LFO, you can select 1 LFO (waveform) shape and it will remain permanently and will be saved with the preset. The modulator must not only have many different forms, it must also have a way to change itself over time. For example, from SAW to Square from Square to Sample Hold and so on.
In the AWM2 section in the settings for the wave, there should be an option to select the start point of the waveform. And best of all, a random start points and other additional settings should be present in Montage.
If I continue to write further, then there will not be enough space in the comment! Yamaha, even without my help, understands everything perfectly and must solve all problems.
Ich denke, das ist auch für Yamaha genug, um zu verstehen, was Yamaha noch verbessern muss.