mein Vergleich JD-800 - D-70 mag gewagt, ausgedacht oder weit hergeholt klingen, weil das kaum jemand zu wissen scheint.
Ich muss dazu auch sagen dass ich selber nie einen JD-800 hatte oder jemals einen gespielt habe.
Tatsache ist aber dass zuerst einmal der D-70 den gleichen digitalen sehr guten Filter hat wie der Sampler S-770. Schon die Zeitschrift Keyboards hat damals darauf hingewiesen.
Dann wäre vor allem Don Solaris zu nennen, in der Synthie Szene nicht ganz unbekannt, der in 2 Artikeln Bezug auf den D-70 nimmt:
"The U-20 was in 1990 followed by U-50 which will be in the last minute renamed to D-70 due to popularity of D-50. D-70 had upgraded U-20 engine, some new waveforms and most importantly it added a resonant multimode filter. D-70 is definitely one of the most mysterious Roland synths, often overlooked and forgotten. The reason might be a bit hard user interface which has some impractical solutions that can make your life harder rather than easier."
Ein Kommentator stellt fest: "the JD-990 and the DJ-70 MK1 share the same Filter-Chip, like S-770 and D-70 do. The S-760 has a different Filter-Chip." (siehe oben, also gleiche Aussage wie damals die Keyboards Zeitschrift).
"While a lot of extras were added with XV and Intergra series, the core structure is based on what was originally designed in a JD-990 synthesizer. Some may ask, ok but where is the JD-800 in all this? Well, the truth is, it has nothing much to to do with JD-990. It can be described as a D-70 with sliders on it with only difference of having a new effects processor and tones which are now part of a patch, and no longer separate thing. But when it comes to 990 these two synths have practically nothing in common except the first 108 waveforms and the mentioned JD effects processor which consists of two blocks."