Tempera - Granularsynth

Firmware for download: Tempera firmware 2.0 (released 25th June 2024)


Version 2.0 (June 2024)​

  • Per-emitter FX send level: Adjust the amount of effects applied to each emitter for eg. better separation of percussive and tonal sounds. Layering complex sounds has become much easier.
  • Double the amount of modulators: From 5 per voice to 10 per voice.
  • Relative X and Y scrubbing: Easily grain-scrub in two dimensions across the touch grid surface. Perfect pairing for the Tempera concept.
  • Adjustable LED and emitter colors: Personalize the look of your Tempera, including having better color separation for those of us with a different color perception.
  • Improved onboard keyboard: The new chromatic piano-like keyboard layout has better usability and clear visual feedback for standalone operation.
  • Quantized random grain detune: Grains’ random detune can now be quantized to fifths, octaves, or both, providing a natural shimmer or extra harmony.
  • Reverb upgrade: The new reverb algorithm provides richer and smoother reflections, and faster diffuse properties. Perfect for lush and wide soundscapes.
  • Modulator visualization: Modulators now provide improved visual feedback so it’s easier to get a clear picture of their behavior.
  • Stable and reliable MIDI clock sync: Improved clock BPM detection, MIDI clock sync is now durable and reliable.
  • Canvas quicksave: Save your project (“canvas” in Tempera lore) immediately with a quick and handy shortcut.
  • New shortcut for emitter editing: Newly added shortcut makes it easier to edit, cycle and organize emitter configurations.
  • New global MIDI channel parameter: Integrate Tempera easily into a bigger setup, while allowing for per-emitter MIDI channels.
  • Delay upgrade: A dot mode is added, along with smoother filter coloring
  • Bug fixes & polishing: The amount of bugs fixed, streamlining and polishing is too long to list. :)

Folgende Updates: https://www.playtempera.com/support/

Das ist das letzte "offizielle" Firmware release mit der Version 2.0.6 vom 08. August 2024.

Wer es gerne experimentell hat, für den steht die folgende Beta-Version zum download bereit: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-beta1.firmware

Tempera v2.1-beta1 :
  • NEW parameter Align X under Spray X knob, which when turned off, allows to source grains "in between" the tracks.

Andreheute um 19:43 Uhr​

Dear friends and all lovely people,as we near the release of production Tempera v2.1 fimware, here's a v2.1-beta7 with some nice improvements:
  • New mod source: MIDI note velocity
  • New mod source: MIDI note index (low note -- low number, high note -- high number)
  • Fix to previous beta: Grain Attack is set to Off when loading older canvases
  • New UI visuals for the filters
  • New option for each emitter: toggle if the emitter is being processed by the filter or not
  • New bunch of various scales for the overlay keyboard
  • New UI scope visuals for the modulators
  • Includes quickfix for overlay keyboard bug
Also the webpage has been updated with a coming soon hypnoswirl https://www.playtempera.com/Install the firmware the same way as before:
  1. Download https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-beta7-1.firmware and place it on an SD card or USB flash drive
  2. Insert it into Tempera and turn Tempera on while holding the Round button
  3. Follow instructions on the displays
Ich frage mich ob Tempera ein Flop ist. Ich finde das Konzept eigentlich super. Klanglich erinnert mich aber alles an Clouds. (Klar kein Wunder bei einem Granularsampler).

Gibt es jemanden der damit arbeitet? Wäre ganz nett würde ich mich täuschen.
Ich frage mich ob Tempera ein Flop ist. Ich finde das Konzept eigentlich super. Klanglich erinnert mich aber alles an Clouds. (Klar kein Wunder bei einem Granularsampler).

Gibt es jemanden der damit arbeitet? Wäre ganz nett würde ich mich täuschen.

Ich glaube nicht, dass Tempera ein Flop ist. Klanglich wird man außer bei Chops immer die charakteristischen Grains ausmachen können. Ist ja Ziel der Sache.

Generell hängt bei Granularsynthese natürlich sehr, sehr viel vom Ausgangsmaterial ab. Da lohnt es sich für mich, dass immer entsprechend vor- und aufzubereiten.

Ich mag es bei Granularsamplern, das Ausgangsmaterial rhythmisch in Grains aufzubröseln. Das machen ja auch alle sehr gut.

Ich habe bislang folgende Granularsynthesizer/-sampler ausprobiert und bin beim Tempera hängen geblieben. Das hat natürlich mit meinen subjektiven Vorlieben und meinem Workflow zu tun.

Das von Dir angesprochene Clouds ist ja ein Spezialist zum Manipulieren von Liveaudio, was es dadruch aber für ich auch enschränkt. Fand ich klanglich gut und es gab tolle happy accidents. Letztendlich aber zu wenig visuelles Feedback.

1010music nanobox lemondrop ist trotz der Größe gut Bedienbar und klingt sehr gut. Letztendlich waren mir nur 2 Encoder (und das Touchdisplay) zu wenig, um live einzugreifen.

Tasty Chips GR-1 bietet tolle haptische Eingriffsmöglichkeiten und stellt toll dar, was gerade geschieht. Die FX fand ich nicht so toll. Die vielen Bedienelemente sind aufgrund der Erweiterung der Firmware leider nahezu alle doppelt belegt. Diese Doppelbelegungen sind leider nicht auf dem Gehäuse beschriftet. Klanglich gut, aber nicht so gut, wie lemondrop.

Es gibt auch gute iOS Apps, aber ich finde das iPad als Musikinstrument sehr unsexy.

Tempera hat sich mir erst beim Ausprobieren erschlossen. Das Konzept muss man erst einmal verstehen. Die Bedienung selber geht flott von der Hand und der Formfaktor und die Haptik kommen mir sehr entgegen. Was andere nicht können (außer iOS Apps): Man kann die Emitter auch sampleübergreifend einsetzen. Die Effekte sind brauchbar. Tolle Midianbindung. Mittlerweile kann man auch Liveaudio verwursten.
Gibt es jemanden der damit arbeitet? Wäre ganz nett würde ich mich täuschen.
In wie fern, worauf bezogen? Bezogen auf die verkauften Stückzahlen, in der Nutzung bei Musikproduktionen, beim Bekanntheitsgrad?

Die beiden Macher von Tempera und Vector sind sehr aktiv auf dem Discordserver unterwegs und haben um sich herum eine kleine, aber hoch motiverte und sehr kreative Gemeinschaft versammelt. Bugs werden in Rekordzeit behoben, das Produkt wird konstant weiterentwickelt und es werden regelmäßig Firmware-Updates bereitgestellt, die in der Regel auch noch funktionieren :xenwink:. Ich würde diesen als durchaus ausgereift bezeichnen, da können sich so manche Synth-Hersteller ein Beispiel daran nehmen.

Ich würde Tempera als Nischenprododukt bezeichnen, das seine kleine, aber anspruchsvolle "Fangemeinde" gefunden hat. Ob der Tempera auch mal seinen Weg in große Musikproduktionen, a la JMJ & Co., finden wird, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen. Aber der Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Danke! Etwas Provokation hat sich gelohnt. Der Vergleich von Klangzaun war auch sehr spannend. Vom Youtube-Hören finde ich übtigens Miso Cornflaked am besten. Den Tasty Chips hatte ich selbst, gefiel mir nicht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Andreheute um 18:59 Uhr​

Hello friends! It took a while but the next Tempera firmware is ready to go.

This time there's a big improvement to the rolling tape aka live grains. There's a new Skip toggle parameter, which when engaged, makes the tape slip-skip in quarter notes. In other words, the running tape doesn't move smoothly but in a stepped way, which allows for live remixing incoming rhythmic audio.

To support this, the MIDI clock architecture has been revised again because the looping needs to be really tight and correct. Also there's a small visualization int the sample trimmer that shows segments to which the slip-skip is aligned.

Apart from small support things and bug fixes I expect this to be the last big thing for the v2.1 release, please give this a beta-test and report if you find bugs. There will probably be some since this is a fairly fragile process that can fall apart at any bug opportunity.

Here's the firmware: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-beta8.firmware
And also a little demo showing how it works, pardon the camera shake i need either a better tripod or a stronger floor!

Und weiter geht es mit mit dem Firmware Update Tempera v2.1-beta14:

Andregestern um 14:48 Uhr​

Hello friends, hope you had a great week!Big thanks to everyone who reported bugs, improvement ideas and suggestions, it means a lot, is very helpful and indicates the direction of travel. As we're trying to wrap up the v2.1 release, the new Tempera v2.1-beta14. Please give it a go and report how it goes
  • Fix various recording bugs and regressions
  • Fix grain pan toggle activating on button release instead of on button press
  • Fix when adjusting waveform trim range, this would sometimes flip the stereo field, not any longer
  • Fix a small off-by-one error in grain firing in sync mode where they would sometimes fire too early
  • Fix live grains glitching when the read head overtakes the write head should be removed. Please test this and let me know how it goes
  • Improvement SprayX/Y now indicate the range and direction of spraying so it's not just a mysterious number. "Align" buttons were moved below "Relative X/Y" so it's clear that the cell alignment is final
  • Improvement the Trim menu is tweaked: the waveform is larger, the brackets are moved a bit out of the way and their size indicate their significance. Buttons were reorganized a little bit too. "Listen to ending" and "Trim ending" were removed to make room for future things.
  • Improvement when holding a note on the overlay keyboard and changing the layout or octave etc, the previous held note was difficult to find and untoggle. This is now easier: simply press the lit cell and note will untoggle regardless of which channel or octave it was placed at
  • Improvement a QR Code leading to online docs is added to the system settings
  • Polish in the modulator UI indications, the modulator is plotted even when not assigned to anything
  • Polish the BPM now cannot be adjusted when Tempera is clock synced and is greyed out
Grab the firmware file here: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-beta14.firmware

Andreheute um 17:33 Uhr​

Hello everyone, the v2.1 firmware is getting better almost every day, with big thanks to the amazing bug catchers @TUAN @ekkomouse @mafic pulse @- ★ - BROCKSTAR - ★ - another round of bugs and quirks are fixed, and a few things are polished and improved in the new Tempera v2.1-beta16:
  • Includes hotfixes from the previous 15-1, 15-2 and 15-3 arc related to BPM being set to 0 and subsequently dividing by that 0
  • Fixed a bug where Tempera would start recording immediately unless the recording meters are observed
  • Fixed a wrong indication of incoming audio volume when entering
  • Polish Grain treshold is now greyed out when "Record" is toggled
  • Fixed the the click sound from the button when recording with the internal microphone on both beginning and end of the recording
  • Improved Note index modulator renamed to "Key track" so it's clearer what it does, and its logic changed from a cryptic "Bias" parameter to two parameters: "Note from" and "Note to"
  • Fixed the Key track modulator now plotter-scopes correctly
  • Fixed a bug where if a latching emitter would be left "in limbo" with a special move, the -> Clear now restores a clean state
  • Improved Transpose parameter now indicates the note and octave number
  • Fixed Emitter 3 is now Pan instead of M/S on the Empty.canvas @Sally
  • A few minor polishings here and there
Please note that the "Base note" keyboard mode is hilariously broken, please do not use it until it's decided what to do with it.Tune your receivers to https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-beta16.firmware. Any new or old bugs, quirks or weird behaviors or improvement opportunities, report in ⁠tempera

Andreheute um 14:23 Uhr​

Hello friends and hope you're having a great start to the new year! We are go for a Tempera v2.1-rc1 firmware with a couple of last-minute housekeeping additions that were missing, along with a few bug fixes:
  • New manual Start/Stop for internal and send clocks
  • New small indicator of running clock at the BPM UI item
  • New pentatonic minor and major scales/layouts
  • New MIDI Program Change support: loads Nth canvas from the folder where the current canvas is loaded from, sorted alphabetically. (
    please note that currently the sorting is naive and "100" will come before "99". This will be amended soon
  • New Tap tempo
  • Fixed Tempera can now send MIDI clock properly
  • Fixed the AR modulator that can shut the whole modulator after it runs its course, requiring a note retrigger
  • Fixed the vertical keyboard layouts are now no longer "bottoms up" to be consistent with the chromatic keyboard
  • Removed the "Base note" keyboard layout until we find a way to implement it properly
  1. Download the firmware bytes from https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-rc1.firmware and place them on an SD card or USB flash drive
  2. Insert it into Tempera and turn Tempera on while holding the Round button
  3. Follow instructions on the displays
Please give it a go and report bugs and weird things
Da kommen andere mit dem Schlüpferwechseln nicht hinterher... :xenwink:

Andreheute um 15:21 Uhr​

After yesterday's bug hunting session, with big thankings to @TUAN @screech @camillomuc @ekkomouse a small Tempera firmware update v2.1-rc2 with a few fixes:
  • Probably Fixed a sometimes double-grain trigger that causes glitch-like sound and maybe
    causes some drift accumulation
  • Fixed a regression where the chromatic layout got vertically reversed
  • Fixed crash/hang when a too high note was pressed on the overlay keyboard
  • Improved global settings resetting -- button now needs to be held and gives a blink confirmation after it's done
  • Minor reorganization of parameters grouping so it's ordered more reasonably
Firmware file here: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1-rc2.firmware
Die tempera-2.1-rc3.firmware ist verfügbar.

Wer keine Unterwäsche mehr zum Wechseln hat, hält sich an Andres Ratschlag:

Please note that if you're not bothered by any of these, you might just as well wait it out for the next one.
Apart from the small ongoing menu reorganization the big deal is hopefully the precise grain triggering
which might be "two steps forward one step back" as usual


Andreheute um 17:42 Uhr​

Hello friends, after a long and fruity journey for everyone involved, the Tempera v2.1 firmware is old enough to go and see the world for itself

A few small fixes since the last beta were added but on the whole many of you have seen its growth since the early days and have made huge contributions to its development and polishing and I must say, I think not many can enjoy such a beautiful, passionate and friendly community such as we've all built here.

Over the past some days the manual was finished up as well and just to be safe only a small number went to print because there's probably some things remaining to be polished which will be apparent only after we sleep on it
. Also the webpage got a facelift, which of course is more interesting to newcomers rather than to you old dog regulars. A super exciting addition though is a new introductory video made by @captain Pikant which I'm sure you'll agree turned out incredibly well!

What's next -- in the coming days the newsletter will be sent out (a lot of people and all strictly opt-in) with a rundown of everything that's new, and also including the community digest -- things made by you since the last firmware update. If you have a piece or video you'd like to include please send me a DM, otherwise I'll be rummaging through the posts and pick as I go and might pick other than your first choice!

What's next next -- we can slowly turn our gaze towards Tempera PolyAT, fingers crossed for Vector multitimbrality, and then hopefully we'll get to meet each other again, and some new faces at SuperBooth in Berlin in April!

All in one:https://beetlecrab.audio/tempera/

Firmware: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1.firmware
Manual: https://docs.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/

Some beauty shots here, DM me for even higher res: https://share.beetlecrab.audio/tempera_v2.1_photos.zip "
Ob das die V2.1-RC4 ist? Oder gabs da wohl noch kleine Änderungen zur finalen 2.1??
EDIT mit small fixes since the last beta meint er wohl RC4...

Über das neue Handbuch freu ich mich!

Andreheute um 14:05 Uhr​

Hello fam,I hope you're having a great mid-week. A new Tempera smallfix update fixing some things left behind or missed for the v2.1 firmware, after most of these are done we can move to the next beta cycle. Before that, here's a few v2.1.2 patches:
  • Fixed a bug where upon loading a canvas, the currently held keys needed a double press to activate correctly @Sally
  • Fixed a bug with MIDI handling that's most likely not causing anything major, but a very slight chance it fixes @camillomuc 's Program Change issue
  • Fixed a bug where the overlay keyboard would not send a note off properly with Send MIDI notes enabled when in Hold mode (reported via email)
  • New CC12 with value 64 removes all placed emitters of currently selected emitter @0tumn
  1. Download it from https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.1.2.firmware and place it on an SD card or USB flash drive
  2. Insert it into Tempera and turn Tempera on while holding the Round button
  3. Follow instructions on the displays
Es sage keiner, die Entwickler vom TEMPERA wären nicht engangiert bei der Sache...

Andregestern um 20:13 Uhr​

Hello friends, took a bit longer to wrap it up, and certainly expect a bumpy ride
It's a lovely day to kick off the next line of Tempera betas, and here goes v2.2-beta1 :
  • Improved BPM can now be stored inside a canvas. Simply toggle the "Canvas" button under the BPM counter inside and that's it!
  • New option to play grains in reverse. Navigate to Emitter parameters, and adjust what percentage of grains should be played backwards.
    Note that when a reverse grain is emitted, its starting position is at the bottom edge of the cell rather than the top edge as is in case of a standard forward grain. This is so it's possible to play the same chunk but in opposite direction. Makes sense to me but feel free to voice opinion if you think otherwise.
  • Polished When you're navigating an emitter's parameters, all knob LEDs turn into the color of the edited emitter. Hopefully this will reduce some mistakes and errors with editing the wrong emitter!
Download the firmware here: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.2-beta1.firmware
, burn it on a
and insert the
into Tempera. After it starts spinning, the update will proceed automatically.Alternatively, if your Tempera came without a CD-ROM drive:
  1. Place the downloaded firmware file on an SD card or USB flash drive
  2. Insert it into Tempera and turn Tempera on while holding the Round button
  3. Follow instructions on the displays
Have a great weekend!
Zum Update vom Samstag dann auch gleich ein passendes BugFix... :xencool:

Andreheute um 17:59 Uhr​

Hello fam!Thank you for the prompt feedback on the last beta, and sorry about the sound going mute. The reverse grains required a round of optimizations which introduced the bug, and fixing it revealed that yet another round was needed. All that is done and here's Tempera v2.2-beta2

  • Fixed sound going mute when silent grains are emitted and never released thus clogging up the grain pool
  • Fixed small visual bug where the Filter cutoff parameter would jitter a little bit by a pixel
  • Improved something that was supposed to be done earlier but there was no time: the Rake filter's Emphasis parameter can now go in two directions, positive or negative. The positive range is what we already had, while the negative range will subtract the feedback instead of adding it. The point where the tuned amplitude modulation activates is also adjusted from being over 0.5, to being over |0.75| in magnitude (so in other words the visual range is shrunk to represent both polarities).
Grab it over here: https://fw.beetlecrab.audio/tempera/tempera-2.2-beta2.firmwarePlease give it a go and report how it goes

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