Deluge firmware V1.4.0-beta Version 1
Thank you everyone for waiting so patiently, the new Deluge beta firmware is finally here! New features are:
-- Note probability and iteration dependence (e.g. "play on the 3rd of every 4 track iterations")
-- Copy / paste current track-screen view
-- Track solo mode
-- Multiple tracks may send to the same MIDI output channel
-- File browser scrolls long filenames left and right so you can read them, and now orders files alphabetically
-- "Undo" now works in song view for note recording and parameters / automation
-- Fixed problem where DC offset could build up in delay, leading the sound to "fuzz out"
** Note probability / iteration dependence**
Hold a note and turn the select knob to set a % probability (anticlockwise) or to set an iteration dependence (clockwise).
For notes at the same time (horizontal) position, if they have the same probability number, they'll always either all play together, or all not play - so you could have a whole chord which either all plays, or all doesn't play.
Or, if the probabilities of multiple notes at the same time (horizontal) position add up to 100, then always exactly just one of them will play. So you could have one note in your sequence randomly play one of several different pitches every time. (Don't make any of the notes' probabilities the same as each other, otherwise the previous paragraph's logic will apply.)
Notes' triggering maybe dependent on earlier notes' being triggered. Let's say you've set a note's probability at 70%. If you make another note at a different time-position and set its probability to 70% also, you'll notice that you're offered an additional option a 70 with a dot (.) after it. This means "play me only if the previous 70% note was successfully triggered". Or, there will also be an option of 30% with a dot after it, which in this case will mean "play me only if the previous 70% note was *not* triggered". (30% being 100% minus 70%.)
As a shortcut to automatically set up the above for you, you can hold multiple notes simultaneously (even at different time-positions) and turn the knob to set them to always play together.
** Copy / paste **
Holding the learn button and pressing down on the <> knob copies the current track view.
Additionally holding down the shift button will instead paste onto the current track view.
Note - we've seen your feedback regarding concern that these press combinations might be too inconvenient. We are open to further feedback once people have had a play - the shortcuts currently are not necessary final.
You can copy and paste between different tracks or even song files. The bit which is copied and pasted is the horizontal "length" of your view, or the time-region that your view makes up. But this also will include notes which are "offscreen" above or below what you can see, because these are in the same time-region.
Your vertical scroll position is taken into account. You could "transpose" something by copying it, scrolling up or down, then pasting it.
You can even change your zoom level between copying and pasting - if your zoom level is different when you paste, the notes are stretched out or squeezed in to fill the view you're on.
Only notes are copied - not automation data, because it's expected that often you will be copying between tracks with completely different sounds / parameters anyway.
** Soloing tracks **
Hold down the <> knob and press a track's "launch" pad in song view to arm it for soloing. The pad will turn blue when the track solos. You can solo as many tracks as you like together. Or instead of arming-to-solo, you can instantly solo tracks by additionally holding down the shift button.
You can un-solo a track by simply pressing its "launch" pad.
** Sending multiple MIDI tracks to same output MIDI channel **
Once you have a track assigned to a MIDI output channel, e.g. channel 2, if you then try to set another track to MIDI output channel 2, you will instead be offered 2A. Do it again, and you'll be offered 2B, and so on. These tracks with the same channel number but a different suffix may play simultaneously and will send on the same MIDI channel - 2, in this case.
Please note that songs saved with this firmware version then won't be readable with versions prior to V1.3.1
Happy testing, and really appreciate all your feedback!