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In its default configuration, the Continuum Fingerboard transmits on multiple MIDI channels. When a finger first touches the playing surface, the Continuum Fingerboard selects the least recently used MIDI channel, and transmits a Note On:
9n rr ii Note On (hex), rr is note nearest to finger position, ii=7F or ii=velocity (configurable)
When a finger is lifted from the playing surface it transmits a Note Off:
8n rr 00 Note Off, rr and n are same value as in Note On
The following three MIDI messages are used to track finger movements. These three messages are always transmitted in the same order. They are transmitted continually between Note On and Note Off, and once immediately before the Note On and immediately after the Note Off:
Bn mm kk Front-to-back position, kk=00..7F; controller number mm is configurable
Bn 07 vv Finger pressure, vv=00..7F; other options for encoding finger pressure are available
En pp pp Pitch Bend, pppp=0000..3FFF; bend range is configurable
Every 200 ms, an Active Sensing byte is transmitted:
FE Active Sensing
When the Continuum Fingerboard is operating in MIDI encoding modes 1 or 2, the polyphony determines which MIDI channels are used for output. For polyphony= 1, MIDI channel 1 (n= 0) is used for output. For polyphony 2, MIDI channels 1 and 2 (n=0 and n=1) are used. As polyphony increases, the number of MIDI channels used for output increases. With increasing polyphony, the channels are used in this order: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,10,11.
When the Continuum Fingerboard is operating in MIDI encoding mode 3, all output is on MIDI channel 1 (n= 0).