SH-1oh1 – OS-Rewrite für Roland SH-101 von Tubbutec





Main features

Midi in- and output. Can output key presses, arpeggiator and sequencer.
Additional Accent Envelope: Programmable accent for volume and filter with adjustable decay.
Additional filter LFO A triangular LFO with the high range of 0.2Hz — 8kHz can modulate the filter
Additional ADSR for filter: Completely independent envelope with adjustable parameters
Improved Sequencer:now has 32 sequences with 120 Steps each
Song mode: Sequences can be chained to create a “Song” and programmed live
More sequencer and arp modes: Forward, backward, random, ping-pong,..
A lot of midi controllable parameters, velocity can be mapped to 9 different targets including accents, filter and 2nd ADSR:
Midi filter, pitch bend, arp and s/h-lfo control
Clock dividers for internal arp clock and trigger including din-sync compatible divider
Settings via an internal configuration menu or external midi controller.
Extra features accessible using the existing SH-101 controls
Comes with sticker overlays and all necessary parts
Easy to install in any SH-101 and compatible with analogue mods
For a complete list of features please refer to the user manual.

Some features in more detail

While the siblings of the SH-101 – the MC-202 and TB-303 – both have this feature important for many musical styles, it was unfortunately lacking in the SH-101…until now!
The SH-1oh1 accent consists of an envelope with a fixed fast attack and a decay adjustable between 1ms and 5s. It can be routed to VCA, filter or both while the amount can be adjusted individually. The accent can be programmed in the sequencer or triggered via midi velocity in various ways.

Improved sequencer
The SH-101’s sequencer has been vastly improved and brought up to date. It now features 32 sequences with 120 steps each. Attributes like accent and/or glide can be programmed for each step.
The individual sequences can be switched via the keyboard in multiple ways: Instantanuosly or when the running sequence has finished. In both cases sync is maintaned.
They can also be chained into a complete song making it possible to produce pattern based. A new song can even be programmed while the old one is playing – perfect for jam and live sessions.And of course you don’t need a battery to keep your sequences..

Clock sources and dividers
The SH-1oh1 sequencer, arp and ‘Random’ S/H-style lfo can be clocked by multiple sources.
The internal LFO or external trigger input, midi clock or midi notes.
Additional clock dividers are built in for these clock sources.
This means you can for example have the ‘Random’ lfo synced to the internal lfo, while the arp is clocked at half its speed, the sequencer is synced to midi 16th and the ‘Random LFO triggered by an external trigger signal,……
Super Sache! Habe ich mir vor 2 Wochen oder so für meine SH's gekauft aber noch nicht eingebaut. Ich bin noch am überlegen, ob ich eine Alternative zum Anbohren des Gehäuses finde.
Jedenfalls hebt das den 101 auf ein ganz neues Niveau. Endlich ist der Sequencer speicherbar!
ich verfolge das auch seit geraumer zeit auf FB und überlege mir ob ich mir eine meiner SHs modifizieren soll.. tubbutec sitzt ja gerade an einem demovideo, das wollte ich erstmal noch abwarten.

Alles in allem find ich diese mods ( ich hab auch das quicksilver TB 303 ) hervorragend, wünsche mir das auch für meine 909, 626..
hab seid ein paar Tagen eine 1oh1 hier

allein die erweiterungen des sequencers machen das schon HÖCHST-Interessant
die normalen funktionen sind auch alle easy zu bedienen
und allein das random pattern spiel mit ein paar simplen 3 noten glidepatterns... herrlich

werd versuchen ein kleines video vom rumspielen zu machen..

an die über midi erreichbaren funktionen (2te hüllkurve, etc) bin ich noch garnicht zu gekommen,
weil ich einfach zuviel spass am sequencer hab

das war ja eh schon der spassigste,
jetzt nochmal eine ganze ecke funktionaler/variabler

