Habt Ihr schon gesehen, dass man die Modifikation jetzt vorbestellen kann?
Mit dem neuen Sequencer bin ich etwas unschlüssig, aber der Rest ist schon der Hammer.
Ich habe noch ein paar Features von der Website kopiert:
Mit dem neuen Sequencer bin ich etwas unschlüssig, aber der Rest ist schon der Hammer.
Ich habe noch ein paar Features von der Website kopiert:
- Optimized for live performance, turns your 202 into a ‘groove box’.
- Three completely independent synthesizer control channels:
The internal synth, the 2nd CV/gate output and a 3rd MIDI out or DRUM channel. Each channel has its own clock divider and MIDI input and output. - Can be clocked via MIDI, DIN-sync or trigger using the TAPE-input
- Versatile sequencer with 32 patterns, chainable in song mode, edit patterns and songs while playing, shortcuts for quick live arrangement. Seven sequencer play directions.
- Sequence editor with copy, paste, insert and delete options, can modify note pitch, length and note-modifiers on the fly
- Arpeggiator with multiple octaves, seven direction modes including ‘order of key press’. Can inherit the ‘chemistry’ of existing sequences, optional euclidian mode and live shortcuts.
- Additional modulations: Accent, Filter and PW envelopes
- Additional noise sound with envelope.
- 8-bit LOFI drum sample output with various sound modifiers, sample packs can be uploaded via MIDI
- Save and recall up to 8 sets containing sequencer and modulation parameters. No batteries needed
- MIDI CC control of all additional parameters, filter cutoff, pulse width, clock dividers and more.
- Midi velocity can be linked to various sound parameters.
- Various CV-input modes including a ‘direct’ mode.
- Optional HiRes version of MC-2oh2 allows pitch bend control and microtonal tunings.
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