also, ich find die Frasers echt nett!
zitat aus dem betaforum:
Hi Guys
Thanks for your messages regarding anticipated delivery dates.
It's funny you say it's like anticipating the arrival of a baby because for
us it's a bit like giving birth - a long painful process, but with a great
end result that makes all the effort worthwhile!
Sorry I've not given a production progress update here for a while. Every
time we think we're ready to pick up speed with despatches something else
has cropped up to slow us down again. However Colin has ironed out the last
few issues and things are going well with assembly.
I'll post another update at the end of next week when we see how many units
we can despatch now that Colin's able to get up-to-speed. That should give
us an indication if we're on target to get all remaining units shipped to
customers by the end of January.
Colin is a perfectionist and takes great care in every aspect of what he
builds. Hopefully waiting a bit of extra time means you get a better end
product. We love to hear how much our customers enjoy using the product, so
I hope it will also be worth the wait for those customers who are awaiting
delivery of their Cirklons this month.
Thanks to you all for your support and patience
Barbara Fraser
Sequentix Music Systems