Colin hat noch son cooles demuxer ding f[r den din sync port gebastelt.
dadurch erhaelt man durch die din sync schnittstelle zusaetzliche 24 triggerausgaenge!
im beta forum hat er es sehr technisch erklaert, ich habe ihn ein paar fragen dazu gestellt, hier die antworten:
"> Could you explain the whole thing more easy?
I'll try...
The SYNC port can output DIN SYNC.
That allows you to slave a DIN SYNC equipped drum machine or sequencer, such
a Roland TB303, TR606, TR808, TR909, Korg KPR-77, etc.
> I can get out of the sync: run, stop, clock (what kind of
> clock, can I use these for my modular sequencer - 1/16 clock?)
DIN SYNC normally gives a 24ppqn clock.
I'll be adding support for divided clock rates, so it will be possible to
output a 1/16th clock (which you may see referred to as 4ppqn).
> and all with this demuxer thing? is it something connected to
> the sync port?
Yes. The SYNC port has a second function.
With a de-mux board attached, it can be used as a multi-channel analogue
drum trigger interface.
Each channel is a pair of outputs - an accent (velocity) CV and a trigger
They can be used to trigger analogue percussion circuits.
These might be patched up on a modular synth, inside an analogue drum
machine with suitable trigger inputs, etc.
A multiplex is where multiple signals are sent over a single connection, but
are divided in regular units of time.
The de-muxer board turns the multiplex into multiple individual CV and
trigger outputs using the clock signals sent alongside the CV and trigger
It's a secondary analogue interface, aimed at triggering devices that don't
need high CV resolution.
voll geil auf alle fälle!
muss ich mir ne ordentliche stange drummodule besorgen
oder so alte simmons, oderwasweissich.... triggern halt
wer das analog board im cirklon hat, und das mit dem demuxer ding (wird mn sich wohl selber einbauen müssen) kommt,
hat man dann praktisch die 24 cv/gates vom CVIO und 24 trigger vom dinsync. dazu noch 5 x 16 midi in/out
...was will man mehr?
"> I added it mainly for my own use, because I wanted to get away from having
> to remember which patterns in my 909 sequencer went with which songs, but
> didn't want to lose the tight timing of the internal sequencer.
> My de-mux is just a PCB inside my drum module, hooked up to the internal
> power supply.
> That format would keep the complexity down (no enclosure needed) and make it
> practical as a programmed PIC + PCB DIY kit.
> It would be usable as a trigger retrofit for analogue drum machines with
> room inside.
> The same board could sit behind a euro rack panel, and hook into the usual
> power supply available there.
> But I don't know if many people are using modulars for percussion sounds..."