Nur OnTopic Reprint of Allen Strange's Electronic Music

Bitte stark genau im Thema bleiben wie es im ersten Beitrag steht. Alles andere gilt als OT und kann gelöscht werden.
Also bei UPS in den Kundenaccount eingeloggt und online versucht, die Sendung in einen "Access Point" in der Nähe meiner Arbeitsstelle zu dirigieren - sowas geht bei UPS erst nach dem ersten Zustellversuch).
Die Erfahrung musste ich auch machen, ich hatte Bedenken, weil bei mir in der Adresse ein glä zu glo wurde. Aber die praktische Intelligenz des Zustellers hat glücklicherweise funktioniert.

Das mit einem Accespoint wäre mein Plan gewesen, klappt bei anderen Diensten idR gut. Ein Dienst liefert in eine Apotheke in der Nähe, die haben mein vollstes Vertrauen. Ein anderer Accespoint eines anderen Dienstes war aber spannend, irgend was eher obskures.
Für alle, die es verpasst haben:

We're planning on running ANOTHER kickstarter for the book. No, I'm not crazy. I've been training someone to do the work, and we've worked out almost all the workflow bugs. It will be much smaller, but as of today we have just under 1500 orders from 928 folks who missed the kickstarter or who want more copies. We'll probably put a stricter limit on the total numbers, so we don't get overwhelmed, probably about 2000 units. And the book format will be slightly smaller, to ease shipping damage problems we suffered with this round. If you want to be notified of this next kickstarter, which will probably start in August, for shipment in September (won't be as long this time), you can go to and add your info there and we'll let you know when it starts.
…kannst Du selbst bei Modwiggler nachsehen? - ich komme voraussichtlich sonst erst Sonntag oder Montag dazu den thread dort rauszusuchen - der relevante post ist - glaube ich - von Anfang dieser Woche…
Hab da keinen Account, bin aber eh grad unterwegs und etwas eingeschränkt. Darfst also gerne für mich gucken ;-)
Darfst also gerne für mich gucken

…hier ist der post:

Hi Folks;

Thanks for sharing information. I know things sound weird regarding after orders. Hopefully this will help. Yes, after orders will go through a new kickstarter. I'm hoping to start it September 15. I will post the link to the new kickstarter first to everyone who signed up for the kickstarter, then here and to folks who supported the first kickstarter, and then more widely. I've put a limit of 2000 units just because last time the kickstarter was so successful that we couldn't do the work to ship 5000 books fast enough. That said, that won't be the end of books. It will be available through a half dozen select vendors who have expressed interest. All stores folks already deal with. And PDFs will be available always. The reason I'm putting a limit on things is also to focus on getting a good price on the printing too. Has to be big enough to get a good price and small enough to be something we can handle. Hundreds of hours of volunteer work was required to make the project work, plus the hundreds I put in. And why I'm doing it as a kickstarter again is to keep costs down, if I went through a bookstore, the price would be 30% higher. With the money up front, I can pay for printing and shipping and packaging materials all together. You can't imagine the shipping costs, and we did it the cheapest way possible. Like I said, I'm not doing this for money. I'm not paid out of this.

Anyway, I'm just putting the finishing touches together on the kickstarter and will be submitting it to the KS folks for approval by Friday or Saturday, and as soon as it is approved I think KS will allow me to share the link.

Thanks again for your patience, even if it is wearing thin.

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