Re: Neue MPCs kommen (alles)
"I hear voices..."
1. Misinformation Marketing...
The MPC Live info is from a publicly available FCC database. It's not a 'leak' - they HAVE to make a public filing on their EM radiation.
It's not a leak. Its some paper work they had to file in America, probably by law, because it has WIFI which is public record. The same as mobile phones, laptops.... anything that has WIFI.
It's noticeable that Nukai seems to be very susceptible to leaks.
Seems that they're very lucky to get a lot of online attention without any effort.
I'm not convinced the traditional MPC community is in any way related to who Akai are marketing the new products to.
maybe Im giving akai to much credit for being calculated, which seems laughable.
The touch and this new standalone unit don't appeal to traditional MPC heads, they appeal to the DAW users.
If you search by the guarantee code, Y40 you'll also see other such submissions that Inmusic has made. This isn't the only guarantee code as different divisions and outsourced manufacturers will often make their own FCC submissions and then Numark/Alesis/Akai will decide who distributes it. (Think of it like a company such as Foxconn that is used as a developer of all sorts of hardware, then they license it out to Apple, Netgear, Cisco, Dell or whoemever else to distribute it.
Fact Mag is a joke. They take nonsensical tweets from people and turn them into full articles that just repeat and quote the dumb tweets. They're like a hipster media version of fox news.
let's buzzfeed all our article titles, because nothing bad could possibly happen from throwing journalistic integrity out the window
I seriously doubt its a leak. Akai usually puts up a teaser and builds up hype by stating that on a certain date they will announce a game changing new product. Remember the build up to the announcement of the MPC Element? That was crazy. We were expecting a game changing new product and received a recycled MPC Fly
2. Sole Speculator...
Some one wrote a whole article about it with no actual info.
It also mentions prices which have only been mentioned by forum user .
that was some early marketing BS
it just didn't trigger the same response MPC Ren/Studio did from the hardcore MPC users. Like some things may have been dumb downed in the touch GUI.
There has been a couple of articles pop up like this and to be honest there pretty much based on speculation from forums ( this one , gear slutz) and a few members saying they've heard this and that ,added with the release of them documents from the fcc , which is the only real evidence other than hearsay .
This is from the documents they submitted to the FCC earlier this year. This is clearly not proof of concept like that standalone Ren was.
it also says the black ren which it says looks like a Mpc 60 when clearly it's a ren with a different screen is the 'eclipse' ( but hold on we were told it's called mpc legacy). he was the guy that told us about the touch and said two new models were coming but didn't bother to say that one was a standalone touch ? A year later , then the other model apparently now won't be shown till 2017 .
My bet is that the "cheap" one is the second generation of mpc touch and will be just a controller and the second one, the expensive one is the stand-alone.
If Numark doesn't hit the right numbers, it is likely to develop the next iteration on another platform or directly bury the mpc concept itself.
all i've seen is a prototype, a spec sheet and two price points. nothing else.
3. Memory Misconceptions...
Only 2GB ram? Only 16GB storage? No micro SD? No USB C? Battery life? No tilting screen? Screen too small? Too heavy?
2 gb ram? Is that a bit thin ? My new phone has 4 and a octacore processor.
its mentioned that data is going to processed directly on the device. Therfore all the storage connectors (standard SD card, SATA, USB3.0) are at the device ...I dont think its possible for a computer to access these ports thru the device.
Pay more for less... it makes no sense in 2017
so basically it's a standalone MPC touch type unit.. looks like the same exact interface & operation..
From reading various MPC forums it seems MPC software is very CPU hungry, even without real time stretch ability. MPC 2.x is supposed to have real time stretch so how much more CPU power is this going to need? I hope Akai optimized their code a great deal for this release.
It's odd the way they're quoting the memory - the 16GB they mention is the flash storage of the CPU. That should be well fast enough to play samples straight off it, even if it turns out you can't stream from the SD also.
4. Shaky Software...
Im slightly worried by the news that they are still working on the software
Expect a seriously buggy 1.0 OS.
They still haven't fixed all the problems with the software and that was 3 or 4 years ago so I would wait a bit if you plan on buying this
i just hope they learned a little something from jj.
the o/s is da same as the touch, so da JJ OS layout does not apply
They as a brand seem uncappable to dealing with bugs, even when they craft their own OS. Let's see how deal with other's OS.
That is just keeping it with the old Akai tradition. The S5000/6000 took several years and updates before working correctly!
The buzz is high. Hope it's released soon before it dies down like the 2.0 software that hasn't released yet.
I cannot see them being forced to leave this underdeveloped. It is their future. They have nowhere else to turn and nothing to loose. I bet it is easier to code than a 5000...
No mention of stand-alone sampling rate/bit depth.
Do you think you'll get a free coupon for 2.0 when available with purchase....sometime in the future?
It won't have the processing power necessary to do more than what you can do with the REN or Touch now.
I pulled out my Touch today; it's been gathering dust for a while. I'm enjoying it. If they fix PDC at least.
akai seems to be big on the old recycling program for their failed products, as this MPC Live is to the Touch like how the Element was just the bottom half of old MPC Fly units, of which they reportedly sold less than 500.
I worry about sync and polyphony issues when sampling long passages.
I am a bit worried about it running an OS instead of bare metal, that won't be good for MIDI jitter.
5. Blundered Build-Quality...
they will fck it up in one way or another. It's modern Akai we're talking about. Not really the sharpest knives in the drawer.
They probably just 3D printed out a mock up to try not to look late after Pioneer.
From the company that brought you the Rhythm Wolf! What could go wrong?!
IMHO the MPC Touch is very toy-like.
In some ways this is an old established product. They are just sliding in the CPU etc inside and running similar software...
It remains unknown as to whether it will have full software functionality when used in standalone mode.
My mpc 1000 seems way more powerful. Plus able to be upgraded/repaired. Not sure this is much of a upgrade? Its plastic...
No phantom power for a mic
It only has 6 discrete outputs
No foot controller input? I love those with MPCs.
Why only 2 midi out ports? Did anyone else see that?
Not very likely that a cheap 16x MIDI interface would work with a standalone MPC.
The touch UI seems to borrow (and further expand) from the iMPC app. This is getting indeed pretty far remote from traditional MPC experience..
Just found out it's plastic.. Sorry to poo poo..
it doesn't really gain an audio hardware developer much, if anything. You can't just drop a VST onto Embedded Windows. Neither can one run JUCE or any other VST host on embedded windows.
So I visited a psychic today and asked her about the MPC Eclipse. She said that the first hardware revisions will have trouble and that the OS will be almost the same as what Touch users have now but with less features.
I would buy two DM12's before I would buy a plastic stand alone MPC touch.
Present MPC Touch users say it already uses more CPU resources than Ableton.
The touch screen on TOUCH/LIVE does seem a bit small, especially when step sequencing (even the demo guy sometimes missed a step it seems)
I don't trust Numark or Akai and it's based in facts (past experience in their develops) because the technology they had been using over years should be enough.
if this has a 1.6ghz Arm chip, the old experience of waiting forever to load in samples will be a thing of the past... Just praying that it actually plays in time and isn't buggy
if I stuck to only purchasing gear that's been in production for 5 years or more, I'd have made better decisions with my choices
Lets see how long the battery is supposed to last.
I will be watching and cheering this new MPC, but I won't be a betatester...
So launching Black Friday? I highly doubt it.
6. Delayed Delivery...
Akai were planning to make the standalone touch version happen for NAMM 2016 but ran out of time, so that may be why the Touch came out as a controller and not a standalone, and we didn't get the standalone one until now.
Let's see when they hit the market... and how they market it.
(hint: Renaissance as name was a fail and numbers talk by themselves)
too late. This feels like those Roland VS studios with exquisite features but released too late because DAWs were taking off. Surely with Push 2 and NI Maschine, and now the like of Roli Blocks among others offering better user interfacing on the front end and far greater features sets on the back end, this kind of standalone solution had no chance
In 2016, music hardware companies will never be able to make a standalone product better than a computer and a DAW, without it being a computer and a DAW.
I can console you: With Akai it will not take a year, but years. And it will still not meet the specs.
what's the feedback been on MPC touch? feels like that unit never really took off did it
Good god, please let Dan The Man do the demos.
If that is indeed the new MPC..I'm buying the (mpc) studio lol
gotta love that akai hype machine
Sources: gearslutz, korgforums, mpc-forums, yamahasynth, various others)
To Summarize:
1. The so-called leak isn't a leak.
2. The reputation of the "Factmag"-Article is more than doubtful and so far solely based on user-speculation only.
3. Very big hype & very little confirmed information.
4. Akai still working on software at this point is slightly worrying given their previous reputation.
5. Akai (inMusic) appears to be big on rehashing and recycling old products that previously failed.
6. All speculation is coming from the same user mostly. Under various nicknames, with various double-accounts, on various forums.
In German)
Kurze Zusammenfassung:
1. Der sogenannte "FCC Leak" ist keiner. Gewisse Daten (auch von anderen Firmen) sind offen einsehbar.
2. Die Reputation des "Factmag"-Artikels ist mehr als zweifelhaft. Vieles darin beruht allein aus zusammengetragener Spekulation aus anderen Foren.
3. Sehr viel Hype & sehr wenig wirklich bestätigte Informationen.
4. Akai zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch an der Software werkeln zu sehen ist leicht beunruhigend, in Anbetracht ihrer bisherigen negativen Reputation.
5. Akai (inMusic) scheint gut darin zu sein, ehemals gefloppte, alte Produkte zu recyclen und wieder aufzuwärmen.
6. Sämtliche Spekulation kommt grösstenteils vom selben User - unter verschiedenen Namen, mit verschiedenen Doppel-Accounts, in verschiedenen Foren (...unserem "Freund" Eckner, hier).
Malicious Methods, Tasteless Tactics...