Paul Dither
Schade, dass das Ding nur einen Hüllkurven-Generator hat.
Es gibt drei Modi für den VCA: Entweder folgt er dem Hüllkurvengenerator des Filters, einem durch das Keyboard ausgelösten Gate-Signal (= sofortiges Attack und Release abhängig von der Filterhüllkurve) oder er bleibt im Drone-Modus offen.
Zitat Handbuch:
The Voltage Controlled Amplifier, or VCA, is an amplifier that can be modulated from different sources to control Grandmother’s output level. Most often the control source is the Envelope generator – but not always.
In the ENV position, the output Volume will be controlled by the Envelope generator.
In the KB RLS position, the attack of each note will be instantaneous, and will sound at the maximum sustain level for as long as a note is held. Once the note is released, the VCA will follow the Envelope Release setting to determine how long it takes for the sound to fade from its maximum level to zero. This is particularly useful when paired with exaggerated filter modulation.
NOTE: KB RLS was inspired by the classic Moog KB GATE function, but has been modified for greater musical flexibility.
In the DRONE position, Grandmother will continue to output sound at the current volume level whether a key is held or not. This can be valuable when creating synthetic textures and droning sounds, and when processing external audio signals via the INSTRUMENT IN jack.