FOLKTEK Alter Pedals Bestellung


Hat jemand letztes Jahr die Pedals geordert?

Habe x+y per Bettelkampagne vorbestellt und seitdem herrscht Funkstille.

Sollten 12/21 kommen.

Auf Mails wird gar nicht mehr reagiert.

Mit Rückfragen waren die noch nie sehr fix, aber das stinkt und macht mich grimmig...
Ich hab damals an der Mescaline Kickstarter Kampagne mitgemacht und das Teil kam 6Monate später als angekündigt.
Ich hab denen auch 2-3x geschrieben, es kam dann immer eine Antwort, meist auch mit einer relativ veritablen Antwort.
Finde ich halt ganz ehrlich den Nachteil an Kampagnen, auch wenn ich den Hersteller verstehen kann für den Batch quasi eine Vorkasse zu haben, aber dann muss man halt auch richtig am Ball bleiben
Ich hab damals an der Mescaline Kickstarter Kampagne mitgemacht und das Teil kam 6Monate später als angekündigt.
Ich hab denen auch 2-3x geschrieben, es kam dann immer eine Antwort, meist auch mit einer relativ veritablen Antwort.
Finde ich halt ganz ehrlich den Nachteil an Kampagnen, auch wenn ich den Hersteller verstehen kann für den Batch quasi eine Vorkasse zu haben, aber dann muss man halt auch richtig am Ball bleiben
Eine negative Antwort ist immer noch besser als keine.
Interessante Wendung.
Vielleicht auch besser, nichts gegen Arius, aber ich glaube bei je grösser die Sache wird desto mehr mus man vom Künstler zum Chef werden und da behaupte ich einfach mal ist nicht die Stärke von Arius
Und die Produkte von 3Dio sehen ja nicht minder schräg aus:
Ich seh das auch eher positiv. Ich wollte mir mal was teures von Folktek zulegen, aber hab auf meine freundliche Email nie eine Antwort bekommen. In solchen Fällen ist die Fa. für mich sofort abgeschrieben. Unter neuer Führung kann ich mir das aber vielleicht noch mal überlegen.
Also ich habe sehr positive Erfahrung mit Folktek und Antworten von Arius gemacht, u.a. habe ich mal mein Folktek-Omnichord geschrottet, als ich in der Hektik der Probe ein falsches Netzteil angeschlossen hatte, und mit Hilfe einer Ferndiagnose von Arius dann wieder erfolgreich reparieren können. Auch bei Problemen mit meinem Mescaline bekam ich eigentlich recht schnell hilfreiche Antworten. Ist aber beides schon eine Weile her.
Also ich habe sehr positive Erfahrung mit Folktek und Antworten von Arius gemacht, u.a. habe ich mal mein Folktek-Omnichord geschrottet, als ich in der Hektik der Probe ein falsches Netzteil angeschlossen hatte, und mit Hilfe einer Ferndiagnose von Arius dann wieder erfolgreich reparieren können. Auch bei Problemen mit meinem Mescaline bekam ich eigentlich recht schnell hilfreiche Antworten. Ist aber beides schon eine Weile her.
ja, da ging es um genau, das was Folktek kann/konnte - Mikroproduktion, Einzelfertigung...
neues Update -->

Hello All,

Thank you for your continued patience.

Here is a quick update for you:

I apologize for the delay since our last update. We’ve been working behind the scenes to resolve some new challenges in the production process.

Since our last update, we received the 2nd round revisions of the test circuit boards and they worked beautifully and sound great. We gave our factory the thumbs up to enter the final assembly stage.

We entered the final assembly stage a few weeks ago and we immediately encountered an issue with the faceplate manufacturing. As most of you know, Folktek uses very elaborate designs for our faceplates with multiple layers, including copper pours and intricate gold designs coupled with soldermask aperture for sections of the faceplate to be translucent for LEDs on the circuit boards underneath. During final assembly, we noticed right away that the faceplate boards for the translucent sections were not to spec and unacceptable by our standards. Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve been working with our factory to correct the issue, but it is still not resolved. The good news is that we have two other reliable faceplate manufacturers that we trust that we can (and will) pivot to if needed. We have given our factory until EOD Friday, Dec 9 to resolve the issue or else we will proceed to redo faceplate manufacturing from one of the other vendors. If the issue is resolved before Friday, then assembly will start up again next week as the factory can manufacture and assemble simultaneously (which is why we went this route to begin with). If they are not able to resolve the issue before Friday, assembly will pause while we wait for one of the other factories to produce new faceplates. Faceplate manufacturing is rather quick compared to circuit boards, so we would only anticipate assembly delays to last about 1.5 - 2 weeks.

This added delay has pushed our delivery timeline out to January 2023. Of course, this could change if we encounter any other production issues.

Obviously, this is not the update we had hoped to provide, but we want to be fully transparent about the process. There have been many speed bumps along the way, but we’re ultimately moving in the right direction. It is incredibly important to us that we deliver a high quality product that meets and/or exceeds expectations.

We have requested photos from our factory of the production and assembly process. We will post those in the next update once we receive them.

Again, thank you for your continued patience.

~Folktek Team

We have a few updates we’d like to share with you.


We are happy to inform you that production has been completed! Our factory is now prepping all of the packaging for shipment, and will be shipping everything to us ASAP. We anticipate that the goods will be in transit within the next week. The shipment will be sent via air freight, which typically takes about 7-10 days for final delivery, including customs clearance, local CFS processing etc..

Once everything arrives, we will still need to individually program, test, package and box up each item for shipment. While this doesn’t take very long for each instrument, it will take time for us to get through all of the orders. Therefore, we expect to be shipping the first orders out in the next 2-3 weeks.

Please be patient as we work through processing all of the orders!


We need your help! It’s been awhile since we received your shipping information. To ensure we deliver to your current address, we’d like you to verify your shipping information with us.

Within the next few days, we will be converting over to our new platform, which we will use to process the shipments for your orders. Once the new website is live, we will send you an address confirmation request email. The email will contain a button that will link to our checkout process on our new website. Once on our new site, you can update or verify your order contents, shipping information, and contact info. Once you click Submit, it will create an order on our new website, which we will use to process and ship your product. This order will be a duplicate of your original Folktek order, including shipping, so there will be no additional cost associated with this process. We will send you an order confirmation email once you submit your address/order. (*If your order won’t submit/complete, make sure to include your phone number, which is required.).

We will also send you a follow-up shipping confirmation email once your order has been fulfilled and is on its way to you.

**International Customers (outside the USA)**

VAT taxes were not collected when your order was placed. Therefore, you will still need to pay VAT and/or customs duties for the import value of your order. We ship via UPS Expedited for most international shipments. UPS will handle payment of VAT on your behalf. However, once your package is in transit, UPS will contact you to invoice you and collect the VAT prior to delivery, which you can pay online or over the phone. This ensures a seamless customs clearance process with little to no wait time. Please check with your local customs agency to get an estimate on the expected VAT charges.


We will be processing orders in the ORIGINAL order they were received. This also applies to those who ordered Gardens or Alter modules. Submitting your address info early will not speed up the process or get you in the front of the line.


We will be converting the Folktek website in the next few days.

We will be sending out address confirmation request emails on Wednesday, March 8.

If you don’t receive the address confirmation request email, please check your spam/junk folder. The email will be from If you still can’t find it, please let us know and we’ll respond with a custom link.

Thank you again for your continued patience. If, for some unbelievable reason, there is another delay, we’ll be sure to let you know. Otherwise, we’ll be sure to post pictures once everything arrives!


The Folktek Team
Hallelujah, wär hätte das noch gedacht.
Läuft für Dich.

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