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Main OS 1.1.8
Sequencer Track 1 can now be turned to 'Off': To disable, hold track select and press 'Notes: On' button to toggle
Can now copy/paste data between tracks: hold track select, press 'Copy Track' button, then press 1-16 button to copy to that track
Added new mod destinations for Osc All Shape Mod, Osc 1-4 Slop, and Delay All Time
Foot pedal can now be used to start/stop sequencer
Added new cable options for 'MIDI Clock Out' so you can send clock to MIDI Out 1, USB, 2, or 1+2
Sequencer now sends MIDI Start/Stop transport controls by default
Added Slave No Start/Stop option to MIDI Clock Mode to ignore Start/Stop messages
Added new globals:
OLED screen saver on/off
Alternate Tunings (note: not working yet)
MIDI Arp notes
MIDI Program change
Fixed bug: OLED screen never turns off
Fixed bug: Many small sequencer bugs that occur only when specific modes/params are set and actions are triggered
Fixed bug: 11K noise on repeating envelopes
Fixed bug: Realtime recording sync'd Delay pot not recording correct boundaries
Fixed bug: Quarter triplets and 16th triplets slightly off in timing in LFOs
Fixed bug: CV not limited when sequencer source causing refresh problems, now limited to max BPM refresh rate
Fixed bug: When write is active, pressing sequencer exits write but leaves LED on
Fixed bug: When sequencer track has no destination steps can still be recorded to
Fixed bug: When all oscillators selected, live recording of pulse width knob assigns osc all slop to seq track
Fixed bug: When sequencer 32x8, holding 'step 1-16' button and hitting reset causes reset to be set on step 18
Fixed bug: Bank number not stored in playlist after powerdown
Fixed bug: All envelope select screen shows wrong params when Env 5 destination is changed
Fixed bug: Program changes sent on wrong MIDI channel
Fixed bug: Cue/playlist sets 3+4 do not save bank
Fixed bug: Pitch/Mod Wheel and Sliders still send CC when Param Send Off
Fixed bug: Mod wheel occasionally sends a MIDI Reset message when returned to the 0 position
Fixed bug: Revert all not refreshing arp LED
Fixed bug: Delay still outputting in stereo when global set to mono
Fixed bug: Sine waveshape graphic not changing when shape mod changed
Fixed bug: When sequencer in playback, holding a tied step button and pressing a key transposing sequencer, should not do this
Fixed bug: Super waves do not sound correct when modulated, range increased
Fixed bug: Cueing sequenced programs loses sync when externally sync'd
Fixed bug: When pots set to passthru, using 'show' button caused odd behavior and flickering
Fixed bug: Volume pedal changes not persisting across preset changes
Fixed bug: Arp playing first note one too many times when repeat set to value other than 0
Fixed bug: Arp not resetting octave correctly depending on timing
freidimensional schrieb:Einzig die Qualität der Taster hatten es mir nicht so angetan.
Syme0n schrieb:hallo
für den prophet 12 gibts ja ein FM update..warum nicht für den Pro2? und glaubt ihr das komt noch?
freidimensional schrieb:Schon alleine der Cut-Off würde mich vom Kauf abhalten.
Da passiert die erste halbe Umdrehung wirklich rein gar nichts, und dann öffnet sich ruck zuck das ganze Filter.
Ich kann so nicht arbeiten
Jörg schrieb:Ich würde mal fast vermuten dass da irgendein Problem mit dem Exemplar vorliegt.
In der Form ist das jedenfalls Anti-Werbung für einen ansonsten konzeptionell total genialen Synth. Ausgerechnet Cutoff - da greift doch jeder als erstes hin.
Btw., der dort ausgestellte Prophet 6 hatte einen defekten Hochpassfilter. Eine der 6 Stimmen ging sehr früh in die Selbstresonanz, und dann find es auch sofort übel an zu zerren. Der Unterschied zu den anderen 6 Stimmen war so krass, dass der Filter eigentlich gar nicht zu gebrauchen war.