Moogulator schrieb:
porta: es geht hier um quantisiertes portamento?
oder um stufiges ?..
Nein, um eine Art von Bug. Der XT macht ähnliches. So eine Art multiple trigger reset - Portamento. Anders kann ich es nicht beschreiben. Z. B. wenn man Triller spielt, müsste die Tonhöhe im normalen Fall wie ein LFO wandern; tut´s jedoch nicht. Es klingt weder stufig noch quantisiert, sondern strikt abgehakt pro gebundenem Ton. Je weiter die Töne außeinander liegen, desto deutlicher der Unterschied.
Mein OB-8 hat´s nie gemacht, ebensowenig der JP-6. Selbst für den AN1x ist dies kein Thema.
kpr schrieb:
Portamento beim A6 ist meines Wissens bugfree, jedefalls höre ich da nichts, was da nicht hingehört.
Unter den Funktionen spielen Legato und Curve die wahrscheinlich wichtigste Rolle. Hier definierst du halt, ob bei Staccato Spielweise der Effekt ausgeschaltet bleibt oder eben nicht und mit welcher Kurvencharakteristik er einsetzen soll. Auch kann man einen OSC off schalten. Diese Details können zuerst etwas irritieren, wenn man in der Portamentoabteilung noch nicht so zuhause ist, da die alle miteinander in Zusammenhang stehen was das Endresultat betrifft.
Ok, danke für die Info! Sind manche der folgenden Bugs also kein Thema mehr? Das Posting ist noch recht neu (30.11.05)
Bug #1
Title: Square wave duty cycle bug
Description: A setting of 52 is currently the true 50% duty cycle,
rather than 50.
Bug #2
Title: Portamento tracking on unison voices
Description: When using portamento (normal mode) on a mono patch with
unison (2) turned on, it seems that only 1 voice is affected - the other
seems to jump right up/down to the destination pitch. Switch port mode
to 'chord', it works as I expected normal to. Is this a bug?
(checked, however not found on my A6)
Bug #3
Title: VCO Pitch slide
Description: When a note is triggered, the Osc audibly "slides" up to
the new pitch, even with fast engine settings.
Can be reproduced:checked, depends on engine settings and
tuningsettings,therefore to me, no real bug, always could get some extra
attention though -
Bug #4
Title: Sequencer hangs while using the sustain pedal.
Description: Using sustain pedal and Sequencer concurrently causes stuck
notes until the sustain pedal is depressed again.
Bug #5
Title: Dropped NOTE OFF events in MIX mode when using external Sequencer
Description: Notes stick on a midi Sequencer with the A6 in mix mode
logic or cubase.
Bug #6
Title: No polyphonic aftertouch from MIDI input
Description: Described as working in the manual, but not implemented.
Bug #7
Title: "Klicky" envelopes
Description: It is almost impossible to create fast and deep bass sounds
without an audible "klick" sound.
Can be reproduced:when minimum attacktime of 6ms, no problem, therefore
to my opinion,"maybe" bug!, sunny -
Bug #8
Title: Corrupt patch in edit buffer requires a soft reset.
Description: Inadverently loading a bad patch into the edit buffed
causes the synth to crash. Power cycle causes an endless booting loop.
Power cycle after a 10 second wait will sometimes clear the problem. At
other times a soft reset is required.
Bug #9
Title: Audible artifacts in PWM
Description: The status of this as a bug is arguable. Using PWM of any
sort creates audible quantization noise or low freqency digital hash in
the output. Easily heard on the factory preset patch PULSE STRINGS or
most patches with PWM enabled. This problem renders all PWM capabilities
of the synth unuseable IMO. Sounds like a crappy VA.
Problem exists whether PWM is being modded from an LFO, a looping
envelope or an external pedal.
Problem can be somewhat worked around using external HPF. Or using
another synth altogether. Can be reproduced:checked,for this reason a
verysmooth lfo/pwm engine setting has been developped with hardly
noticable difference,fm of pw seems to work better, should get a renewed
attention, sunny
Bug #10
Title: Screen redraws getting dropped
Description: Under certain circumstances, the display does not refresh
when switching to another page. I will try to find a scenario when this
can be consistently reproduced. Low priority.
Can be reproduced:too little info provided therefore couldn't be
(checked, maybe its a result of high processor usage whereby the screen
rightfully doesn't get prioriy, sunny)
Bug #11
Title: Fast filter settings noise on key release
Description: the midrange "grating" or "metallic" noise that can be
heard on key release using bass patches with fast filter settings, e.g.
the Venus Bass patch. the same noise is also apparent in many
high-pitched string patches.
Comments: is this not the PWM problem? - mschultz. perhaps, but it
happens even with PWM disabled - chris.pickett
Can be reproduced:checked, wonder if i mean the same noise/ sound as
you, in my case it dissapeared when the release times where set to a
value of 10ms or bigger(which is a bit long i admit), sunny
Bug #12
Description:autotune doesn't work well enough due to hardware/chip
quality, differences often are too big, manualadjustment possibility of
single oscillators would be neccesary( and spare chip/soundboard
replacements)! maybe user definable savable tuningtables would also do
the trick.
Bug #13
Description:release velocity depending on attackvelocity, specifically,
if struck a note softly, no possibility of release velocity is left, the
two should be uncouppled, b.e. by always letting releasevelocity start
from a standard(127)value and then react depending on the speed of
releasing the key
Bug #14
Description:when fiddling around for some minutes with the envelops and
especially the delaytimes of them , the following happens: delay of
envelope 3 only works propely when also delay on envelop 1 and 2 is set
on times that are bigger then that of the delay of envelope 3 , although
logical in some ways, it's annoying, limiting and unneccesary in most
Bug #15
Title:up/down buttons when saving
Description:when saving a patch in the list, and wanting to select the
place where to save to, the up/down buttons act the other way round (
espec.down instead of up and vise versa)
Bug #16
Title:pw reset
Description: the the wavelevel of the pulse is reset to 50 when changing
the button from on to out and on again, this is inconvenient
Bug #17
Title:Cannot send program data via sysex to edit buffer
Description:When sending a sysex message with opcode 2 (i.e. F0 00 00 0E
1D 02 <editbuf#> <data> F7) the A6 should place the received program in
it's edit buffer. The A6Helper application, written for Alesis, requires
this and the program author's documentation written on behalf of Alesis
suggest this function should work. It does not.
Bug #18__
Title: diverse / 2. objects selected from previous lists
Description: 1 NORM2 envelope mode that's referred to in the manual but
has never functioned differently from NORM1..... number 2. Envelope
Re-triggering/ Implementation of envelope re-triggering in mod-t/g mode