20 track running light Sequencer for Reason/Lemur, sneakpeak




couple of months ago i was working on a Lemur template for the Thor sequencer which i stopped after i realized i would never be able to get the sequences into the Main Sequencer (due to the missing totrack function).

But now Reason gets Midi Out and Rex :)

So i started work on it again ad it turned out to be big (around 30 remote maps). Atm the Lemur controls 20 tracks/instances of the Thor sequencer over two pages (12 Drums and 8 Synth tracks). I also added a Map for the connected devices like Malstroem, Antidote, NN19, and the Mixer so it is a pretty round package. It is still not 100% finnished but close to.

To give you a sneak peak i made a quick video (quick is a joke- took me ages to get it record right). It shows one of the 10 Reason Combis which inherits two Thor Sequencers at a time and the instruments and some crazy routing for special stuff like linking the sequencers, make one transpose the other, trigger sequences only at a certain time etc.). Then i start playing a quick loop and mess around with the template abit. Nothing fancy just to show some stuff it can do.

I think i will upload it in the next weeks with some instruction video. I just need to tweak this and that.


Just to explain a bit whats going on. There are 2 Main Sequencer pages, the one with 12 tracks for Drums (the blue one) and the one with the colored tracks for Synths. Each track is controlling a Thor Sequencer which is then connected to a NN19 (in case of Drumtracks) or a Maelstroem or Antidote (in case of the Synth tracks). Thats why there is also a Maelstroem and Antidote Map aswell as a template for 20 Mixer Channels.
But you can change the Synths as you want.

At the bottom of the two Sequencer Pages are 12 and 8 buttons which are mute buttons for the Sequencers labeled 1-8/12. The drumtracks have a button at the end of a lane of 16 steps which opens the controls for the Thor sequencers with the 16 Faders for each step and all the other functions like running direction, sequencer rate (16th, 8th etc.). Also i have implemented a copy and paste function as well as a randdomzie function.

The first 2 tracks on the drumsquencer eg are linked in a way that track1 plays 3 times then stops and then track two plays. So the bassdrum gets the additional kick every 4 bars. There are different link modes available like abab or aabb etc.
Also every track can be triggered eg every second bar only (like 2 of the drumtracks do). Again there are different modes for this type of triggering like ---x, -x--,-------x etc.
The third form of triggering is Retrigger a track at certain intervalls. There are 9 different Retrigger Pattern (which are editable in the Matrix). All of this can be set on the fly without an further cabling needed.

On the Synth Sequencer you have a small version of the Sequencer Controls allways open but this can be expanded fullscreen too.

Some tracks are set to Pendulum mode thats why the running light goes back and forth.

Track 8 on the Synth Page transposes track 7. It is set to 4 steps and 4/4 so that every bar it transposes track 7.

On the drumtracks there is also a blue 10x12 padbank which triggers all the samples in the connected NN19. When a sample suits you, you can hit select and the sequencer automatically sets the note Nr to trigger that sample.

On the Synth Page there is a keyboard instead which shows the last triggered note nr in order to make it easier to set up the desired note in the sequencer.

The running lights are lagging a bit behind in the video which is due to the recording which is a screen recording.

The whole template is fully bidirectional so when you load up the Reason file it completely reflects the state of all 20 thor-sequencers.

I am still working out a way to facilitate the change between a sequencer track to the corresponding synth tenplate.

Also real swing will be added though this does involve some Res (Now and Later to be specific). Currently i have the Ochen K CV Tuner on all Synths but that is not really needed. And the zvork cb1 which is needed for the transpose feature. Apart from that all the CV mangling is done with Thor.

I am also thinking about implementing a couple of loopers (with Buffre) now that we have devices that can quantize the start of the loop recording. Sadly my Lemur memory is already at 99% and i am fighting with every control added :/

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