VERMONA - fourMulator [Quad Digital LFO]

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VERMONA*modular fourMulator

The fourMulator consists basically of four individual (digital) LFOs and a Clock Generator (CLK section). Each LFO has a waveform switch (ramp up and down, sine, triangle, ractangle and random) and a SPEED controller, which also controls the PHASE shift on LFO 2, 3 and four. There’s a CV- and RESET input as well as a waveform and a trigger output per LFO: - WAVE OUT: gives out the waveform as CV within +/- 5V voltage range - TRIGGER OUT: gives out a trigger signal when the waveform starts anew - CV IN: controls the SPEED resp. SPEED/PHASE controller - RESET: resets the waveform when a gate signal arrives There is an additional RESET input which resets all four LFOs at the same time (if not separately reset).

All four LFOs can be synchronized to a master clock which either can be generated by the internal Clock Generator (labeled with CLK) or an external clock signal. The SPEED controller of a LFO that is synced in this way switches between eight dividers/multipliers:

* whole note
* 1/2 note
* 1/4 note (which is the speed of the internal/external clock)
* 1/4 triplet
* 1/8 note
* 1/8 triplet
* 1/16 note
* 1/32 note

The LFOs 2, 3 and 4 can also be synced to it’s predecessor. In this case the
SPEED/PHASE controller can be used to shift the LFOs phase up to 180° (half waveform). Whenever at lease one LFO is synced to it’s predecessor the TRIG SEQ jack gives out a series of trigger signals which is the sequence of all synced TRIGGER OUT signals.

Technical Specs
* width: 34 HP
* current: 60 mA
* output voltage range: +/- 5V
* trigger impuls: 50ms, 12V min.
* trigger input voltage: +4V
* frequency range: 0,05 Hz - 100 Hz
* D/A converter: 12 bit

* scope of delivery:
4x screws and washers system bus connecting cable 4x patch cable (2x 15 cm, 2x 30 cm)

DAS ist mein mit Abstand am besten verarbeitetes Modul!!! Ganz großes Kino - wirklich! WOW!
Das läßt in der Wertigkeit sogar Cwejman hinter sich - ich bin ehrlich baff.

Nur ein techn. Kritikpunkt: Als LFO dürfte der fourMulator gern längere Zeiten ermöglichen …

Ansonsten - sehr fein!
Schneider hats: ... ourmulator

Vermona hat die Homapage um den Bereich Modular erweitert:

nett anzusehen:

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