" Dear Gearslutterz
Hi, my name's Scotty. I'm the new product manager for guitar and bass at TC Electronic in Denmark.
I've been following this thread about the
June 60 pedal and I just wanted to chime in and clear a couple of things up.
TC Electronic is a part of MUSIC TRIBE, which is owned by Mr. Behringer. This means we have access to an amazing array of shared services within the group such as a wide distribution network and fantastic manufacturing and supply services which let us provide customers with great products but at an affordable price.
However, all TC Electronic products are designed and developed in-house by the same R&D team here in Denmark that brought you all of the great classics which TC have become known for.
The June 60 is a pedal that TC designed to be an excellent retro chorus for guitar and bass. The circuit is based around the chorus from the JUNO but it isn't a clone. We tweaked and changed the circuit to be most suitable for guitar and bass. Having said that, you can use it with keys and synths but it will not be the same as a JUNO. It will be it's own thing, love it or hate it.
It's amazing to be able to read everyone's thoughts about the pedal on here and just to let you know, we do read the forums and we do pay notice to what customers are searching for. It's great to see so much interest surrounding this product and this thread has certainly given us a lot of food for thought.
As for customers still waiting for delivery of their pre-orders, we are trying our best to get the products to you ASAP and we can only apologize for the delay. We hope you will be very happy with your purchase when it arrives.
Best regards
Ehrlich gesagt komme ich mir verarscht vor. Es gibt von TC selber Werbevideos wo sie es als Juno Chorus Klon bewerben etc.
Vom Design und Namen mal ganz abgesehen.Was soll das denn anderes suggerieren?
Und welcher Gitarista gibt einen Pfifferling auf den eingebauten Chorus in einem 80er
Zumal es Millionen Chorus Pedale gibt,die bei Gitaristen sicher besser ankommen.
Allerdings passt seine Aussage schon dazu,dass der ja erst als Mono Effekt geplant war.
Bei Thomann schon im Abverkauf für 36,- obwohl noch garnicht wirklich verfügbar...