Tasty Chips GR1 Granular Sampler (V2.62 Stand 9/22)

Das dann in 3.0 (aus Facebook-Post von Tasty Chips als Antwort auf User-Frage zu neuen Features)

GR-1 Firmware 3.0.0 - Release date xx xxx 2025

The big file handling overhaul..

New features:
- Save popup for quick internal storage and naming of all entities: sample, patch, performance, multi, using just a single screen. Only the sample data type will defer to the filechooser.
- The performance list allows you to easily load and save performances internally, without browsing with the file chooser.
- Named performances.
- Boot up with your last used performance.
- Ability to store patches "and samples internally.
- File manager: rename, copy, delete files, and create new folders.
- 4 Multi Timbral (MT) presets per performance. When [Play] is off, use [Shift] + [Bank1234] to change MT preset.
- Factory reset - restores default performance, reset system settings, and deletes _all_ user data
- System menu - Shutdown button to safely shutdown and avoid any possible data corruption.
- Are you sure? popups for practically all destructive actions.
- "Busy/working" popups for loads and saves, and "xx% done" popups for copying large amounts of files.
- Text edit - Use horizontal fader to move through alphabet.
- Text edit - Shift + Encoder push to enter space.
- Text edit - Shift + Escape to delete character.
- File chooser - Select USB stick + [Shift] + push (Select) -> unmount
- File chooser - shows file sizes.

- Performance menu ([Shift] + [Perf]) now leads to 3 sub menus : a list of performances, system settings, and the file manager.
- System settings are now saved separately and system-wide, instead of inside each performance.
- Harmonized look for all menus: all selectable widgets can have a white rectangle around them to select.
- High contrast color scheme, and bigger fonts in menus: much improved readability without sacrificing looks.
- Samba file sharing now has to be enabled manually in System menu. This is done to avoid corruption.
- File chooser speedups.
- Removed incremental saves, as inquiry amongst users revealed this feature is rarely used.
- Slightly faster loads of patches and performances.

Bug fixes:
- File chooser - "SAMPLES" detection was broken.
- #996 play-mode part could "duck" when playing midi chord progressions on other part
- #995 Patch that was saved while recording, will start recording when recalled _twice_ in a row.
- #949 - save filechooser - a file could be "entered" like it was a folder

Known issues:
- Clicks in distortion FX (similar to snare instrument pick up noise) when multiple voices triggering/releasing..
- No visual feedback on a bunch of CC's.
- Freeze on first USB plug after firmware update (a very old one).

Ob das dann schon alles sein wird? Immerhin muss sich der GR-1 gegen den Torso S4 behaupten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ob das dann schon alles sein wird? Immerhin muss sich der GR-1 gegen den Torso S4 behaupten.
Ich denke, es werden sich nur relativ wenige wegen neuer Firmware für den einen oder anderen entscheiden. Ein Großteil der GR-1 ist schon gekauft. Aus meiner Sicht ist das echt Bestandskunden-orientierter Service.

