SVXC is a micro compo for SunVox! The goal is to have a new round every month, with diverse challenges suggested by fellow SunVox users, with one week of working time. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may enter in any one of these rounds that you wish.
General rules:
- Files must be shareable on Discord. This means a max file size of 25mb. If the file is too large, try compressing it
- Entries that are published online before the competition are not allowed (Don't re-use your songs)
- Only one entry allowed per person (including collabs), per challenge
- Vocals are fine, but keep it SFW (Safe For Work)
- Please be mindful of others with sensitive hearing. This means please try to avoid high pitched, piercing sounds, and excessive clipping on the Output module
- No theoretical CPU limit, but keep in mind that some users may want to open up your project in SunVox. Some users have phones, some users have older computers. Please don't destroy anyone's CPU
- Do not publicly submit an entry, as this will result in disqualification. Please follow the below procedure for submission.
- To submit an entry, you can either send me a Direct Message on Discord with the file, or send me a Private Message on the forums with a link to your entry. All entries must still be under 25mb, even if submitted through the forum
Note: The rules below can be overridden by Challenge rules.
- Any modules, any genre, any length (within reason)
- Please give your entry an adequate title (Official SunVox Compo format): SunVox -> Main Menu -> Song Properties. Name format: Author - Song Name
Round 6 challenge!
Only one challenge this round! Make a song in SunVox with only 10 modules!
10 modules maximum (Output module is not counted towards the total)
No metamodules allowed
No Sampler modules allowed
No Vorbis modules allowed
Anything else is fair game!
Dates and Deadlines
Deadline for submission is Sunday, September 10 at 05:00 UTC
By participating, you consent to your tracks being broadcast by YouTube stream, at the designated time, and to your tracks being distributed on the forums, the SunVox Music Discord server, and the SunVox SandBox Discord server.
Please consider joining the SunVox SandBox server, the official home of the SVXC!
On Discord you can find me as SawZer
EDIT: Updated filesize maximum to 25mb to reflect Discord's recent change