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was ich eher meinte ist die Probability, dass ein Step gespielt wird!
Also schon grade Takte, 16 Steps, jedoch als Beispiel für Step 4+ 8 30% Probability, dass er getriggert wird!
Woraus ja dann zig Variationen entstehen, im selben Pattern ( für Percussions z.Bsp. )
Anhang anzeigen 26909
Du könntest einen CV Output der BoB als Gate definieren, so bekommst du höhere Gate outputs:coole neue Webseite und schicke Holzwangen im Angebot
Frage an die Experten:
Warum programmiert Colin die Gateoutputs nicht auch auf 10, 12 und 15 Volt (wie beim Kenton Interface), so dass man auch ARP2600 und Odyssey (original) sowie Roland System100 und 100m problemlos steuern kann.
Ich würd die CV/Gate Option sofort kaufen aber mit nur 5 Volt Gate völlig uninteressant.
Hat jemand einen guten Draht zu Colin und kann das mal abfragen?
http://files.sequentix.com/beta/v1.15-readme.txtThe v1.15 build is here mainly for testing of specific fixes before the full revision list will be posted
You can try it if you're feeling adventurous, but there may well be incremental updates in the next week
so don't rush to install if you have urgent tracks to finish...
http://files.sequentix.com/beta/cirkos-revision-history-from-v1.08.txtv1.15 - 16/12/17
fixed display glitch on quant%/note% tcv values
fixed ganged edit of delay in CK edit missing simultaneous events
improved DIN sync startup relative timing of signal edges
added default note and default pattern type values to instrument def
fixed re-select current step not resetting p3 step-time record position
fixed grab of aux status track order limitation
revised LED refresh code for reduced CPU load
increased encoder scan rate
added Env 'law' option for CV output to operate as ADSR envelope
note range controls range of notes that will gate EG
gate retrig option enables envelope retrig
ctrl# sets base CC number for EG parameters:
Attack=<cc>, Decay=<cc+1>, Sustain=<cc+2>, Release=<cc+3>
cvio data calculation and transfer optimisation
cvio and dmux latency comp delay re-written using packet-based queues
added CVIO 1v calibration page - from CVIO config, SHIFT + INSERT to access
measure voltage between CV out 1 and 2 with accurate multimeter
adjust 1v calibration value, then SAVE to set default scaling for vscale 10000
added latency matching delay parameters to Raw SYX dump
added legacy p3 record note lengths option - hold SHIFT then press "length" option
in record menu; * shown next to off/tie options; does not apply to 'long' option
fixed odd scene xpos values in .CKS output
fixed possible duplicate pattern name, when re-naming to existing edit copy name
fixed CK grid not redrawn when new row is fixed in "add/edit rows"
fixed filtering of repeat CC values for CC 6/38 not applied when NPRN/RPN in use
fixed possible crash for pattern playing with unassigned instrument
CVIO firmware update
- link protocol re-designed for interrupt driven read
- 1v calibration value stored in CVIO EEPROM
test envelope generator CV output
added CK edit, tails of notes lasting from before bar start appear on grid
added "MIDI tuning received" popup
v1.13f2 - 11/8/17
fixed JSON "fill_release" value load error
- 16-48 CV/8-24 Gate/DIN/32?DrumTrigger/6 USB I/O
more cv outs possible?In theory the bus that carries data from the main CPU to the CVIO CPU could address more than one board.
There's not much space inside to carry more CVIO circuitry.
There's also a hit on data transfer speed if you carry more outputs, with the bus speed limited by the CVIO CPU.
It's possible the internal CVIO board might be replaced with an ARM-based SPI hub, with external connections for 2 or 3 CVIO boards replacing the analogue bus connector.
Those CVIO boards would then need to sit inside a BOB.
The hub board could speak to the main CPU at a much higher speed, keeping the transfer rate to each CVIO board the same as for an internal board.
Could be a project for the long winter nights...
Der Midibox Seq V4. Mit 8 CV/Gate und 64 Trigger Out.
gemacht hast kannst du ja jederzeit einfach/schnell die verschiedenen Versionen installieren (wechseln).*** ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE UPDATING THE OS ***
Use the "SAVE Raw SYX dump" option to ensure all data and configuration
settings can be restored