Es gibt ein Update der Software. Neben beseitigten Fehlern gibt es nun endlich die Möglichkeit Aftertouch und Velocity in der Stärke einzustellen. Zuvor war Aftertouch auf Modulation für ein sanftes, einblendendes Vibrato nicht zu gebrauchen.
Und man kann die Q Kompensation nun per Patch in 9 Stufen einstellen.
Und man kann die Q Kompensation nun per Patch in 9 Stufen einstellen.
Newest Prophet 5/10 Main OS 2.0.4 and Panel OS 1.1.3
Newest Prophet 5/10 Main OS 2.0.4 and Panel OS 1.1.3
P5/10 Main 2.0.4 / Panel 1.1.3 Changelog
New Feature: Q Compensation adjustable per patch
New Feature: Adjustable Velocity and Aftertouch Amounts per patch
New Feature: High Note Priority Added for UNISON
New Feature: Link Layers by holding UNISON and pressing PRESET, changes to panel will affect both layers simultaneously
Bug Fix: Module Only - Certain params being set to 0 when Live Panel mode entered, regardless of physical pot position
Bug Fix: AT/Velocity/Voice Allocation settings not retained after power cycling if an alternate tuning is selected
Bug Fix: in split mode, value indicator LED only shows stored value for layer A
Bug Fix: No MIDI control to indicate switch between layer A/B in stack/split mode - Assigned to CC80
Bug Fix: reduce unison detune on 2nd voice card in Unison 2 mode
Bug Fix: After the Mac comes out of sleep mode, MIDI not transmitted from the synth via USB until USB cable removed/reinserted.