New Spectralis Firmware Upgrade

Kleine Info f

Kleine Info für Spectralis User hier im Forum - es gibt ein neues und recht umfangreiches Spectralis Firmware Upgrade im spectralis forum unter

Hier - in englisch - ein paar der wichtigsten Neuerungen:

Firmware 095

New Songversions with song chains and some reworked or new patterns:
New Soundsets - DSP synth soundbank already includes some extra PHat sounds using the new unisono detune function. All sounds beginning with "u_" are using these new parameters.

After updating and copying all files you should reboot your speckie to make all new sounds available.

It took a little bit longer to finish the current firmware. But we also added much more features, than originally planned:
[last update october, 4th, 2005]

Init Defaults now user configurable
You can define a pattern as your default settings definition file, which will be used after delete pattern commands or when starting with an empty pattern. Just save a pattern with your desired settings. Save the new default pattern, connect your spectralis to the computer and make a copy of this pattern to your computer harddisk. Now rename this pattern to DEFAULT.SPT and copy the new file to the root directory of the spectralis Flash ROM. That's it. The sounds-zip file above already contains a default pattern and will define basic sound selections and mixer settings.
Hybrid Synth:
added additional Edit pages for the filter section LFO's. They now also offer enveloped depth control.

Sample Start Point Animation for more liveliness.
Unisono 2, Unisono 4 and Unisono 8 Voice modes with detune.
New reworked voice allocation avoids truncated pad sounds.
Spectralis Minikeyboard support for all recording modes. Just select the recording mode like before. The keyboard will then mapped to the num-buttons automaticly.
Song memory increased to 32 Songs (17 - 32 via Shift +1-16). Let us know, if you need more;-)
Enhanced Tapping Mode- allows to trigger the chords directly via the [Fhift] + num-buttons [1]-[16].

Song Chain Editor
with settings for mutings, solo, transpose and pattern selection per step. Up to 499 songsteps are allowed per song.
Press the [song]-button in the num button assignment section and then
[Edit] with the soft encoder button underneath the display. Now just start to change the first songstep by selecting the desired pattern with the [num]-buttons. You can change the mute-, solo- and transpose-settings by holding the according buttons [mute], [solo] and [transpose] down while changing the settings with the [num]-buttons. In the display menu you can set the length of this songstep by changing the number of repeats this pattern will do until the next songstep. (please refer to the pattern edit function to change the length of the pattern and refer to the motif edit menu to decide, whether a motif will be looped, played one shot only etc. at programmed songsteps.)
If satisfied with the songstep simply press [enter] to jump to the next songstep. The new songstep will automaticly have the same settings than the step before. That makes it very easy to create some mute/solo/transpose variations. However - you can change all settings for each songstep.
At the second songstep editor page, one can also insert or delete songsteps.
With the Tempo/Shuttle-Encoder you can simply navigate thru the entire song. Be careful! A song has a limited number of songsteps. (499).
Song Playback button assignment
When in song playback mode, the transport section has the following button assignment:
[Play] starts the song at the current position - always at the beginning of a songstep.
[Play] during playback stops the song and memorizes the current song-position.
[Stop] - one time during playback stops the song but keeps the songposition in memory
[Stop] - when the Sequencer is stopped: sets the play position to the songstart.
[Page-Up] - when the Sequencer is stopped: the song step number will be increased by one.
when the Sequencer is running: Will jump to the next songstep, when the current bar end is reached. Can be used multiple times to jump more steps ahead.

[Page-Down] - when the Sequencer is stopped: the song step number will be decreased by one.
- when the Sequencer is running: Will jump back one songposition after the current bar completed.

You can directly switch from song mode to pattern mode to set the current songstep into a "repeating forever" mode. You can change the patterns and mixer setting etc. At the end you can simply jump back into the song and play the songstructure til the end.

Pattern length can now be edited
One can now adjust the pattern length. Please check these parameters before using the song-editor. The song editor reads the length of the patterns and adjusts automaticly the songstep length according to the selected pattern. Select [pattern] inside the num-button assignment section and then [Edit] underneath the display. There you can select the length of the pattern. Please remember - the motif length are independent from this setting. (Please refer to the motif edit section, how the motif settings change the way, a motiv will be played within the pattern.)
These settings are also changing the way, a pattern is played in the pattern JAM mode.
Motif edit
A motif can have a pattern independet length. The motifs can be played in loop, can be restarted at the first note at every pattern repeat or can be played only at the first pattern repeat one time.
Select [Motif] inside the num-button assignment section. Press edit inside the motif display menu. Now you can choose the motif running mode with the soft encoder.
Better pattern switching functionality
Switching to another pattern will activate release phase on tones, which were hold according the note-length in former versions resulting in clusters sometimes;-)
Step-Sequencer Step Info function
You can check a step value by hitting [Shift] + [Encoder-Button] of the desired step to see it's value.
Drum Groove exchange
Allows to select a drum groove from other songs/patterns and copies the data into the current pattern.
Pattern Type definition
Allows to set a pattern to intro, ending, fill, bridge, verse and chorus mode. Will later be used for auto song creation and better pattern jam mode.
Direct access to motifs from other songs/patterns
Allows to select motifs with the num buttons. Display encoder allows to select a song as the source and the num buttons are recalling motifs from the according patterns.
Motif selection with original sound
You can now switch between original and current sound, if you select a motif.

New Muting and Solo functionality. Former versions only muted the next MIDI Note On Message. The new version mutes also the audio directly for better usability.
Part Activity Monitor
Shows note triggers with the num-button LEDS by pressing Shift + Mixer-Button.
Temporary Solo in Part Activity Monitor
Pressing a num-button in part activity monitor mode, the according part will play solo until you release the num-button again.
Temporary Part Activity Display
The Part Activity Monitor on the Num-Buttons can temporarily be activated by holding down the [shift] button.

Dynamic Sample Loading
Sample sets can now be declared as "dynamic" by setting the archive bit of the sampleset. These samplesets will only be loaded, if one selects a sound, using this sample or if one selects a song, where these samples are in use. The setting, whether a sampleset will act dynamic or permanent can be edited inside the browse function of the spectralis. Hitting [enter] above a browsed sample set toggles between permanent and dynamic loading mode.
Help System
You can recall some infos on parameters in display menues by holding down shift and tapping on the encoder, that controls the parameter. The text will appear inside the display and sometimes contains a complete description of what the parameter exactly does. Additional text lines can be selected with the [page-up] and [page-down] buttons.
Customized text notes for Pattern and Songs.
These notes can be recalled by pressing [Shift] + [Pattern] and [Shift] + [Song].
Recallable Log Files
Error Messages like an info about missing samples can be recalled by using [Shift] + [Page down]
Parameter Default Recall
By holding Shift and instead of tapping on a parameter but holding it down two seconds, the parameter will be set to a default value.
Init functions for sounds, motifs and patterns.
Sounds can be initialised by holding [Shift] and pressing [Init].
Pattern and motifs can be initialised inside their edit menues.
Ram Disk removed to free some memory
The RAM disk had 32 MB and was only important for firmware updates. We removed the RAM disk to free memory for samples.
The USB acivity LED has been moved from [Save] to the [b[Shift][/b]-button.

irgendwie iss mein letzteres erstmal nix so zeitintensiv ( F

irgendwie iss mein letzteres erstmal nix so zeitintensiv ( Freundin ), dass ich kaum zum Firmware updaten komme :)
aber am Freitag dann .. *freu* :twisted:
und immer noch nicht bei 1.0

man o man

das liest sich

und immer noch nicht bei 1.0

man o man

das liest sich ja echt wiedermal super und bitte schwärmen wie es ist ;-)

wer es denn zu hause desten kann :roll:
