Bitwig 3.2



New Device: EQ+ (EQ)
  • EQ driven by new algorithms and a unique style of graphic interface
  • 14 filter mode types for each band
  • Global frequency Shift and Gain controls for moving all bands together
  • Adaptive-Q option, narrowing the Q of bands as their gain increases
  • Clicking on the EQ curve creates a new band (eight bands max)
  • Clicking on the selected band's audition target soloes that band while the mouse/touch is held
  • Numeric controls for the selected band are shown (with all bands displayed in the Inspector)
  • Expanded Device View for large/detachable version of the graphical editor (with all bands displayed in the Device Panel)
  • EQ curve is shown on a rainbow spectrum, with each band's color set by its frequency [Note: other devices also use this spectrum for frequency controls]
New Device: Saturator (Destruction)
  • Unique signal shaper that works in the log domain (like us )
  • Basic panel interface with transfer function display, Drive amount, Normalize option, and low-pass controls for just saturated portion of the signal
  • Expanded curve editor that provides:
    • Quiet and loud Threshold settings, to define each end of the sound
    • Quiet and loud Amount settings, controlling how the signal is proportionately changed beyond each Threshold
    • Quiet and loud Knee settings, for how gradual each transition is
    • Three Skew controls, for making the loud Threshold, Amount, and Knee controls apply differently to positive and negative amplitudes
    • An interactive log display of these controls and the incoming signal
  • New Grid module: Saturator (Shaper) - module version of the device, allowing for polyphonic applications in The Grid
Updated Device: Arpeggiator (Note FX)
  • Each step now has a pitch offset slider (in addition to the velocity and note length controls)
  • New Humanize parameter randomizes velocities and step start times and lengths (either earlier or later)
  • Nine new Pattern options, for 17 in total
  • Rate can now be set in milliseconds
  • Micro-pitch expressions are now tracked for each note
  • Poly Pressure to Velocity option replaces initial note velocities with any polyphonic pressure message (like those from MPE controllers) received
  • Added option to Allow Overlapping Notes
  • Trigger Immediately option allows notes to start off the beat grid
Updated Devices: Selectors (Container) Get Voice Modes
  • Instrument Selector, Note FX Selector, and audio FX Selector now have voice modes in the Inspector for cycling thru the available layers in various ways
  • Modes (and example uses) include:
    • Manual (same as the current behavior) - Target layer is set by user, controller, modulator, and/or automation
    • Round-robin - New note triggers the next layer (for notes in series, or individual notes within a chord)
    • Free Voice - New note uses the first free layer (ideal for loading multiple layers with HW CV Instrument to create polyphony with Eurorack hardware)
    • Random - New note randomly selects a layer (nice with a pile of different audio FX)
    • Keyswitches - Designated notes set the target layer (you define the lowest keyswitch; so if set to note C2 and the Selector has 3 layers, C2 switches to layer 1, C#2 switches to layer two, and D2 switches to layer 3). Good for film scoring with different sounds and articulations.
    • CC - Designated continuous controller sets target layer (you define a continuous controller [default CC1 - mod wheel], whose full range will morph evenly thru all layers). For example, using mod wheel to cycle thru various note FX.
    • Program Change - PC messages set the target layer (program change messages map directly to each layer). Common output from pedal controllers, etc.
  • Other than Manual, all other modes are aware of the layer count. So adding or removing layers will just work without additional configuration.
Delay Options, for Evolving Sounds
  • New device: Note Delay, to delay an entire device chain/layer either in beats or seconds
  • ADSR, AHDSR & Note Sidechain modulators: now have a Pre-delay option for delaying their start either in beats or seconds
  • New Grid module: Logic Delay (Logic), for delaying the high- or low-logic portion of gate signals
  • New modulator: AHD on Release (Envelope), a triggered envelope that launches at note off
Other New Features
  • New Grid module: XP (Filter) - a modulatable filter with key tracking and 15 modes, including combos
  • New Grid module: Array (Data) - a recordable sequencer, for keeping track of up to 1024 events, notes, velocities, or anything else
  • New Grid module: N-Latch (Logic) - tracks the last trigger received from up to eight inputs, for an exclusive solo-type relationship
  • Frequency parameters (particularly filter and tuning settings) are now consistently colored with a rainbow spectrum, to help form sonic muscle memory. This is used by at least one parameter in the following:
    • Instruments: E-Clap, E-Cowbell, E-Kick, E-Snare, E-Tom, FM-4, Phase-4, Polysynth, Sampler
    • FX: Chorus, Comb, De-Esser, EQ+, EQ-2, EQ-5, Filter, Ladder, Phaser, Resonator Bank, Ring-Mod, Test Tone
    • Modulators: Audio Rate, HW CV In
  • Mixer View now has mini displays of various devices, showing EQ curves (for EQ+, EQ-5, and EQ-2) or gain reduction amounts (for Compressor, De-Esser, Dynamics, Gate, and Peak Limiter)
  • Drum Machine device: now supports internal audio returns
  • In The Grid : dropping a sample into a Grid patch creates a Sampler module with that audio
  • Drum Machine device: drum cells now swap when dragged on top of each other
  • EQ-5 and EQ+ devices: spectrum analyzers now have Resolution and fall Speed controls
  • Spectrum device & Grid module: now have Resolution, fall Speed, Tilt, Scale, Range, and drawing Style controls
  • Tool device: now has an additional Volume control that bottoms out at silence
  • Steps (Data) Grid module - new Interpolation option, for crossfading between step values; also a great way to create a lookup table
  • AD (Envelope) Grid module - new Looping option, to repeat the envelope if the gate signal (often the key) is still held down when the envelope completes
  • Audio engine: better parameter automation for VST2 and VST3 plug-ins (they now update at least every 64 samples)
  • When dragging multiple notes, small chords (up to four notes) will preview all notes; larger chords will sound only the note clicked on
  • When moving multiple notes with the keyboard, only the earliest note will sound
  • The left/right edge of the clip's loop region can be dragged in the Detail Editor Panel (even when the edge is offscreen)
  • Note and clip stretching targets (left and right edges) are a bit wider
  • Both Arranger clips and cue markers can now be renamed with the standard command
  • User files can be renamed within the Browser Panel
  • Time selections display their length in minutes and seconds in the Inspector Panel
  • New preference for whether clicking a mixer solo button should disable all other solos ("exclusive solo") or not. Shift-click performs the inverse behavior.
  • New preference for whether middle mouse button drags will just pan in note editors, or pan and zoom
  • ControlSurface API version 11:
    • Hardware controllers using the new API now have sub-buffer accuracy and no jitter when controlling parameters
    • Manual MIDI mappings in a project now have lower latency, sub-sample accuracy, and no jitter when controlling parameters
    • Now possible to map controls to MIDI pitch bend messages
    • Ability to choose between physical or logical knob/slider for a mapping in mapping browser
    • Ability to decide if a MIDI note mapping applies always or only when it is used for note input
  • Instrument Selector device: playing the same notes on different channels created stuck notes
  • Fixed ghost note with some plug-ins when overlapping notes where played
  • Fixed incorrect value on polyphonically modulated indexed controls
  • Ignore mapping low level MIDI events that we detect are used for touch or release of a control

"Spectrum device & Grid module: now have Resolution, fall Speed, Tilt, Scale, Range, and drawing Style controls"

Na endlich. :weich:

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