Paul Schreiber wird wohl Frac Version seiner MOTM Module zeigen, erst einmal nur 4 Stück. Übrigens in SMT Technik, d.h. die Module werden auch günstiger werden.
[AH] MOTM in Frac
Paul Schreiber <synth1@airmail.net>
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 00:55:03 -0600
I'm going to wait until the NAMM show to "formally announce". I'm not the 'outlet', Analog Haven will be. I will have basic info on my site, but the ordering/shipping/pricing will all be through them. The modules are in prototype form (in fact I get the first stuffed pc boards tomorrow!) and the panels at NAMM are 1-off engravings using Front Panel Express ($100 each...gack!).
Right now, it's is *not* the full line of all the modules. And, it's not necessarily an exact 1:1 translation due to the panel size restrictions (in come cases, the Frac modules have added features). But the "guts" of the circuitry is is same (just in SMT).
The beauty of SMT is that once the pc boards are fabbed (they are about 1/3 the size of MOTM pc boards) and the parts bought (most SMT parts come 3,000 on a reel), I can have *18 months* of pc boards made in *1 day*. So I don't forsee any long-term delivery issues once the initial run is completed. This will be around the 1st week of March. The front panels will be the pacing item (they are painted and screened the same as the MOTM panels are). I already have the pots, jacks and the custom molded knobs (they are the Rogan 'Soft Touch' knobs, very nice feel) in stock and ready to go. I will have 4 Frac modules at NAMM and there are 4 others I have to build and test.
In the future, Analog Haven may elect to have me offer more than these initial 8. It will depend on the demand, so save that tax refund!
Paul S.