MPC Battery I - kostenloses Sample Pack

Hallo Allerseits,

aktuell habe ich ein kostenloses Sample Pack für MPCs, Battery, Maschine und dergleichen hochgeladen.
Der eine oder andere hier kann sicherlich etwas damit anfagen? :)


Free sample pack for Akai MPC and Native Instruments Battery + Maschine
and all other samplers able to import wave samples

by Marco Scherer (plasticAge music),

There are many MPC sample packs out there but every time I download one I feel that they underutilise the capabilities the MPC offers. So I decided to create a pack that makes extensive use of the MPC's filters, envelopes, LFOs, effects, loop, etc.

The pack consists of 10 drumkits and 24 synth patches, where mostly all kits have their very own effect settings and offer several variations. Altogether 34 kits, 52 variations and 413 samples. Furthermore some of the kits come with a demo loop. The kits were created on a MPC1000 but are compatible to the MPC500, MPC2500, MPC4000 and MPC5000.

Everyone who doesn't own a MPC has the option to download the pack in Battery 3 format. Be ensured that the kits make use of Battery's features as well. But even if you don't use a MPC or Battery - just download it and load the samples into your own favorite sampler. The samples come in WAV format in 16 bit and 44.1 KHz and are compatible to any sampler I know of. All tonal samples have their root key in the filename.

Feel free to download and share the pack with everyone you know. But please be so kind and leave some feedback. The more feedback I get the bigger is the chance for another free sample pack.

Get the pack here:

Besides doing sounddesign jobs in 2000 he started spinning and producing Psytrance music, always touched by deep tribal rhythms and hard rocking grooves. Meanwhile he is playing dj sets and live gigs worldwide.

He is producer of the pumping psychedelic project Meller, with loads of releases on labels like AP Records, Tribal Vision, Millennium, Tatsu, Jum Jam, Crotus, Plusquam and others.

With his project Villa Violet he is exploring the deeper Techno-based area of his mind.

Since 2010 he is writing articles for the German music magazine "BEAT".
1A, gibt nur hier und da paar sachen wo es hakt bei JJOS XL auf meiner MPC2500. Bei einigen Synth sounds ist der cutoff voll runtergezogen. Da musste ich erst den slider fuer cutoff programmieren damit ich was hoeren kann, nix weltbewegendes. Die sounds sind durchweg sehr gut. Bei einigen Drumsamples ist ein leichter Hall drauf der mir sehr gefaellt, was ist das fuer ein Hall?
Hallo Core,

die Samples selbst haben an sich keinen Reverb, stellenweise liegen sie aber auf einem Effektweg mit dem MPC internen Reverb. Da ich einige der Samples aber auch schon vor sehr langer Zeit aufgenommen habe, möchte ich jetzt nicht beschwören, dass nicht noch eins mit eingerechnetem Reverb dabei ist :roll:


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