Logic Pro X 10.4.2


Bass Junkie
..jetzt erhältlich, falls es wen interessiert.
Ist diesmal ein subtiles Update welches Hauptsächlich mit Leistungsverbesserung und Bugfixes daherkommt.

Jedoch wurden einige schöne neue Features beigefügt im Mixer, Tempo & Co.

• The Sound Library can be relocated to an external storage device
• Smart Tempo can analyze tempo data across multi-track recordings to define the Project Tempo
• Imported multi-track stems can follow or define Project Tempo
• Smart Tempo now analyzes the tempo of MIDI performances recorded without a metronome
• Alchemy provides drag and drop hot zones that let you select re-synthesis and sampling options while importing audio

• Alchemy allows numerical editing of parameter values
• Dragging one automation point over another now aligns them vertically
• New mixer mode allows channel strip fader and pan controls to be used to set send level and pan
• Automatic Slurs can be applied to selected notes in the Score Editor
• Add a photo to track or project notes to help remember key session details or studio hardware settings
• This update also contains numerous stability and performance improvements
