The Mix
"The Mix" is a new Kling Klang Studio studio live album which was released 1991. With the new tapeless studio Kraftwerk worked on this product. An album where they used the original Musik Data Files remixed with new sound material on all the tracks such as "The Robots", "Radioactivity" or "Homecomputer". New beats and electronic sounds were created, without losing the spirit of the compositions.
Kraftwerk updated their material with new mixing techniques, ("The studio is our instrument"). The way in which they used these techniques in the studio and on stage, mixing sampled elements and sequenced synthesizers in real time with human and synthetic voices, was in fact very similar to what is known today as "Live-PA" in the DJ culture.
Will sagen: Mund halten, wenn man keine Ahnung hat. Das ist u. a. ein Grund, warumich mich vor Jahren zurückgezogen hatte.