SoundCloud hat meinen neuen Track entfernt, weil
"...might contain or be a copy of *"Free Way" by Dany Cohiba, which is owned by Plusquam Records in certain territories.
As a result, your track has been removed from your profile for the time being.
– Wait SoundCloud, I think I have the rights to this!
If you think we've made a mistake, you can tell us about it by following the link below and filing a dispute. You can file a dispute if:
• we've wrongly identified the track
• we've correctly identified the track, but you have the rights to post this to SoundCloud - for example, because you are the copyright owner or have permission from the copyright owner(s).
If either of these things apply to you, tell us about it here:
To learn more about copyright, please visit our copyright information page: soundcloud....
Thank you,
The SoundCloud Copyright team"
*Nie von dem gehört. Eben die Tracks verglichen, ich dachte schon es würde wenigstens irgendwelche Ähnlichkeiten geben, aber das klingt ja überhaupt nicht nach meinem Track.
Jetzt Beschwerde eingelegt, mal schauen was wird.